Oroscopo di oggi meet astrology gemelli

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Oroscopo del giorno

Mi di spiace. Mi scusi, Mi perdoni formal - Excuse me! Scusami, Perdonami informal - Excuse me! Come va? Come sta? Tutto okay, Tutto bene, Sto bene. Molto bene, Benissimo. Non male - Not bad. Come si chiama? Come ti chiami? Mi chiamo … - My name is … Piacere di conoscerla! Piacere di conoscerti! Da dove viene? Da dove vieni? Vengo da … - I am from … Dove vive? Dove vivi? Quanti anni hai? Parla italiano? Parli italiano? In general, the new year will be a turning point for you, even in terms of your career. Dear Taurus , you are in a bit of trouble economically.

In you can make important investments, such as buying a house. In love it is time to take an important step forward if you have a stable relationship. Dear Gemini , it will be a day of tension for you. Both in love and at work quarrels will be the order of the day, try to keep calm and count to ten before you open your mouth. There will be obstacles, especially for your career.

Dear Cancer , take advantage of these days of celebration to experience strong and sincere emotions. You have so much to give, especially on a sentimental level. If you are single you will find the soul mate, while historical couples can live a Christmas together in the name of recollection and romance.

Dear Leo , today will be a Christmas Eve full of positive atmospheres and a great desire to do. The stars protect your sign, maybe a nice gift will come. Venus is not on your side, so you will experience mixed feelings. Dear Virgo , today you will live a Christmas Eve and a Christmas in which you must be very careful: stay with the people you feel closest, avoid conflicts. This is because it will be possible to discuss even for trivial reasons. Patience and prudence the keywords. Dear Libra , today is a day of celebration, so put aside the stress and tensions accumulated especially at work.

The professional field is very difficult to manage lately, even there are those who preferred to take a break.

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Fortunately there are changes in view, maybe a contract that expires in the new year. Dear Scorpio , most of those under this sign are very tired in this moment. You have come from a difficult and complex period, so patience is needed. In short, it will be a low-key day. Try not to quarrel with those around you. Things improve at Christmas and Santo Stefano. Dear Sagittarius , for you 48 hours of beautiful energy are expected arriving in love, in relationships with others.

Take advantage of these holiday days, as far as possible, to be with friends and family.

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Have fun! Dear Capricorn , you finally expect important and benevolent stars for your sign in these days of Christmas.

Singles will be able to make new acquaintances, while historical couples can take advantage of them to make important projects and spend the holidays together, in the name of romance and passion. Make up for lost time. Dear Aquarius , you are looking forward to a very positive day in love, especially for those who have been single for a long time. Stars help those who want to rediscover the pleasure of feeling loved. Venus is favorable for several days, it will be an important weekend for feelings. Friendships return protagonists.

Dear Pisces , for you it will be a day to be lived with serenity: do not think of the past. A certain melancholy may emerge even if this is not necessarily a bad thing. But be careful not to exaggerate. In short, look to the future with optimism and turn the page if your story has reached the end of the line. Dear Aries , a day of spirituality and reflection awaits you.

Traduzione di earth sign in 25 lingue

You have many projects to realize, but only with a little organization will you solve everything and you will find the right way to undertake. This also applies to love. Do not be discouraged if something goes wrong. Dear Taurus , today you are particularly tense and electric. In the workplace, you deal with competitive people who are willing to do anything to get in the way.

Be careful not to put all the stress on your partner: give him the attention he deserves.

Sinonimi e antonimi di earth sign sul dizionario inglese di sinonimi

The time to make important decisions has come. Dear Gemini , for you it will be a very stressful day, on the other hand, there is no shortage of commitments. At work you are always meticulous and almost maniacal. It is not sure that colleagues and superiors appreciate it. But you do well because the care of details and determination pay. In the family instead you want something new, the routine, even with your partner, is tight for you.

Dear Cancer , today you will be full of energy and desire to do.

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On the other hand, you are aware of your abilities and what you can achieve. As Midas, everything you touch becomes gold. Take advantage of it to carry on your projects. In love possible quarrels with your partner. Talk and clarify. Dear Leo , today you have challenging tasks to accomplish. But with your commitment and determination, everything will be for the best. Try not to be aggressive, remembering that you can also rely on your friends if you need help or advice.

Dear Virgo , it will be a day in which you will be particularly sensitive and empathetic with everyone around you. This is particularly true in working relationships with colleagues and superiors. If you are given valuable advice, treasure it.

Dear Libra , today you can expect a quiet day, without particular jolts neither in positive nor in negative. In any case, be careful whom might try to put obstacles in your way. In the last few days you had to make important choices, but now everything is okay. You are confident about what you have decided. Dear Scorpio , today, a serene time begins for you. After so much stress, the light at the end of the tunnel is closer. You have had economic problems, with too much expenditure, which has put you in difficulty. Try to contain yourself, even if the arrival of Christmas complicates things.

Take advantage of your creativity at work. Dear Sagittarius , the time has come for you to resolve problems that have been outstanding for a long time. Things are better now and the stars are smiling at you, but be careful not to let your guard down. However, the solutions are not long-term, so again, be careful. In these festive days, treat yourself to some relaxation.

oroscopo di oggi meet astrology gemelli Oroscopo di oggi meet astrology gemelli
oroscopo di oggi meet astrology gemelli Oroscopo di oggi meet astrology gemelli
oroscopo di oggi meet astrology gemelli Oroscopo di oggi meet astrology gemelli
oroscopo di oggi meet astrology gemelli Oroscopo di oggi meet astrology gemelli
oroscopo di oggi meet astrology gemelli Oroscopo di oggi meet astrology gemelli
oroscopo di oggi meet astrology gemelli Oroscopo di oggi meet astrology gemelli

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