Free kp astrology books in hindi

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PDF- krishnamurti paddhati (KP) Astrology Free Download

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Krishnamurthy Paddhati (In Hindi)

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This book was written it seems before 's in time of Rupees and annas.

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  • Books on Krishnamurti Paddhati | Astrology and more.

Some use of Western astrology Aspects as well as Dhruvank etc. The author has given rules of forecasting daily rise and fall in prices of commodities and Shares. A good number of examples have been presented as illustrations. Comments — I have not personally used the principles mentioned therein for am not into Racing, Lottery or into Shares. At least not presently.

This book too it seems as been written in and extra Saturnine planets have been taken into account. This book does not deal with regards to gambling or Racing, but only connected to Shares, Stocks, Cotton, and Bullion Markets. The author mentions that this is his Life time study. The author is obviously a Bengali writer and seems knowledgable.

Western astrology has been used here too. This Book deals totally with aspects, and conjunctions formed in different signs by different planets, what they mean in every sign and how they will affect the prices fall or rise or keep them steady. This is a rare book and an advanced book on astrology conjoined with astronomy not easy for all to understand.

This was first published in This book contains illustrations on how to find the longevity of a Native to his day of death.

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It also contains illustrations on how to find the marriage day of a native. This book is not meant for an Ordinary student. Pages Comments -This book whether one may understand or not, is worth keeping. First published in This is a basic book on Indian astrology but among the best I found in 25 years of journey through books.


Here certain approaches are mentioned in such a simpler and novel manner and methods that one cannot help but marvel at the truths which so strikingly we may have missed all these years though in front of us always. Comments — I recommend this for all New entrants and Experts also for reading and understanding all the Lagnas, houses, concepts, ways of examining the Horoscope, and how to predict. First edition in This book is small in number of Pages but very vast in information. It contains the Original Predictive Principles of Nadi Astrology which may be an eye opener to all, because a glaring fact may open up in front of You, that nadi astrology of the ancients was actually all based on nakshatras and Gunas of the Planets.

Comments — All may not understand this. So only who prefer Nakshatra in Nadi may request for this book. This is not readily available so may not be available at all times. This is again a very old book which is a compendium of articles on Mars by the great authors of those times. Lakshamanan This seems to be some good writer astrologer as his book contain a foreword by Dr. BV Raman, another foreword by Y. Kesava Menon, and another foreword by P.

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