Los angeles times horoscope february 10

Astrological Forecasts for 12/25/2020

You can create havoc if you are not careful. Tonight: Indulge in what you enjoy and love. Understand that everyone has limits — you as well. Tension builds around a domestic matter, which you ultimately will choose to keep hush-hush. The interesting detail here is that you have a lot to share, but not about this topic. Tonight: Head home early. Getting you off the phone will take unusual perseverance and diligence. You love to catch up on others' news.

Presents and Presence Under the Taurus Moon, by Holiday Mathis | Creators Syndicate

Open up to the possibility of change, greater flow and understanding. Tonight: You could spontaneously run into a friend or a happening. One-on-one relating could take you down an intriguing path. You might not be sure as to what response feels good to you.

Ben Shapiro Throws Temper Tantrum

Stay focused on matters at hand. Do not allow others to distract you. Tonight: Find a special place to hang out. You have swallowed a lot in the past few days and tried to make some stunning changes work. You alone can judge whether this is a possibility. If trying to deal with someone you feel resentful of, make an attempt to clear the air. Tonight: Say yes. Be as clear as possible. You are dealing with a lot of stress and problems. Know when to pull back.

Be sensitive to yourself when making decisions. Tonight: Let the party go on. Zero in on your priorities. Do not get interrupted by another person who might express a malicious tinge in his or her word choice. Know what you want and make that clear to those involved.

Presents and Presence Under the Taurus Moon

Tonight: Where your friends are. A boss or higher-up who you admire could suddenly become a dominating force during your day. Examine what is occurring around you before committing to taking the lead with a project. Be sure you want to be involved. Tonight: As you like it.

Handle pressure more graciously, especially if there is a lack of follow-through from an associate. You are learning to not depend on this person. Let him or her know how your willingness to work together is changing. Tonight: Where the action is.

Daily Horoscope

A busy schedule leaves little room for error, so it might be wise to find somebody to help out. Getting everything accomplished that you need to today may be difficult without careful planning. Acting in a professional manner will earn respect and help you achieve success. You have the foresight to make future plans and plot strategies with great odds of success.

Utilize your gift of gab to convince others to join your cause or nudge a business contact into sealing the deal.

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Put spare change into your piggy bank and clip coupons from the newspaper. Every little bit helps, and even the smallest cost-cutting measures will eventually add up to major savings.

Horoscope: Feb. 10

LEO July Aug. Being too critical or demanding of others could backfire big-time. To get the best out of those around you, approach them in a polite and compassionate manner. Be wary of making too much out of a disagreement with a loved one. Others may be too busy with other matters to give you the attention you crave. It falls to you to keep yourself gainfully amused this evening.

los angeles times horoscope february 10 Los angeles times horoscope february 10
los angeles times horoscope february 10 Los angeles times horoscope february 10
los angeles times horoscope february 10 Los angeles times horoscope february 10
los angeles times horoscope february 10 Los angeles times horoscope february 10
los angeles times horoscope february 10 Los angeles times horoscope february 10
los angeles times horoscope february 10 Los angeles times horoscope february 10
los angeles times horoscope february 10 Los angeles times horoscope february 10

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