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Astrology: Astrologers’ Resources

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Schon wenn sich Jupiter und Saturn alle 20 Jahre zu einer Konjunktion vereinen, beginnt ein wichtiger Zyklus. Genau das geschieht im Dezember zur Wintersonnenwende. Die Besonderheit des jeweiligen Herrschers liegt in demjenigen Tierkreiszeichen, in dem der Zyklus neu startet. Der Zyklus, der etwa sechs, sieben Jahre v. Brian Cox versuchen, das zu widerlegen, was sie nicht verstehen? Eine Antwort besteht darin, im Zeitalter des evidenzbasierten Wissens mehr Aufwand in die Forschung zu stecken. Astrologie von A bis Z.

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Gertrud I. Once you've put in your data, you'll have access to the chart and the interpretations that to go with it. But the first thing you'll see is a table chart with your birth planets and their signs, offering a fast way to size up all the information rather than digging up the information on the wheel. Like the other sites listed here, Astrolabe doesn't make you jump through hoops to get your birth chart.

You can even save the chart to your computer's hard drive. The basic birth chart is followed by interpretations of each of your natal planets, beginning with the Sun sign. Astrology Answers is a very easy to use website in which you simply answer a series of questions regarding the time and place of your date, along with some personal information. This is a favorite, go-to software.

We use this software for generating many of the reports sold on Cafe Astrology. Description: Solar Fire Gold is an excellent, extremely capable astrology software program for basic through advanced calculations, and is available through AstroLabe and Esoteric Technologies Australia. Go to the Astrolabe site or the Esoteric Technologies site. Go to the Matrix site. Description: Kepler provides interpretations and analysis of individuals, relationships, and future trends.

Extended Chart Selection

Kepler also provides a huge number of technical calculations for the advanced or professional astrologer. The Kepler program provides a comprehensive set of tools that is useful for a wide range of interests. Whether your interest is learning astrology, research, advanced techniques, beautiful graphics, or having attractive chart wheels and accurate interpretations, Kepler can deliver what you need.

Personal Use Astrology Software

The Software: Massive options and features. We use Kepler for charts generated on CafeAstrology. It is less expensive, and of course, has less options than the big program.

Astrology Resources: Online chart calculation, books, software

However, some Astrologers, and students of astrology, will find it handy and sufficient for their needs. The free version of this clever software has a wonderful and interactive interface that most astrologers and students of astrology will love. With this program, I especially love how I can look to the past or ahead at transits quickly and easily. For example, with transits middle wheel to my chart inner wheel , I can actually drag transiting Mars to the position of my natal Moon and the transit chart will hop ahead to the date in the future this will occur.

You can create standard charts, bi-wheels, and more.

There are also aspect and midpoint grids and lists, transits and progressions, synastry and composite charts, some interpretations of aspects and positions, Gauquelin Sector wheel option, and more! Go to the Astrolog site. However, many students of astrology will find it handy and sufficient for their needs. Description: Time Passages software offers different levels of programs for calculations and interpretations, priced right.

Free Chart Selection - Astrodienst

Description: Here you can find a list of the top-selling Astrology books as well as new and expected releases. Books often are reviewed, described, and reviewed by users. This bookseller: Plenty of Astrology books can be found here. My policy is to make the recommendations first and foremost and to use these links only if they are available since they are at no cost to the purchaser. I do not in any way prioritize products that earn commissions. Go to Astrology Books at Amazon.

Description: Both new and used books are available side-by-side in-store, and in the online store. Huge selection of new, used, rare, and out-of-print titles. This is the site to go when you are looking for Astrology books on a large variety of topics, in new or used condition, and for rare and out-of-print titles. Many sellers accept PayPal, which is a convenient way to send an instant payment that is secure and easy, and you are usually able to pay with Visa and Mastercard as well without handing over your credit card information to sellers.

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