Taurus rising compatibility with taurus rising

These natives can almost become obsessive about bringing some form of beauty in their lives.

When influenced by a Scorpio Descendant, they become much more intense in terms of their emotions. But their jealous feelings and possessiveness will present themselves no matter what, in this case twice as much. Taurus ascendant people are seen as passionate and enigmatic by their lover, who will often think that these natives only want to manipulate.

It sometimes may seem difficult for these people to find someone not because they think of themselves as unattractive, but because they doubt their own values. This type of attitude can drive many people crazy, so they have an advantage against their opponents. Venus rules over Libra and the Aries rising, but the difference between these gives Taurus rising power. Rarely unhappy and very expressive, Taurus ascendant natives have beautiful round faces and are very cheerful. They need peace, so they accept people with their faults and weaknesses.

However, expect them to turn into raging bulls when crossed because their opposite sign, Scorpio, also influences them to be ruthless. The fact that they keep anger in and release it all at once means they will last for a while being upset. They have great talent with business and could even make great artists if they would practice their Venusian side by appreciating art more. Taurus rising like to be free when working, without anyone to interfere or supervise them. Able to charm anyone with their strength and calmness, they will attract people without needing to make a great effort.

Taurus rising have strong bodies with big torsos. They will probably gain weight because they simply love food.

Taurus Rising personality

With a short neck and wide, square shoulders, they are easy to spot when angry because their nostrils begin to flare. Wanting to see harmony in the mirror and the people surrounding them, they will care about their self-image and how their close ones look. Lots and lots of stuff. And while to you, you're hanging onto your possessions because they have value and purpose for a possible rainy day, others may see this propensity to collect and hold on to stuff as being just a little bit pack-rattish.

Out of balance, Taurus rising has the highest potential of any ascendant for achieving hoarder status, so a good clean out every year or so to toss out things that truly serve no purpose for you is a great idea to keep your pack rat tendencies in check. Taurus rising is very good at the waiting game. Her earthy steadiness renders her extremely patient. She'll wait as long as it takes to achieve or receive what she truly desires. Taurus ascendants are also quite persistent. This combines with his patience and makes him a force to be reckoned with when he goes after something he wants.

Because of the combination of patience, persistence, and prosperity, Taurus is often successful in the endeavors he takes on - he'll see a project through to the end no matter how long or how much effort it takes, and the outcome will usually be quite successful.

The Ascendant, Rising Sign in Astrology | Cafe Astrology .com

Because the ascendant affects outward appearance, your physical appearance will most likely reflect the Taurus in your chart. Taurus ascendants may also be somewhat stout - although often this is due to strong musculature versus being overfat. They also have a strong appearing neck.

Think of a bull, and you'll get the idea of why Taurus rising has such a strong outer appearance. The stamina, work ethic, and body type of Taurus ascendant makes the overall appearance look a little square - steady, sturdy, solid, and strong. People with Taurus in the ascendant will likely be compatible with sun signs and rising signs that are similar to those compatible with Taurus sun sign. Therefore, Taurus rising will pair well with other earth and water sun or rising signs, including Capricorn , Taurus, Virgo , Pisces , and Cancer , and Scorpio.

You can get an idea of how Taurus affects outward appearance by looking at a few celebs with Taurus in the ascendant. Libra gets drawn to an Aries because being the cautious individuals that they are, they are in awe of the boldness Aries exhibits. Taurus ascendants take things slow and steadfast. They usually radiate confidence and security. They are very passionate, firm, and rational, but could also be very stubborn. Scorpio is attracted to Taurus because the latter has a direct and honest nature that the former needs, being the complex and mysterious individuals that they are.

Gemini ascendants are always curious about the world. They are very insightful and intelligent. Their weakness is usually their fickle-mindedness. Sagittarius is attracted to a Gemini because of their outgoing personality. Sagittarius is the fire that needs Gemini the air to light their passion.

Understanding the Taurus Ascendant

Cancer ascendants are usually perceived as caring and kind individuals. They can also be sensitive, which can be their weakness. Capricorn is attracted to Cancer because they love how caring and nurturing they are. Capricorns could come off as cold individuals, so they need the warmth of the Crab. You will notice a Leo ascendant right away because they love the limelight.

Traits Associated With Taurus Rising

Their desire for attention can come across as overbearing and egotistic. However, what people like about them is their enthusiastic and friendly personality.

TAURUS RISING/ASCENDANT: Your Astrological Personality

Aquarius is attracted to Leo because they appreciate how the Lion confidently expresses themselves. What people first see in Virgo ascendants is their composed and intellectual aura. It takes time for them to warm up to others and are usually demure. Individuals with Virgo Rising in their charts are simple and efficient.

Pisces is a water sign that is easily pulled by Virgo. They are inspired by how hardworking Virgos are.

As visionaries, Pisces want to work hard to make their dreams and ideas come true. Libra ascendants are natural charmers. People are easily attracted to their fun and friendly aura.

Your Ascendant is Taurus

They also tend to have a careless and happy-go-lucky demeanour, which often is their weakness. The hot-tempered Aries is attracted to Libra because Librans like to bring nothing but peace and fairness. Their weakness comes from being obsessive, complex, and sometimes domineering. Sagittarius ascendants love adventure and being spontaneous. They are very eager to see and experience new things. Because of that spontaneity, their weakness comes from being careless at times. Gemini is attracted to Sagittarius because of their spontaneous and spirited energy that can bring more fun if they ever get into a relationship.

Capricorn ascendants are seen as serious individuals who do not mess around.

taurus rising compatibility with taurus rising Taurus rising compatibility with taurus rising
taurus rising compatibility with taurus rising Taurus rising compatibility with taurus rising
taurus rising compatibility with taurus rising Taurus rising compatibility with taurus rising
taurus rising compatibility with taurus rising Taurus rising compatibility with taurus rising
taurus rising compatibility with taurus rising Taurus rising compatibility with taurus rising

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