Lunar eclipse february 25 2021 astrology effects

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The eclipses generate many emotions, but they can also bring to light the truth in relationships. The fire zodiac signs Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius will become aware of their role in this world and their real value. The air zodiac signs Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius will get insomnia. Some of the wrongs they have done in the past turn back upon them like a vision or nightmare.

The water zodiac signs Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces will also be quite disoriented. Except for the Cancer, which is governed by Moon, the Scorpios and Pisces will face real sentimental dramas. The earth zodiac signs Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn will have revelations regarding how they can make money from now on.

Lunations: Eclipses – Lunar Eclipses and Solar Eclipses 2020-2021

If the eclipses of impose some unpredictable changes, and we are forced to adapt and to sacrifice certain things, these two winter eclipses will give us the change to choose. We are the ones who will find solutions, the gates for escape, or make the best decisions so that we can reach our goals. When Mercury is in retrograde in ? You may also be able to attract what you need to heal your wounds physical, psychological, spiritual, etc. Like it says in the "Serenity Prayer," you may now find it a bit easier to accept that which you cannot change, while finding you make progress with the things you can.

During this transit, your sense of self and purpose can become merged with what you think, perceive and say. On one hand, this can make for an easy flow of ideas and communication from inside your brain to the external world. It can also increase your perceptions and observations of the world, as you file it all away in your internal database. On the other hand, you may find yourself a bit tongue-tied, as it could be hard to separate your sense of self from your perceptions and ideas enough to find the words to adequately express them.

In that case, just observe and go with the flow; the words will come later. It can also be a time when it's not easy to be objective, especially about yourself and how you bring yourself to the world around you. It's like your Being automatically expresses and sets into motion the things you think, perceive and want to say.

This can help you to feel like your sense of self is shining effortlessly, but if your thoughts and perceptions are in conflict with other parts of you e. Strive for balance and self-honesty before you act. The peak of Mercury conjunct the Sun is when it is Cazimi , which means being exact within 17 minutes of arc.

December 26: A Day of Positive Energy

For the few hours that this takes place, a Cazimi planet is said to be very strong. In the case of Mercury, your perceptions, awareness, thoughts and ability to put your thoughts into words may be unusually clear, focused or direct — even more-so since this happens in Mercury's sign of Gemini. You are still cautioned that an extra sharp wit might still be used with negative consequences, intentionally or not. Cheerful, adaptable Mercury travels through conventional, structured Capricorn, bringing out his analytical, focused side. This is a good time to plan your projects and map out a game plan to reach your goals.

It is probably best to choose discipline over distraction. Communication, ideas and awareness may become serious, structured, grounded and manifest now. This is a great time to do some serious planning and organizing for future projects and goals. It is also a good time for analyzing and evaluating what you have been involved with during the past year or so. What have you learned? What information has come to you that has led you into new directions?

What goals have you achieved, and what goals do you want to pursue now? What plan of action is required to get you from here to there? It may be a time when you can face some hard reality and tough decisions better than you normally do. Because Mercury in Capricorn tends to be serious and factual, it may also be a time when you are more prone to depression or discouragement. It will help to schedule regular breaks in your routine to get away and plug your head into a different perspective for a while. Happy Solar Return to all Capricorns! And Happy Solstice and Happy Yule to all of us!

Astrological Outlook for the Year Ahead | We'Moon Journey Into Astrology blog

When the Sun enters Capricorn each year, it marks the Winter Solstice in the northern hemisphere longest night and the Summer Solstice in the southern hemisphere longest day. Yule is the traditional celebration of the December solstice in European-derived cultures, welcoming the start of the increasing light. While the Sun is in Capricorn, we have the opportunity to explore our connection to the earth Capricorn being an Earth sign in a physical way.

Whether you are bundling up to survive a cold winter, or unwinding after the summer heat, or getting down to business as the landscape blooms in "downunder" summer splendour, there is something very manifest and substantial about the experience of Capricorn. This energy calls on us to get real in whatever we are doing — to bring structure, responsibility and discipline to whatever we do. It is a time to work on our "containment. Sometimes that means cutting back in certain areas in order to focus your energy and make room for new growth. Sometimes it means having to delay gratification and reward until you reach a certain point of progress.

The Capricorn rule of thumb is: if you do whatever is necessary, the rewards will come. Every 20 years, the slowest-moving planets visible to the naked eye come together. This is the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction. The last time Jupiter and Saturn came together was at the end of May at 22 degrees of Taurus. This current conjunction is in Aquarius—in fact, at the very first degree of Aquarius, making it extra significant and powerful, releasing raw, undiluted Aquarian energy into the world.

