Sagittarius february 1 birthday horoscope

Lucky color

What are you waiting for? Your personalized zodiac horoscope is just a click away! Take this in-depth four elements personality quiz to understand it. Try The Karma Quiz Now!! Take The Test Now!! Test Now! Share Facebook Twitter Pinterest. Do You Have Good Karma? What Color Matches Your Personality? Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Your motivations come from your family heritage and you are very strong on your life principles. Prepare to read an outstanding personality report below. The zodiac sign for December 1 is Sagittarius.

Astrological symbol: Archer. This symbol suggests high purpose, creativity and ambition. It is characteristic for people born between November 22 and December 21 under the Sagittarius zodiac sign. It lies between Scorpius to the West and Capricornus to the East on an area of square degrees. The brightest star belongs to an asterism called Teapot. In Greece it is called Toxotis and in France goes by the name Sagittaire but the Latin origin of the December 1 zodiac sign, the Archer is in the name Sagittarius.

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Opposite sign: Gemini. Partnerships between the Sagittarius and Gemini sun signs are considered auspicious and the opposite sign reflects upon the surrounding eccentricity and joyfulness. Modality: Mobile.

Sagittarius Weekly Astrology Video Feb 1 8 2013

The quality reveals the modest nature of those born on December 1 and their strength and warmth regarding most life events. Ruling house: The ninth house. This means that Sagittarius is inclined to travel a lot, take life as a permanent adventure.

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  • This is the house of long distance journeys but also of higher philosophies and education. Ruling body: Jupiter. This planetary ruler suggests wealth and eloquence. Jupiter is one of the seven classical planets that is visible to the naked eye. It is also relevant to mention about the amicability component. Element: Fire. This element is considered to make people born on November 1 enthusiastic and warm but also offers them the confidence to pursue their endeavors. Lucky day: Thursday. Under the governing of Jupiter, this day symbolizes experience and idealism.

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    It is suggestive for the Sagittarius natives who are intellectual. People born on December 1 can be defined as aspiring, inspired and refined. Just like a true Sagittarius they can be very romantic and charming. Maybe because they have such a great inspiration and can dance around words in the most enticing manner. They enjoy reading about philosophical and psychological ideas and journeying to discover other cultures. They hate routine and ignorance. The best setting for those born under this sign is somewhere then can fight for something but also motivate others.

    Positive traits: Sociable but frank, these natives have a great sense of ethic and justice.

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    Sagittarius people are usually affectionate, dependable and generous with the majority of people they know, unless someone disappoints them. That's when they turn the cold shoulder and move on. Those born under this sign are also witty, humorous and lively, they never seem to get any time off and are the spirit of every social gathering. Negative traits: Impractical, often too proud and conceit at times, these natives often act foolish without even realizing it. They prefer to put themselves on a high pedestal because of their fiery nature and don't accept that others might be right and they might be wrong.

    They act hastily and lose all control when things don't go as they anticipated they would. They are quick to accept any competition and battle but sure don't know the meaning of fair play and can be extremely resentful when at loss. Lovers born on December 1 are romantic and passionate. As Sagittarius natives they aim high in all matters of life, therefore they are also very pretentious when it comes to love. For this ambitious native, love and commitment is placed somewhere second place and the one standing beside them should be prepared to understand and support them unconditionally.

    You can conquer the heart of Sagittarius if you check a lot of the items on their list of attributes their significant other should have. They are persons of extremes in love and sometimes this attitude will make them prone to disappointment.

    Daily Horoscope

    They are likely to fall in love at a young age as they are attractive and positive persons. Regarding their family life they will marry when they are completely ready and they will probably be a cool parent if they choose to have a one big family. They are most compatible with those born on 4th, 6th, 8th, 13th, 15th, 17th, 22nd, 24th, 26th, and 31st. December 1 Zodiac people seem to be most attracted to the other fire signs: Aries and Leo as they tend to share the same vision of life. In love, Sagittarius is in a permanent search for a lively, creative and communicative partner and the most suitable to offer them this is the native born under Gemini.

    Love and Compatibility for December 1 Zodiac

    The lover in Sagittarius is said to be least compatible with Scorpio. As for the rest of partnerships between the other star signs and Sagittarius, you know what they say, stars predispose but people dispose. Purple, as a hue, combines peaceful and cool blue with fiery heated red in a mysterious hue. This zodiac color should be used for objects that are sitting in places where these natives spend most of their time.

    Daily Horoscope | New York Post

    People who have purple as sign color are wise persons, perfectionists and humanitarians. Their whole life is dedicated to the strive to become the best of what they think they should be. The rich and majestic purple empowers the ambitious native. The serene Turquoise is the representative Sagittarius birthstone for those born under the December 1. Turquoise symbolizes achievement and glory. This zodiac birthstone should be used in pendants, bracelets and other accessories.

    This is one of the birthstones openly recognized for its healing properties. It helps treat respiratory infections, asthma and even depression.

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