Ivillage horoscopes scorpio extended

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The five-time Grammy winner said a consistent look reflects her positive state of mind. Several people have made headlines recently for traveling despite knowing they had either tested positive for COVID or had symptoms of the disease. Experts say a variety of reasons may be at play. McCain, who welcomed a daughter in September, opted to not share pregnancy photos in order to "leave my unborn child out of the social media cesspool. The couple turned the experience into a teachable moment for their daughters, Lincoln and Delta.

Don't back down

Read full article. Refinery29 May 28, , PM. Latest Stories. Yahoo Life Shopping. Yahoo Life. With all the important people in your life, begin discussions about the future. Are your goals aligned? It might involve relocating, taking a workshop or even starting a business together. If you try to downplay your dreams on Wednesday, the universe may check you. And thanks to a galvanizing beam from Pluto in your visionary ninth house, you may not be able to sleep on it.

This is a perfect day to test-drive one of your plans, even if that just means running it by a mentor to get a sense of whether this is doable, and what elements you might be overlooking or underplaying.

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But no shortcuts! Most essential is maintaining your reputation AND self-respect.

The Astrology of Space | Stars | Milky Way

With your ninth house activated, honesty is the only policy. Christmas Eve—and Day—will have you feeling like Dasher and Dancer combined, as the moon shines in Taurus and your trailblazing first house. Virtual hug, anyone? The final full moon of could heal some of the rifts that have divided people—especially the ones closest to you.

It was placed deep in my consciousness. In fact, it was a kind of vision. In my dream the astrologer L. Johndro appeared to me and his eyes were filled with light. There were rays or stalks of light coming out of his eyes. This strange being said but one word, "LOOK! I looked up and out there.

Find out your zodiac sign

As I opened my eyes, the sky was filled with brilliant points of light. The stars and all of this starry material were clustered together to form the great glowing arch of the Milky Way or galactic plane. It was wondrous beyond description and in that instant my heart went out from me and filled this bright hall of space.

Never again have I had the feeling of being here on earth, warm and trembling before the cold and black of space. I became the space and light and reversed my polarity or changed my attitude. I understood in that instant that I was a living representative of this mother galaxy, its child. I was the being from outer space I The Astrology of Space had always wondered about. Furthermore, I had always been so! From that night forward, I began to venture beyond the zodiac in an inquiry as to the nature and structure of this universe.

Here, in brief form, is what I found: Most important is the fact that we are an integral part of the cosmos, not some lonely outpost. In fact, each of us is a node or information aggregate and the universe is in intimate contact with itself only through us through our eyes. We are part of the cosmic information conduit, the eyes of the universe. The cosmos sees through our eyes, itself. The manifold nature of distant cosmic events happening out there in space is represented through our very self and lives down here on earth.

It lives through us. There is not only a correlation between these seeming remote cosmic events and our person, but an identity as well. Information coming from the galactic center and elsewhere , carried by electromagnetic and gravitational radiation from every last star and cosmic plane and event, passes through us at all times. We are in some way a node or information complex embedded in the matrix or web of manifestation. We look at ourself! While all that may sound pretty heady, the overpowering idea that occurred when I made some acquaintance with the universe and its structure is that there is no difference between out there and in here.

We are already out there! We ARE in deep space and have been there from eternity until now.

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Our world, our self and relationships, are a perfect reflection of what IS and what is happening out there. Not an analogy, but an identity.

Black holes, supernovae, quasars, and the like are not just remote The Astrology of Space cosmic events, but this identical story is represented, reflected, lived, and acted out each day in our lives, by those of us living here on Earth. It seems that information circulates through the universe and our Identity or sense of our self is this very process of circulation. What we call "Identity" or knowing our self is not only a personal experience, but a relationship, in fact, a circulation, and a process of communion or communication identification!

Not only is there a connection between our life and that of our galaxy and universe, but: WE ARE that connection.

The Astrology of Space

A study of the structure of the universe, at any level large or small is a study of our self, and the guidelines of cosmic structure help to illustrate the specific structure of our self. In summary, the idea that I am unfolding here is: astrology is not only a symbolic system of psychological discussion. The symbol is also, in fact, real. If we say it is an analogy, then the analogy is complete down to the limits of any specific example we might chose. We are all time and space travelers. There are no better words that I know of than these of Emerson: "All inquiry into antiquity is the desire to do away with this wild, savage, and preposterous There or Then, and introduce in its place, the Here and the Now.

Belzoni an archeologist digs and measures in the mummy-pits and pyramids of Thebes until he can see the end of the difference between the monstrous work and himself. When he has satisfied himself, in general and in detail, that it was made by such a The Astrology of Space person as he, so armed and so motivated, and to ends to which he, himself, should also have worked, the problem is solved; his thought lives along the whole line of temples and sphinxes and catacombs, passes through them all with satisfaction, and they live again to the mind, or are NOW.

A process of self-discovery awaits those who would inquire into the nature and structure of this universe. We may read and study the history and record of astrology through all of the books we have.

Robert Phoenix Archives

We may return again and again to our favorite passages to make sure of what we have found there. But, sooner or later, each of us must turn away from the book and just LIVE our life. That is why we study astrology in the first place.

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