Guru jagat astrology

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We need to take care of it. We need to take care of ourselves and each other on it. I've conditioned my bio-energetic system in a way that it's much more efficient. When the suffering comes, I know how to metabolize it through these practices so that it fuels me, and creates art, and creates more openness, and creates more possibility. I think that's the difference. It's not that it's not there, but it's really the usage of it, and how we utilize it and alchemize it that really makes the difference.

Then it becomes fun. That's the thing that I'm always talking about.

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If you're not an athlete, it wouldn't be fun to play a two-hour basketball game. You'd be fucked up. People who train themselves, they love playing a game because they're conditioned, and it feels good. That energy is a flow state. Can you talk about the current shift in Ages we are experiencing right now and how that's affecting our overall humanity and consciousness on this planet?

There are all sorts of prophecies and timelines. I was interviewing this Mayan time-keeper on Reality Riffing. He was saying that basically, the Mayan prophecy of this moment was the convergence of many, many, many, many time streams coming into one galactic point, which is called the galactic center. That's why it was such a monumental shift of time and space and consciousness. Think about what's shifted since culturally and technologically, especially the wellness industry.

2018 Dec- Kaypacha and Guru Jagat

It was a convergence of all these time streams as the way he describes it. The way we describe it is that there are these eras, ages of consciousness basically, which are marked by time. The one we came from is called the age of Pisces. The age of Pisces was a time where the patriarchy ruled. Then there was the reign of religion, the purity of religion was born, and then the corruption of religion, and the control, and all sorts of other misappropriations of power.

It was really a time where we were working on the meaning of power. Who has the power? Who doesn't have the power? The chasm between those things. Then around was the beginning of the age of Aquarius. We are in a new era. You're seeing it everywhere. They were born in the age of Aquarius. They don't have a problem with women and their power.

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  • By Guru Jagat?

Their mothers were really powerful women. There's this whole era of men that are being birthed right now that are literally so different than this Piscean era of men. They're coming in by the hordes, and then looking for spiritual practice, looking for depth, and looking to be able to honor powerful women and do right.

I just think I see the future as being very bright if we can get our shit together. The age of Aquarius is an age where it's not about the information you have, because all of us, we can find out anything we wanted to. Why interview me?

Reality Riffing with Guru Jagat | Podcast on Spotify

Anything you want is at your fingertips, but it's really about the people who have the power to sort, organize, compile, and make relevant the information that is available to us that are becoming the leaders and people who are successful. I think in the age of Pisces, you had to go to the place where someone held the teaching and had the power. The teachings were in Latin, and you couldn't speak Latin, so you had to have some sort of power figure to give you the power. That was the age of Pisces. There's a dark side to the age of technology, which we are also going to experience.

The technological advancements have created a world that is so much more interconnected. It's leveled off the playing field.

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It gives people power that couldn't have access to power because of technology. There's a lot of unity. It's not going to be very long before the dying dinosaurs of the patriarchy are gone for good. I know it's hard when you're in the middle of it, but it's not going to be very long.

Invincible Living: Kundalini Technology

I really see a lot of the political things that are happening right now on the planet and in America as disruptors to a sleep that we wouldn't be in if we hadn't had this political turmoil. That wouldn't happen without the disruptor of our president, our current president. I do feel like even though sometimes you can look around and go, "Wait, these things are more messed up than ever. There's a big shift of consciousness happening now, but by the time we get to , , we're going to be in a whole 'nother era of humanity.

There is a possibility that the planet is going to heal, and the wars that are raging are going to shift, the consciousness is going to change. We always are going to have some sort of polarity here, but I do feel that we could have a huge, huge, huge shift in the next 20 years, in all of our lifetimes. There's a convergence of a time that is talked about in a lot of the lineages and traditions called Kali Yuga, and that is ending in There's an astrological phenomenon which is Pluto is going into Aquarius at that point.

Pluto is in Capricorn right now, which is the breaking down of the patriarchy. When Pluto goes into Aquarius, I'm getting chills, it's going to be a big shift of another era. This is an even bigger time cycle. It's a 26,year time cycle. It's called, Satya Yuga, and we go into the golden era of consciousness, which will now last another 26, years.

I think we have a lot going for us, but we're very good at being destructive, so let's see what we can do. These last dying powers of the patriarchy basically wanted to throw the planet Earth away like a plastic container, and they want to go colonize Mars. That's a big agenda that's happening. It's like, "Oh, we'll just throw this planet away once there are too many people on it.

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We'll leave the poor people there and go to Mars. What comes up for you in terms of legacy, and your ideas behind that, and what does it mean for you personally and professionally in the world?

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In terms of my own personal relationship with legacy, I know it's about educating. It's about creating new educational structures that are relevant to the future generations. In terms of my professional legacy and what I want, it's impersonal, because it's not about me. We'll have all sorts of different study in terms of the sound sciences and technologies, and the sacred languages, and the new frontier of psychology, and the mind studies.

Then there will be the dharma art departments where there's all this art as a product of meditation rather than as a product of neurosis, which is a lot of what we've seen in the time before. We'll have a business school because that's a big passion of mine, and evolutionary astrology school, and study cosmology. Oh, and obviously the yogic science. There will be a department of yogic science where people can study the yogic traditions. My teacher, Yogi Bhajan, says, "Woman is a living legacy," and I take that very seriously.

I really feel that every choice a woman makes, not to be heavy-handed, but because we carry the future in our bodies, or if you choose not to have a physical child, we're always mothering something, is a move of legacy. It's different for men. It just is. They're seeders. If a man doesn't complete his mission, it's one man. It's an individual. As women, we have a whole generation, multiple generations, that we're carrying in our choices. I really take that as a meditation and as a way to inspire myself every day.

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guru jagat astrology Guru jagat astrology
guru jagat astrology Guru jagat astrology
guru jagat astrology Guru jagat astrology
guru jagat astrology Guru jagat astrology

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