Aquarius horoscope born march 21

Planetary Row

The story of masculine and feminine burns in their world and teaches them what they need to reflect and what comes from their own inner fire. Just like the change of the signs from feminine, hidden and passive to masculine, open and active occurs, their life story will develop through parental figures they reflect on within. The Sabian symbol for Aries representatives born on March 21st of a leap year, and two years following it:.

The powerful story of materialization and physical touch is held in these Sabian symbols. Both of them have something to tell about the transition from the realm ruled by Neptune into the one that is presented by Mars and our first chakra. From a dreamland, we get our circumstance and from our faith, our destiny. This is a tale of awakening and people born on this date were chosen to be the ones to wake up and do something specific, real, and with a passion that guides them without boundaries.

It is their touch with Nature that makes everything special and this should always be kept in mind. The main directive a person born on the 21st of March is guided by is balance. With Venus as the point they strive for, they are on a mission to find love, harmony, and the sensual satisfaction that will help them create what they truly need in life.

Considering their planetary row, this isn't an easy task to resolve, but it is a truly empowering one. Healing the relationship between their parents, they will realize their own worth and find a way to balance out their personality standing by someone they love. The entire meaning of life is packed in love and emotions for those born on March 21st and while they might seem to be these innovative spirits filled with rational strivings, they are in fact on the search for inspiration and love. Quick to jump to conclusions, they will be both the conquerors and those conquered, and won't have a clear image of the partner standing in front of them until they slow down to create true intimacy.

The excitement of their own inner transition could guide them through repetitive bonds that reflect problems from their primal home. It is imperative for them to separate the image of their partner from everyone else they got to know, so they can approach them with enough curiosity and openness to truly meet their individuality and their core. Strong bonds will be created only when they find their equal and someone to form true and deep intimacy with. People born on March 21 Zodiac have their own set of values and refuse to compromise in any way.

In keeping with the pivotal significance of their birthday—the beginning of Spring and the Zodiac year—they are powerful, free-thinking individuals with an iron will to succeed whose single-mindedness almost always works. People born on this day do not care much for convention. They are clear-sighted in their beliefs and other people know exactly where they stand with them.

Although remarkably clear-sighted and independent, these people can come across as inflexible, passive and antisocial when they choose to withdraw and live in splendid isolation. They also have an inclination to be stubborn and can become argumentative and blunt to get their own way. They should learn not to alienate others when pursuing their goals, accepting that success does not always result from following a direct path.

Between the ages of thirty and sixty their stubborn tendencies are likely to be highlighted. They do not know the word no. They do not accept failures. Often these are arrogant, arrogant, leaders of their circle of friends and the whole society. They always go against the system.

  • March 21 Zodiac.
  • Aquarius (astrology) - Wikipedia.
  • March 21 Zodiac: Aries.

Make decisions on emotions, in the heat, without thinking in advance about the possible consequences. However, they are not afraid of negative prospects.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope – March 21 2020

For them, it is much more important to preserve the face and status in the present. Nevertheless, they are fair to those who admire and imitate them. Those born on this day love to play in public, acquiring fans. With those whom they call friends, whose circle usually consists of or less ranking personalities, they are treated both harshly and generously in order to demonstrate their authority and generosity.

In love affairs, they try to be perfect in everything. Their main principle is that the partner should not be aware of the shortcomings.

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In order to conquer their beloved Aries, March 21 born people on this day, they heroize a lot, trying to stand out from the crowd, presenting themselves in non-competition. They do not save money, do not spare time and health when it comes to love. Moreover, being extremely persistent, they are able to win any heart. Their ambitions require that they have a partner as high-ranking as they are.

Relations with a person of low status, no matter how much they love, they will hide. Pride does not allow them to announce such connections. Alas, in their understanding it is shameful and bad to reflect on their position in society. They are constantly tense. All the time they have to hold the so-called levers of government around. This does not allow them to relax, and enjoy the rest, being themselves, removing the heavy mask of the leader.

March 21 Birthday Personality of clear sightedness

This, ultimately, affects the nervous system, leads to premature aging, and diseases uncharacteristic of their age. Those born on March 21 are brave and able to overcome any obstacles, and your sharp intuition and common sense help to instantly recognize favorable business opportunities. March 21 Born people are full of inspiration and imaginative, but at the same time you are often very reasonable and know how to impress others with your enthusiasm. However, you are prone to stubbornness, which means that you need to overcome the desire to engage in polemics when you cannot immediately insist on your own.

You were born on March 21 at the border of the Pisces and Aries signs, therefore you are naturally gifted with the ability to make money, but you will have to master the art of compromise. If you have a strong materialistic vein, it is possible that even during prosperity and success, you will have to overcome the fear of a lack of money. As a good strategist, you learn to combine the pursuit of prosperity with your philanthropic inclinations. March 21 Born people are sociable and support a lot of acquaintances, combine social life with a professional career and gladly work with hardworking and disciplined people.

At the age of about 30, March 21 Born people will need stability and financial security. During this period, you will focus on creating a solid material foundation in life for yourself and your loved ones. After 60 years, your way of thinking will begin to change: the importance of new interests, knowledge and contacts with people will increase. The need for recognition usually makes you strive for success.

If you rely on your innate insight and intuition, you have countless chances for material achievements. Understanding that the result will not come by itself, you are ready to work hard.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope: March 21 to 27, 2016 - Sidereal Astrology

Your lofty ideals can find a worthy application in an activity that, on the one hand, brings financial benefits, and on the other hand, is useful to people. A lot of contradictions have united in your character: you strive for money, power and a high social position — and at the same time you dream of peace and a serene life. One way to achieve harmony is to find a family and a home that will protect you from the outside world. Another possibility is to direct part of the effort to health, art, music, or some other form of creativity.

March 21 Zodiac Horoscope Birthday Personality | land.xn----8sbal3cjanv.xn--p1ai

However, try not to relax too much, otherwise you may fall into apathy or give in to anxiety due to the lack of real achievements. These people have great leadership potential that can be put to use in the military, law enforcement, or business careers, as well as education, business management, and the law. With their honest approach they are also particularly good at sales and marketing, and if they want to develop their creative skills they may be drawn into careers in advertising and the arts.

And because they are so good at working alone, they can also turn their attention towards building their own business. Due to your inherent remarkable ability to establish contacts with people and communicate face to face, you are well suited for the position of adviser, public relations specialist, mediator, lawyer or agent. In addition, you are extremely capable of trading in any form, provided that you yourself believe in what you are selling. Ideally, it is best for you to use your enthusiasm and leadership qualities in order to initiate new projects, it is better to provide more mundane and routine work to others.

On the other hand, your unique potential can be realized in the field of creativity.

aquarius horoscope born march 21 Aquarius horoscope born march 21
aquarius horoscope born march 21 Aquarius horoscope born march 21
aquarius horoscope born march 21 Aquarius horoscope born march 21
aquarius horoscope born march 21 Aquarius horoscope born march 21
aquarius horoscope born march 21 Aquarius horoscope born march 21
aquarius horoscope born march 21 Aquarius horoscope born march 21

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