Horoscop aries 12 12 january 2021

Why do star signs change dates?

December is such a big month on so many levels, I hardly knew where to start! I wrote more for this month than any month since I started Astrology Zone.

aries relationship horoscope

The entire manuscript tops 50, words for all 12 signs, for I wanted you to have a solid view of what is to come in So many people had a tough year in , and I wanted you to have something new and exciting to look forward to in the coming year. Whenever Jupiter and Saturn change signs, the entire look and feel of life changes, too.

Jupiter changes signs once a year, and Saturn, closer to three years. In fact, Saturn usually leaves a gift by the door as thanks to you for dealing with his rigors—that might come as soon as January. Read More. After a long year that required you to adjust to circumstances you could have never imagined, here you are in December.

Aries Love Forecasts in 2021

You will love December because it has so many supportive planets that are perfect for you, dear Aries. One of the most important planets is your ruler Mars, still in Aries since June Mars typically only stays in a sign for six weeks, so this has been remarkable—six months of having Mars all to yourself, in your sign, is so rare and quite a privilege.

You certainly have been able to set the tone of events around you. You may be processing some big news that arrived with the November 30 Gemini lunar eclipse, or since the Sun is in Sagittarius and your worldly ninth house until December 21 you could be toying with some big blue-sky ideas, hatching inspired plans a little earlier than most. Enjoy some time in Sagittarius season!

Since the pandemic, many amazing, exclusive destinations worldwide have put massive effort into making themselves virtually available—why not take advantage of this whole new way to go? Where on your bucket list is calling?

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Mercury, which has volleyed between Scorpio and Libra since September 5, finally moves on to Sagittarius on December 1, perking up your optimism and putting your mind on the future. Have something important to say? This will allow others to be more receptive to your message. Careful not to get sucked into any pity parties on December 13, though.

One of your big ideas might be a tad TOO ambitious. This week everything starts firing off, and the pace of life feels big and exciting. This is the realm of personal growth and adventure, which can come in the form of learning, entrepreneurship and in better years travel. Set your sights on a lofty dream, whether that means relocating somewhere far across the globe, launching your indie business or taking a leap of faith. Any big ideas you had at the November 30 Gemini lunar eclipse could now start to take flight as you discover how they could fit into the larger picture of your next thrilling chapter.

Speaking of which…has life felt like a grind in , and not just because of the pandemic? You can chalk that up to the rare convergence of THREE planets—Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto—all moving through Capricorn and your tenth house of career, ambition and responsibility. At the same time, you could have made big leaps in your professional life, even while navigating WFH challenges. Great news, Aries: Lightness returns this week when, in a rare simultaneous move, both Jupiter and Saturn exit Capricorn and move into Aquarius, spending the next year dancing through your eleventh house of teamwork, technology and idealism.

This past three-year period of massive maturity taught you quite a lot about your own resilience and capabilities. But it was NOT without its tough lessons, which you may have had to repeat over and over again. Your slow, diligent climb up the mountain will be rewarded as Saturn exits Capricorn. That could come in the form of a promotion or a clear new path—or simply the relief of knowing that you no longer have to carry so much of the burden alone! Now, as Saturn moves into Aquarius, it will form an easy-breezy sextile degree angle to your Sun. Expect to meet well-connected collaborators and hardworking kindred spirits who want to join you on your outsized mission.

This time, as Saturn returns for the long haul, his energy is lifted by buoyant and lucky Jupiter, which starts a yearlong visit to Aquarius on Saturday, December Between now and December 28, , prepare to attract and assemble a dream team. Even cooler? From some telescopes, it will appear that these two planets are right on top of each other.

Monthly Horoscope for January 2021

As the galactic guardian of expansion Jupiter aligns with the ruler of structure and long-term planning Saturn in Aquarius and your house of hopes and wishes, you could build a dream team that supports your amazing visions but has the experience and work ethic to actually make them into a reality. During Capricorn season, the Sun will heat up your ambitious tenth house for a month, putting you in master strategist mode.

Use the power of visionary Jupiter and structured Saturn to dream up something big!

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With hotheaded Mars in YOUR sign locking horns with vengeful Pluto in Capricorn, you could clash with an authority figure, client or co-worker. Anyone who tries to pull rank or dominate you will get your back up. Easy there, Aries! The question that remains, however, is what you do after they learn your name. Are you working your notoriety to your advantage? This is a wonderful opportunity to set new goals and plans to shine and be rewarded for said shine at the office. When Mars, planet of conflict and confrontation, moves into your sign on January 6, your normally peaceful demeanor will be shot through with a dose of fiery passion.

We pity anyone who gets in your way, tells you no, or simply questions your motives right now.

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As it directs course, changes made to your outward-facing life your means of self-presentation, how others view you will come more easily. This month will see you making subtle strides in your relationships. What sorts of conversations are you having late at night? Are you sharing more private details than before? Are you learning about their fantasies and desires? Though this kind of intimate knowledge may be exchanged in an off-the-cuff manner, it reflects an intense level of mutual trust.

Love — or, at the very least, the potential for it — is in the air for you as January and as a whole begins , Cancer. Venus moves into your partnerships sector on the 8th, casting a rosy tint over your closest relationships. Your already tender-hearted sign will be all the more conflict-averse during this period, opting to prioritize the needs of your loved ones over your own.

Make sure you're getting your fair share, dear Crab. The full moon in Leo will arrive on the 28th, ending the month with a laundry list of questions. Are your spending habits aligned with those of your S. Beyond the literal meaning of money, where else in your relationships do you notice transactions taking place?

Is love, care, and intimate knowledge volunteered or is it offered in exchange for something else? This is a great time to put your nose to the grindstone and actually see results from your labor. You may feel naturally inclined to log longer hours or take on additional assignments. Be wary of burnout during this transit — make sure you have an outlet to blow off steam during non-working hours. Butting heads will only slow you both down. The sun moves into your partnerships sector on the 19th, offering you the annual opportunity to create a better sense of equality within your relationships.

Yearly Horoscope 2021: Astrological Prediction for Aries

This is not to say that every meaningful bond in your life needs to feature a precise balance of give-and-take, but more that you and your loved ones should be at peace with how things are flowing. Affection, care, work, and effort should not be exchanged via one-way channels, Leo. Check in with your BFFs and S.

horoscop aries 12 12 january 2021 Horoscop aries 12 12 january 2021
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Horoscop aries 12 12 january 2021

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