This transit signals a new beginning on multiple levels. For starters, any conjunction of two planets begins a new cycle of their combined energies. In this case, this involves Jupiter — typically involving justice, the law, knowledge, vision, wisdom, foreign interaction, morality, ethics, religion, faith and hope. It also involves Saturn — associated with order, facts, maturity, discipline, responsibility, accomplishment, structure, expectations, manifestation, career, corporations, businesses, and working within realistic limits.

What is a lunar eclipse?

Combined, the two of them create the dynamic ingredients of leadership and achievement — the structure, maturity and discipline of Saturn with the vision, wisdom and promise of Jupiter. People born under a Jupiter-Saturn conjunction often have leadership or high achievement potential, rising to the top end of the spectrum in their career and life accomplishments. In addition, Jupiter signifies royalty and Saturn government.

There is a slogan often associated with this conjunction: "The King is dead, long live the King" or Queen. This current conjunction takes place at zero degrees which indicates an even more powerful new beginning. The first degree of any sign represents the raw life force of that sign.

Like a newborn babe, it isn't developed yet and may be a bit ambiguous, unpredictable, impulsive or even unconscious in expressing that sign's energy. So, this conjunction in Aquarius brings fresh hope for building a new vision.

Lunar Eclipses 2021 – Effects on Astrology

This is true both for society and personally. Look also to the houses in your chart where Saturn and Jupiter are, as well as the houses ruled by Saturn Capricorn, Aquarius and Jupiter Sagittarius, Pisces. All of these areas may be stimulated with fresh potential and a need to build something new in your life. Read my latest article! This can be a volatile combination of energies, which can generate enormous stress and conflict, but can also motivate you go beyond your perceived limitations.

The Planetary Drama of December: Komilla Sutton

The biggest dangers with this transit include obsessive control, violence in response to frustration, and natural reactions of anger being blown out of proportion into rage. However, if you are able to harness this energy and put it to productive use, it can fuel your ambitions and drive you to push past the barriers that are in your way including your own discouragement or lethargy. There can be a fine line, though, between empowering yourself with determination and courage versus forcing the issue in a way that creates more problems than it solves.

And there is a difference between being obsessively attached to the outcome versus discovering that you have more courage, strength and tenacity than you thought you did, when your back is against the wall.

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Sexual tension can be strong under this transit, so it is wise to use some good judgment about whether or how to act on that. Power struggles with others can become very intense, so strive to be clear in yourself about what you really want and how you can assert your interests without inflicting the emotional equivalent of nuclear war.

Mars Retrograde Dates in 2020:

Your mental focus and perceptions may feel a bit strained right now. You could find yourself locked in a struggle of indecision that stems from a "glass half empty" versus "glass half full" dilemma. It may be difficult to stay objective and evenly balanced in your perspective, but by working with this you could also find a new mental focus that gives you increased clarity.

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It might be tempting to sink into cynicism as a way to deal with what seems like a no-win situation. On the other hand, this transit could bring your mental perspective to a kind of "healing crisis" that forces you to get a better grip on the ideas, communication and frame of mind that have been problematic for you. Instead of reaching for extremes hoping this will clarify the path in front of you , it will help more if you can take a few steps back to allow all the conflicting and out-of-sync elements to coexist together — creative paradox.

If you have been struggling to come to terms with something, this could be a turning point that helps you to deal with the complex reality of your situation. If you can manage it, your contribution is hugely appreciated and helps keep this site free for everyone.

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  • Solar eclipse of December 14, - Wikipedia.
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If you're not in Canada , please use the button below. Still have problems with the Donate button? Please let me know. Many thanks! Unusual ideas, flashes of insight and seeing unexpected possibilities are all part of this transit.

lunar eclipse february 25 2021 astrology effects Lunar eclipse february 25 2021 astrology effects
lunar eclipse february 25 2021 astrology effects Lunar eclipse february 25 2021 astrology effects
lunar eclipse february 25 2021 astrology effects Lunar eclipse february 25 2021 astrology effects
lunar eclipse february 25 2021 astrology effects Lunar eclipse february 25 2021 astrology effects
lunar eclipse february 25 2021 astrology effects Lunar eclipse february 25 2021 astrology effects
lunar eclipse february 25 2021 astrology effects Lunar eclipse february 25 2021 astrology effects

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