February 7 cusp astrology

Sensitivity / Eccentricity / Compassion

Be careful, however, to avoid inflexibility and feelings of frustration and impatience, since they can undermine your determination to realize your goals and ambitions. To achieve your objectives, you benefit more from combining your strong imagination and idealism with your sharp intellect. While you are between the ages of thirteen and forty-two, when your progressed Sun moves through Pisces, your emotional sensitivity becomes enhanced and you develop a stronger inner life. This can be reflected in your visions, dreams, and ideals as well as in your social life.

At the age of forty-three there is a turning point as your progressed Sun enters Aries, emphasizing a need to take the initiative and be brave and direct in your relationships with others. Alternatively, you may develop your relationship skills. Another change of emphasis occurs at age seventy-three, when your progressed Sun enters Taurus, highlighting a greater need for a practical approach to life as well as financial security. By having an astrological chart calculated, you can find the exact position of the planets on your date of birth.

This will tell you which of the fixed stars listed in this book are relevant to you.

Aquarius Pisces Cusp (7 Shocking Unique Facts) - Her Norm

Your strong emotions and warm heart suggest that you are an individual who enjoys sharing experiences with others. Courteous and friendly, you possess natural diplomatic skills and an ability to make people feel relaxed. A charismatic inner quality enables you to radiate love and positivity, emphasizing the importance of having an outlet for your self-expression. Due to your strong feelings, however, you may have to create a balance and refrain from going to extremes by overreacting.

Nevertheless, you possess charm, and with your power of love, you need only to find fulfilling activities or relationships to bring out the best in you.

Your Astrological Chart Cusp

Honest and direct, you can be an excellent companion, with a natural ability to help others. As well as charm, you also have ambition and a spirit of enterprise. Although these qualities often drive you to search for opportunities and keep you active, you also possess a need for security and strong foundations. To achieve harmony, you may be required to plan your actions and use your organizational skills.

I use equal houses because of the issues with other house systems so I never use intercepted signs. Similarly with planets that sit at the very edge of a house, I only interpret them for the house they are actually in however close to the cusp of the next house they are. Thanks, Leah — I can definitely see the beauty of equal houses! It drives me mad! Hi, i enjoy reading, thanx for posting. But also must say that i am born on cusp and i am so special : Ya, and my venus is also in TWO houses- i told u: sooooo special :.

I have cap rising with intercepted aquarius. This explanation of behind the scenes with the actual cusp sign as PR makes more sense. Technically she is a Scorpio, though a couple of hour later and she would be a Saggitarius! Some feel that planets in intercepted signs may suffer from the same disadvantage. Zane Stein, on the other hand, has written that planets in intercepted signs are actually more powerful but that we might be less consciously aware of how to use them.

Thank you! I apologize, i had forgotten i had posed my question on your site. I returned to the book and reread with more attention and focus on simply receiving her wisdom-not looking for my answer.

Personality Traits of a Person Born on the Aquarius-Pisces Cusp

On a side note, thank you for the article on being a stranger in your own home. My skin is not my own, as frank Herbert also assured me. Again, thank you, thank you for your attention. I think it probably means that people initially experience you as a Taurus, but very quickly encounter Gemini and probably get a little confused.

Hey…Something has been bugging me. So on my 6th house I have Sagittarius 1. Always felt I wanted to tell my Sagittarius friends what to do than to bond with them. Or a work related thing. But I was wondering if it does have an effect on our relationship that makes it seem like work rather than a relationship. I hope that helps…. Sorry if i had the wording kinda weird, i just learned about this.

My birth chart has one signs skipped and others repeated. That would most likely put scorpio out of my houses. I am still confused how one can deny energy influences being born on a cusp between Sun Signs, except cusp of houses…… I believe that the energy influences on a cusp makes sense.

For example I am on the cusp of Sagittarius and Capricorn. Although my sun sign is Capricorn I definitely resemble and relate to Sagittarius more so than Capricorn. I have other friends that are Taurus.

What is a zodiac cusp sign?

My Aries Taurus cusp friend is very much both Aries and Taurus. Also, the ruling planet of the sign adjoining your Sun might be prominently placed in the chart, or that sign might be rising or on another angle of your chart. I had a full chart reading done and I came away a little confused. I have sun in the 12th house in cancer with leo rising.

The astrologer said I had an intercepted chart?

Can you be two zodiac signs?

Did she mean my sun was intercepted? I think i need a new reading to better understand these placements. Hi Jen. I suppose those interpretations of the Sun intercepted could apply to some people, though many other factors in the birth chart could negate them. Therefore, the cusp of these two signs has influence of not two, but four planets in total! Uranus is associated with radical thinking, while Saturn is a disciplinarian.

Likewise, Jupiter is the king of all gods, while Neptune is associated with the aspect of reality and non-reality. This person can understand emotions like no other! We specially say this to the ladies who have given up on the idea of finding men with a sensitive side.

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This water-bearing pair of fish is a true romantic at heart, and values love and relationship beyond great measures. The prime reason behind this could be the exploratory nature of this cuspian. This is one cause that drives this cusps to great heights. This person, because of being so emotion-driven can be easily hurt and offended by those who fail to see things from where they are standing.

This tendency is often mistaken for having a chicken heart, however, the truth is far from this. Lack of understanding and appreciation can make this cuspian quite pessimist. Even to the point of experiencing low self-esteem, and becoming self-deprecating in nature. At times, this person can become quite laid back, sort of lethargic in a way.

If used well, the Aquafish can both rise up in the sky like the air, and dive deep into the ocean in its water form. We have already listed the names of famous celebrities who have used the gifts of this cusp personality in their stride.

All one needs to do, is explore, define, and enjoy what the journey of finding oneself brings their way!

february 7 cusp astrology February 7 cusp astrology
february 7 cusp astrology February 7 cusp astrology
february 7 cusp astrology February 7 cusp astrology
february 7 cusp astrology February 7 cusp astrology
february 7 cusp astrology February 7 cusp astrology
february 7 cusp astrology February 7 cusp astrology
february 7 cusp astrology February 7 cusp astrology
february 7 cusp astrology February 7 cusp astrology

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