Pisces horoscope for week of march 2 2021

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May 9 to July 31 — Jupiter in your decan brings opportunities for increased wealth and prosperity. New adventures will expand your horizons and broaden your outlook on life. This should be a time of spiritual and material growth. However, take care not to become greedy, selfish, overconfident, or extravagant during Jupiter retrograde from June 20 to July May 25 to November 19 — Lunar Eclipse May is also square your decan.

This makes it harder to understand your own feelings and the moods of others. Disagreements at home and with loved ones are more likely if you interfere, dig deeper, or stir things up. This is a time for compassion and compromise. December 25, , to February 16, — Jupiter in your decan again brings good times and good luck. It should make you happy, optimistic, and enthusiastic to experience all you can. Jupiter also provides faith and confidence in yourself, as well as generosity. This is a good time to start a new course of study, a long-distance journey, or a new relationship, business, or legal case.

Until February 28 — Neptune in your decan gives a more spiritual outlook on life. This can be very illuminating but at the same time make you feel vulnerable. Your previously well-defined self-image and personal boundaries may dissolve around you which can be scary. Eroding self-belief, confusion, and doubts can lead to insecurity and over sensitiveness. Remember you are a part of the whole and to trust in your spirit guides. March 4 to 14 — Venus in your decan brings love, peace and harmony. April to May — Uranus sextile your decan lets you express yourself more fully, more in tune with who you really are.

May 29 to June 22 — Mercury Retrograde brings the potential for communication and technology breakdowns, nervous anxiety, travel delays, and lost items. You can also expect to dwell on things, reminisce about the past, or unexpectedly meet up with people from your past. Take extra care with your words and try not to react too quickly in any arguments or if provoked.

Business negotiations will be in a state of flux.

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Some important details will not yet be available, and others may be unreliable or dishonest. This is especially so when Mercury retrograde is square your decan from June 9 to June 10 to November 19 — Solar Eclipse June square your decan brings the potential for challenges from other people or from circumstances that test your character. Your authority may be challenged or you may be forced to justify your goals. December 4, , to April 30, — Solar Eclipse December is also square your decan. If you are on the right path you will still make some progress by staying focused on the main goal.

But if defeat and disappointment get the better of you, it might be time to reassess your goals.

March 2, Calendar with Holidays & Count Down - USA

A work connection also changes their story and gives you a new challenge — this is a true test of your diplomatic powers. Rely on your own talents and people will soon be looking to you for inspiration and a career leg-up. By Sunday 15th you have energy and decisiveness, and long-standing tasks go more easily. Mars, the planet of initiative, gives you a steady flow of power, yet you still excel when empathy and imagination are called for.

Early in March sees you looking for action and putting your case strongly. Dear Leo, you are proactive in love and someone with a sense of humour adds colour and intrigue.

If someone puts pressure on you for a decision, realise that you, in fact, have time to think things through. More time than you thought. Looking back, you investigate old loves too and remember the way we were. As Venus, the planet of affection goes retrograde you reignite past romantic sparks and find something new and unexpected. By Sunday 8th you call the shots again and someone is around to help you celebrate.

Saturn, the planet of ambition, sees you achieving amazing things but it takes its toll on your physical powers. You feel tired and worn-out with reality, and need a rainbow to head towards. Chin up! Pacing yourself with rest and massages is vital, and having a touch of the left-field and offbeat is a positive tonic. Your mojo soon returns and the positive comparison is truly uplifting.

You appreciate people with wit and sparkle mid-month and a romantic departure is nearer than you think. A touch of human drama suits your Libran style and you unravel mysteries in your closest affairs, according to the March horoscope. Someone from the past calls unexpectedly and gives you new choices. If partners are acting out of character, then take the chance to look around for a new model.

Pisces Horoscope 2021: Floating On Cloud Nine!

A touch of kismet works in your affairs; a full-circle feeling that always has the final word. The upshot is that you are well-off in your existing situation but you look at your partner through new eyes. Make the most of the expansive feeling surrounding you, and look actively into your myriad career and travel options. Jupiter, the planet of joy, stretches your sense of the possible but Libran couch-potatoes yes will miss the moment.

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The New Moon on Tuesday 24th is a romantic revelation when someone who understands is worth their place in your team. You are open to change and welcome taking a few more career chances. Of all signs, you are best placed to take advantage of the revolutionary energy of the time — the challenge between the old and new ways of getting things done. Uranus, the planet of sudden change, sits beautifully and lets you introduce a radically new image in a gentle and graceful fashion. Instead of settling for the regular route in work and love, aim for something quirkier and closer to your heart.

You know you are worth it. Your thinking is sharp between the 10th and 26th when decisions and communication of all kinds go smoothly. Trust yourself at this point and even jot some of your brilliant schemes down to peruse later on.

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  • Restless desires remain around your home and you demand to travel on a whim. The balance between where you live and where you work still tops your agenda and you would like to have the issue settled.

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    Security becomes important, as well as freedom, which is the regular Sagittarian holy of holies. Charm is on your side, as Venus, the planet of love turns backwards, and you welcome a new challenge in your affairs. Think laterally when an apparent setback or unexpected quirk hits your affairs and you end up with more options than when you started. Friday 20th sees a honeymoon quality put back into your relationships. Your goals are sharpening up, even by your own ambitious standards. Set your own agenda and the deeper you explore your personal obsession, the more satisfaction you get from it.

    Soon they will start looking back anyway and take inspiration from you.

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    Pluto, the planet of rebirth, ensures nothing gets wasted and creative recycling showcases your canny Capricorn qualities like nothing else. Check impulse buys on Sunday 8th and takes an expert friend along to advise. You are in a great rush in the first half of March, proving what you can do.

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    pisces horoscope for week of march 2 2021 Pisces horoscope for week of march 2 2021
    pisces horoscope for week of march 2 2021 Pisces horoscope for week of march 2 2021
    pisces horoscope for week of march 2 2021 Pisces horoscope for week of march 2 2021
    pisces horoscope for week of march 2 2021 Pisces horoscope for week of march 2 2021
    pisces horoscope for week of march 2 2021 Pisces horoscope for week of march 2 2021
    pisces horoscope for week of march 2 2021 Pisces horoscope for week of march 2 2021

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