Capricorn moon compatibility

Aries Moon

With their self-critical tendencies, they can undermine their own work. They do need to be wary of overwork. All work and no play will make even Capricorn Moon and Virgo Moon dull. If they can learn to relax and enjoy themselves as well as maintain their responsibilities, they will be extremely happy.

Capricorn Moon Compatibility

Capricorn Moon and Libra Moon may not be very likely partners. Unless one is willing to compromise, they may never find a meeting of the minds. With Libra's airy qualities and Capricorn's down to earth ethics, it is difficult for them to get along. Libra Moon wants a loving relationship based on give and take, with each partner responding to the other's needs. Capricorn Moon is rather reserved and is focused on responsibility. They are willing to forego immediate gratification for the ultimate reward down the road.

They are practical and will work hard to attain financial security for their family. Libra Moon will have a difficult time with Capricorn's aloofness and seriousness. Capricorn Moon will have a rough time by Libra's obsession with pleasure, lighthearted romantic notions and indecisiveness. They just find their own security in very different ways. Idealism doesn't always match practicality.

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If they can make it work, Libra can teach Capricorn how to enjoy a break once in awhile, and Capricorn can teach Libra some independence. In most cases, however, they just can't satisfy each others' needs. They just don't have it in them to see eye to eye. Capricorn Moon and Scorpio Moon make the best of friends, and this can also turn into a nice romantic relationship as well. They can often have a long lasting relationship filled with respect and admiration.

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Both Capricorn and Scorpio are loyal and are capable of great depth of feeling. They are both rather private and dedicated. They both proceed with caution and are slow to trust. Where they differ can either make the relationship interesting or problematic. Scorpio needs to experience intense emotions, and may actually manufacture drama in order to fill this need. Capricorn will place practical needs above all else. Capricorn may seem emotionally detached compared to Scorpio's intensity. Capricorn can teach Scorpio how to focus on practical matters and Scorpio can help Capricorn feel more comfortable with their sensuality.

If each partner focuses on the other, they can develop very strong bonds and enjoy a deep relationship. If Scorpio can curb the suspicion, Capricorn will respond better. Neither partner is capable of superficial feelings. They can create a wonderful relationship if they can only get over the few differences they have. Both should learn how to communicate rather than keep secrets from each other. Capricorn Moon and Sagittarius Moon may as well be from two different planets. Sagittarius is friendly, loves adventure and is enthusiastic, while Capricorn is cautious, hardworking and a homebody.

There is a large amount of conflicts to overcome if this pairing is to work out. Sagittarius Moon can't see the realism that Capricorn is a part of. Capricorn's dedication to hard work and creating a secure foundation is completely alien to Sagittarius. Capricorn Moon wants dedication and commitment; Sagittarius Moon wants freedom to follow their dreams. Capricorn chooses duty and responsibility over pleasure; Sagittarius chooses the opposite. Enthusiastic Sagittarius has problems with Capricorn's self doubts and feelings of doom and gloom.

In order to make this relationship work, both partners would have to be willing to make drastic changes in how they approach the world. If they can pull it together, Sagittarius can help Capricorn learn to lighten up and enjoy themselves. Capricorn can help ground Sagittarius and add a little reality to their impracticality. When Capricorn Moon is paired with Capricorn Moon, they are actually fairly compatible. Their strengths work well together, and they can build a comfortable home together through their hard work.

They should try to avoid being negative at the same time, since this can cause havoc with the relationship. Capricorn Moon is realistic.

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  6. At times they may become cynical or pessimistic. When both become this way, life can be miserable. They drive themselves hard to create financial security for their family. While emotionally reserved, this sign can be very sensual. They prefer committed relationships, but find it very easy to neglect their home life due to overwork. When both partners end up doing this, their family can suffer. Capricorn Moon doubled not only understands each other, but unfortunately they can reinforce each other's bad habits.

    They find it hard to show vulnerability or neediness. They show their love by doing practical things like paying bills or doing the laundry. They may find it challenging to deal with children who are more emotionally needy than themselves.

    Capricorn Moon Compatibility - Mystic Compatibility

    Self control and emotional caution are very important to Capricorns. If they can learn to laugh and trust others, it will result in a happier union overall. Capricorn Moon and Aquarius Moon have a good chance of having a successful relationship. This chance increases if one partner is willing to be more tolerant of the other.


    They often have different dreams and desires, but if they are both willing to make it work, it can be done. One of you may have to make more compromises to make the relationship work out. However, there is come compatibility between you two and both of you will try to save the relationship at any cost.

    Impatience is the first response of the Arians to anything and are generally impulsive with facing challenges, whereas Capricorns are slow and steady and withdraws themselves to devise a strategy to deal with the issue. They usually do not express their inner feelings and try to focus on what needs to be done. While Arians are more enthusiastic and open, Capricorns are reserved and cautious. Arians are a bit selfish and expect rewards for their work, whereas Capricorns often that they do not deserve any reward or comfort.

    Arians prefer things to happen instantly while Capricorns will wait for the right time and strategize to earn the merits. Capricorns can help the Arians to get detached from irritable situations as Arians tend to take everything personally unlike Capricorns. Both of you are emotionally self-contained and enjoy your lone time.

    Capricorn Moon Sign Compatibility with Aries Moon Sign

    If you want to save your relationship, you both should be willing to accept and make compromises for each other. Capricorn Moon Sign Compatibility with Taurus Moon Sign You both will make a good pairing and have a great deal of respect and understanding for each other. Both of you are dependable and responsible in personal relationships and like your routines and orderliness.

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    You both will be spending money on sharing material gifts particularly Capricorns to express your emotions. Though you both may have few differences, you will harmonize well at home. Capricorns believe in hard work and take ambitions and goals very seriously and work towards them, whereas Taureans are relaxed and easygoing. Capricorns are matured and cannot accept childish behavior from their partners while Taureans like to mosey around and be lazy. Capricorns are self-sufficient and want to prove their worth by accomplishing goals, whereas Taureans are more comfort-loving which will make them lazy to complete the goals on time.

    Taurus natives can help the Capricorns to enjoy the fruits of their hard work and Capricorns can help Taureans to be ambitious and transform their ideas to reality. So you both could really turn out to be a strong and lovely couple. However, you both must be careful in not letting your relationship get imbalanced and hence both of you need to work out to make this relationship successful.

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    capricorn moon compatibility Capricorn moon compatibility
    capricorn moon compatibility Capricorn moon compatibility
    capricorn moon compatibility Capricorn moon compatibility
    Capricorn moon compatibility

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