Horoscope ascendant verseau

Le Scorpion et l'art de la séduction

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Signe Solaire VS Ascendant !

The Suns of two individuals should be engaged, in one way or another, if a relationship is to thrive and shine. The Moon shows your inherent emotional nature, how you form bonds, what you need to feel nurtured and cared for, and how you nurture and care for others. Mercury is the planet of the thinking mind.

What the Position of Venus in Your Birth Chart Means for You

Its sign placement reveals how you communicate, what you're curious about, and how you understand and process information. Your Ascendant , sometimes called the Rising Sign, is the sign that was rising on the horizon at the location and moment of your birth. You'll need complete birth data date, time, and location to know both the Ascendant and Descendant. Once you know your Ascending Sign, the sign on your Descendant is easy. The sign on your Descendant is the sign opposite your Ascending sign. As an example, if your Ascending sign is Aries, the sign on the Descendant will be Libra.

It's always good to have compatible sign connections by both Jupiter and Saturn to the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Descendant, and personal planets between partner's horoscopes.

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Look particularly for your partner's Sun, Moon, and personal planets that occupy signs that are harmonious with your Saturn and visa-versa. These are important markers of commitment. The outer planets are slow moving generational planets that stay in one astrological sign for years. Unless your ages are very different, it's likely you and your significant other have all three outer planets in the same astrological sign.

They represent qualities that are not part of the physical world and that don't typically identify as reality. Individuals who are in a relationship that has many outer planet connections to personal planets will find that they are in a relationship that will, in one way or another, transform their life.

Uranus is the planet of rebellion. It's about questioning the rules and defying authority. Its sign placement indicates where you think for yourself and do it your way. If it occupies a sign that is compatible with your lover's planets and points, or vice-versa, it injects sudden change, unconventionality, experimentation, and instability into a relationship.

Most people begin their journey into the stars by way of looking into their unique birth chart.


Also known as a "natal chart," this illustrated graph is a two-dimensional representation of the three-dimensional solar system and corresponding zodiac. Calculated based on your date, time, and location of birth, the chart reveals the position of the planets, asteroids, stars, and celestial points at your exact moment of arrival. Your birth chart is a cosmic roadmap: It offers insight into the nuances of your personality and karmic lessons, as well as past, present, and future events.

And when it comes to matters of the heart, your birth chart also illuminates romantic compatibility with others — that's why we'll be talking all about the planet Venus in this guide to the stars. Within astrology, each planet has a different responsibility: The sun , though not a planet, also matters in the birth chart and manages your ego and sense of self; the moon , on the other hand, governs your inner world and emotions.

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  5. Mercury rules communication which is why there are so many misunderstandings when it goes retrograde , and assertive Mars represents impulse, including sexual urges. But when it comes to love and those magical, gushy, butterflies you may feel in your stomach, Venus runs the show. How precious.

    Pin by Line Diamond on April 18th: I'm such an Aries | Aries astrology, Aries facts, Numerology

    The planet Venus, however, seems unaffected by the grizzly origins of its namesake: Venus is a passionate romantic who simply loves to be in love. Within your birth chart, Venus governs courtship and adoration, as well as personal taste and aesthetics. Venus represents your values, including your relationship with finances and material possessions. This planet is all about pleasure, so Venus just sits back and relaxes while it gets exactly what it wants.

    That's right, folks, Venus is living the good life — this celestial body is all about luxury. Skeptical readers I'm looking at you, Capricorn may think that Venus's functions sound too good to be true. If Venus is so effortlessly romantic, then why is love often so messy and complicated? You're right to be suspicious, cosmic warrior.

    Though fledgling astrologers often look to Venus as a measure of long-term compatibility, this common mistake always results in disappointing outcomes.

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    The truth is, Venus reveals our idealization of love and beauty. Though Venus's desires are alluring, they don't necessarily translate to reality or — perhaps even more importantly — what is actually sustainable for our souls. Venus wants to eat decadent sweets, take six-hour baths , and be fanned by gigantic palm leaves. While this is great in theory, these interests quickly devolve into superficial indulgences. Ultimately, Venus just wants to be adored.

    Remember, cosmic warriors, Venus may be indulgent, but it isn't deceitful: This planet helps define our relationship with the beautiful things in life. In order to take a closer look at your relationship with Venus, calculate your free birth chart on Astro. First, identify which zodiac sign Venus occupies. This is a critical first step, as the planet's sign will reveal precisely how it wants to indulge. Venus in Cancer, for instance, seeks security in partnership, while Venus in Aquarius is fueled by more unorthodox dynamics. If Venus is linked to Mercury, for example, communication will play a significant role within your relationships.

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    If Venus is working closely with Saturn, however, Venus's hedonistic sensibilities may be tempered by Saturn's signature stoicism. Venus's connection to Mars, accordingly, reveals the interplay of sex and love: Do they work harmoniously, or serve entirely different purposes? Venus is an essential piece in your personal cosmic puzzle. This benevolent planet reminds us that, at the end of the day, we deserve love.

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