Sagittarius horoscope today january 23 2021

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You may therefore be best advised to maintain a cautious distance from people who are acting strangely. Inspiration is one thing, the wilder fringes of your imagination, another! Everything that occurred towards the end of last week was pushing you in one direction. What happens now may be pulling you in another. You might find that partners are more willing to adjust and adapt than you thought. Probably the major issue today is money, and your latent insecurity may be popping its head above the covers.

You must wait and see what transpires next week before making fresh plans. On the other hand, your imagination is in fine fettle.

Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope for January

The Moon is currently expressing a secretive influence on your Libran psyche. The current fascinating relationship between Venus, Uranus and a clutch of other planets, is maintaining a lively mood, and we must therefore anticipate a number of options. Among these are dramatically changed travel plans, adventurous journeys and electrifying romances.

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This clash between the two planets only occurs every 22 and a half years and signals power struggles between conservative thinking and more radical politics. While the Democrats and Republicans continue to fight to find common ground, on a personal level, Sagittarius, you must communicate your needs surrounding health and healing. This doesn't mean dieting or chasing after unrealistic beauty standards, but looking for ways to strengthen your body and mind that work for you, like engaging in therapy and other forms of self-care to get your infamous Sagittarius swag back to full capacity.

Your ruling planet, lucky Jupiter is in Aquarius and your 3rd House of Communication for most of the year.

Aries (March 20th – April 19th)

The healing planet briefly leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces in your 4th House of Home and Family from Thursday, May 13 to Wednesday, July 28 before stationing there for a year beginning on Tuesday, December As Jupiter is the planet of expansion, these Pisces dates may signify an addition to your family, be it a new friend, relationship, or even a baby, if that's what you're going for. If it's not, use birth control, you horny Sag. A lunar eclipse on Wednesday, May 26 in your sign, Sagittarius, and the 1st House of Self reminds you to pull back and focus on you.

Eclipses can be messy, and lead to dramatic and sudden endings. Don't be surprised if an unhealthy relationship or habit ends around this date like a swift cosmic kick in the ass. This year brings three other eclipses, a solar eclipse in Gemini on Thursday, June 10 , a lunar eclipse on Friday, November 19 in Taurus, and a solar eclipse on Saturday, December 4 also in your sign, Sagittarius.

Practice self-soothing during these dates to avoid any fire sign meltdowns. December 14 to February 4 — Jupiter sextile your decan brings personal growth, good luck, and happiness. Feeling very optimistic, you will be keen to experience all you can. This is a good time for relationships, travel, education, business, and legal matters. Opportunities arise to increase your wealth and broaden your horizons.

December 14 to January 8 — Jupiter conjunct Saturn on December 21 represents the end of a phase of life and will feel like you have to advance to a higher level. This is a time of greater self-awareness when you may realize you are not content with things as they are.


Fated events, lucky breaks, or deliberate actions will create opportunities for personal and professional growth. January 7 to 15 — Mercury sextile your decan brings good news and pleasant conversation. This busy but productive time is good for socializing, writing, speaking, asking for favors, sending applications, study, exams, buying, and selling. January 8 to 11 — Mercury conjunct Saturn on the 9th brings critical thinking, common-sense, attention to detail, and a long-term outlook.

This is a good time for challenging mental work and making plans. With sustained concentration, patience, and sound judgment, you can confidently negotiate business deals, study, and sit exams.

Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope for January 2021

January 10 to 12 — Mercury conjunct Jupiter on the 11th brings good news, enthusiasm, and optimism. This is the ideal time to start a long-distance journey, a new course of study, or any business or legal matters. Social charm, tact, and diplomacy make this the right time to negotiate and settle disputes. January 18 to 30 — Sun sextile your decan brings the energy, enthusiasm, and creativity to enjoy life, reach your goals, and succeed. Your self-confidence and positive attitude will help you make a good impression on people who can help you succeed.

So use your initiative and make real progress. January 21 to 26 — Sun conjunct Saturn on the 23rd gives discipline, patience, determination, and perseverance.

Achievements, recognition, promotion, and great satisfaction are possible. You may take on more responsibility or act as a mentor or guide. This is a good time to simplify and bring efficiency to your life. January 26 to 31 — Sun conjunct Jupiter on the 28th brings happiness, optimism, and generosity. Good luck provides opportunities for personal, professional, and spiritual growth. You may be the beneficiary of compliments, gifts, or money.

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sagittarius horoscope today january 23 2021 Sagittarius horoscope today january 23 2021
sagittarius horoscope today january 23 2021 Sagittarius horoscope today january 23 2021

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