Cancer 1 march 2021 horoscope

Cancer horoscope March 2021

Mars gives you better energy resources to stay active, alive and kicking. Your physical and mental health would be at their best this year. Enjoy all the good things in life, stick to good health habits. Be cautious of what you eat, have a balanced in-take. Also be active and out-doors whenever possible. Some Cancer folks might turn very hyper-active at times. Maintain your cool and be at a composed state. Work towards any imbalance in your hormones.

Good time to give up smoking and drinking that have been marring your health for quite sometime now.

Mars Retrograde Dates in 2020:

Finance horoscope For Cancer. During the year , Cancer folks would find no trouble with their finances. You would be sticking to your budget plans. And money inflow comes from many unexpected quarters through the year. However as the year proceeds, you might meet with financial hitches, hence bank on it when you have your hands full. You guys might get finances through legacy or marriage these days. Your diplomatic nature would help you to make more money. However natives are asked to be prudent with their finances, as you might indulge at times.

Beware of unexpected expenses lingering around without your knowing. A wise move would be to be thrifty for now. Use your funds for your needs and not your greed. Stay away from any sort of speculative or risky financial deals for now.

There is not much luck and fortune in store for you. The second half of the year shows an instability in your finances, play it safe. Major changes are on your way this year, Cancer, bank on them. You ought to trust people around you, this is not a time for any sort of misjudgement. Work towards success in your endeavors. Put all your might. Through the year, you might be asked to leave your comfort zone, do not have second thoughts.

Cancer March 2021

This would be a good time to socialize for Cancer folks. During this time, amazing prospects will get created for you in the field of education. You will obtain the full support of your luck, which is why you will do wonders in your academic life. However, since Ketu is taking residence in the fifth house, you will get distracted from your studies. Thus, it is advised to keep a tab on your concentration powers during this year.

You can also take the aid of meditation for the same. If you are taking part in Competitive exams, then the first half of January and the month of August will prove to be quite favourable for you. You will pass with flying colours in any exam you have appeared during this time. Those who are pursuing their higher education will witness a favourable time during the month of September, October, November and the first half of April.

You will obtain the desired results during this time. However, you will remain at the receiving end of partial success during the remaining ones despite working diligently. Hence, you are advised to pay special attention towards your studies during this year. Afterwards, you may hear some positive news during May, June and the initial part of July as there are strong possibilities of Cancer natives going to a foreign country to complete their studies during this time. During the year , the domestic life of Cancer natives will remain somewhat adverse.

The beginning of the year may prove to be somewhat weak for you. During the entire year, the planet Saturn will keep aspecting your fourth house, because of which there will be a dearth of domestic happiness. During this year, you will not remain completely satisfied with your domestic life.

Some things will take place at home against your wishes, because of which you may remain somewhat edgy. In such a situation, you are advised to keep a tab on your anger and maintain harmony in the family. To fulfill the requirements of your professional life as well as your business, you may have to stay away from your family members.

At the beginning of the year, the impact of Mars will be seen in your fourth house. This state of Mars can bring a bit of bitterness to the environment of your family. At this time, every member of the family will think differently from each other. You can consult the family members to keep the conditions favorable.

During , relations with elder siblings will improve and they will oblige to your words. On the other hand, elder siblings will prioritise their own profits and think about themselves. Year will generate mixed outcomes for the natives belonging to the zodiac sign Cancer. During some of the months, the changing position of the planets will bring stress to your conjugal life. On the other hand, some other months will prove to be quite favourable for your marital life.

During this year, Saturn and Jupiter will take nest in your seventh house, because of which you will obtain mixed outcomes with regards to your marital life. With regards to your marital life, there may be some dearth of attraction between you and your spouse. The main reason behind this would be the spiritual inclination of your life partner during During this year, your life partner can also take an active interest in religious tasks and activities.

As per Cancer Horoscope , from 14 January to 12 February, the transit of Sun will take place in your seventh house which bring certain changes to your relationship. In such a situation, both of your honesty towards the relationship will be a saving grace, otherwise tensions may come into the forefront. However, in between the month of February, the transit of Venus will take place in the zodiac sign Capricorn, because of which depth and intimacy will increase in your relationship, which inturn will get strengthened.

In the duration of 2 June to 10 July, the transit of Mars will take place in your ascendant or Lagna Bhava which may give birth to fights in your relationship. In the year , your children will be provided with good outcomes. However, the presence of Ketu in the fifth house of your sign may generate some ups and downs for your children.


Because of the same planetary movement, they may also tend to get distracted from their studies. You should take proper care of them. According to the Love Horoscope , the love life of Cancer natives is expected to be an amalgamation of positive and negative results during the year The beginning of the year and the month of February to be precise will remain quite auspicious for Cancer peeps in love.

Afterwards, the time period between mid March until April will prove to be luck for your relationship.

Cancer Horoscope Preview | Cafe Astrology .com

During this time period, you will be able to understand your partner in a better manner. This year, during the months of May, August and September will prove to be the most auspicious time for your love life. The ship of your relationship will keep sailing smoothly. However during the other months of , you are advised to remain a bit careful with regards to your love life. The planetary positions may give birth to mental stress because of which you may constantly land up in situations exhibiting pressure.

cancer 1 march 2021 horoscope Cancer 1 march 2021 horoscope
cancer 1 march 2021 horoscope Cancer 1 march 2021 horoscope
cancer 1 march 2021 horoscope Cancer 1 march 2021 horoscope
cancer 1 march 2021 horoscope Cancer 1 march 2021 horoscope
cancer 1 march 2021 horoscope Cancer 1 march 2021 horoscope
cancer 1 march 2021 horoscope Cancer 1 march 2021 horoscope
cancer 1 march 2021 horoscope Cancer 1 march 2021 horoscope
cancer 1 march 2021 horoscope Cancer 1 march 2021 horoscope

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