Mariana cojocaru horoscop 6 january

Proceedings of HMM2012

An attempt was made to study sensitivity, specificity, and predictive value of non-invasive technique like questionnaire method and compared with traditional clinical evaluation. This study compared diagnosis of angina made with the Rose uestionnaire to diagnosis by physician in type-2 diabetes mellitus and the effect of glycaemic control.

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Methods: A cross-sectional study was done from March to March Glycosylated haemoglobin levels were estimated. Data on Rose questionnaire angina and physician diagnosed angina were collected and compared between groups of well controlled diabetics, poorly controlled diabetics and controls. The 12 lead Electrocardiogram was used to confirm the diagnosis. Results: The Rose questionnaire had This study also showed the occurrence of IHD was higher in the poorly controlled diabetics Conclusions: The questionnaire diagnosis showed good sensitivity and high specificity as compared with diagnosis by physicians.

The questionnaire method can be frequently used and incorporated in cardiovascular risk assessment and epidemiologic screening programs. Clinical benefits of tight glycaemic control : focus on the intensive care unit.

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While stress hyperglycaemia has traditionally been regarded as an adaptive, beneficial response, it is clear that hyperglycaemia and hypoglycaemia are associated with increased risk of death in critically ill intensive care unit ICU patients. Recent studies on blood-glucose control failed to fully clarify whether this association is causal. Early proof-of-concept single-centre randomised controlled studies found that maintaining normoglycaemia by intensive insulin therapy, as compared with tolerating hyperglycaemia as an adaptive response, improved patient outcome.

Methodological disparity in the execution of the complex intervention of tight glycaemic control may have contributed significantly to the contradicting results. Second, problems to steer blood-glucose levels within target range in the intervention group resulted in a significant overlap of the treatment groups. Third, allowing inaccurate blood-glucose measurement devices, in combination with different blood sampling sites and types of infusion pumps, may have led to unnoticed swings in blood-glucose levels.

Fourth, the level of expertise of the intensive care nurses with the therapy may have been variable due to low number of study patients per centre. Finally, the studies on tight blood-glucose control were done with vastly different nutritional and end-of-life strategies. The currently available studies do not allow to confidently recommend one optimal target for glucose in heterogeneous ICU patient groups and settings. Provided that adequate devices for blood-glucose measurement and insulin administration are available, together with an extensive experience of the.

The structural equation models of self-management and glycaemic control showed very good fit to the data. The scale may be useful for clinical assessments of patients with suboptimal diabetes outcomes or research on factors affecting associations between self-management behaviours and glycaemic control. Disease related knowledge, medication adherence and glycaemic control among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Pakistan.

The purpose of this study was to investigate the association of diabetes-related knowledge and treatment adherence with glycaemic control among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus T2DM in Pakistan. The study was designed as a questionnaire-based, cross-sectional analysis. T2DM patients attending a public outpatient clinic in Sargodha, Pakistan, were targeted for the study.

Patients' medical records were reviewed for glycated haemoglobin levels HbA1c. Descriptive statistics were used to elaborate sociodemographic characteristics. The Spearman's Rho correlation was used to measure association of disease-related knowledge and treatment adherence with glycaemic control. SPSS V The mean age SD of these patients was The mean SD duration of disease was 5.

The median knowledge score was 8. There was negative association reported between HbA1c, treatment adherence and diabetes-related knowledge. Greater efforts are clearly required to investigate other factors affecting glycaemic control among T2DM patients in Pakistan. Self-efficacy has been shown to be positively correlated with self-care behaviour and glycaemic control among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.

The objectives of this study were to i determine the levels of self-efficacy, self-care behaviour and glycaemic control among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in the Malaysian primary care setting ii determine the relationship between self-efficacy, self-care behaviour and glycaemic control iii determine the factors associated with glycaemic control. This was a cross-sectional study involving patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus from two public primary care clinics in Malaysia. Glycaemic control was measured using HbA 1c. A positive relationship was found between self-efficacy and self-care behaviour r 0.

Findings of this study suggest the importance of including routine use of self-efficacy measures in the management of type 2 diabetes mellitus in primary care. Metabolic effects of low glycaemic index diets. Full Text Available Abstract The persistence of an epidemic of obesity and type 2 diabetes suggests that new nutritional strategies are needed if the epidemic is to be overcome.

A promising nutritional approach suggested by this thematic review is metabolic effect of low glycaemic -index diet. The currently available scientific literature shows that low glycaemic -index diets acutely induce a number of favorable effects, such as a rapid weight loss, decrease of fasting glucose and insulin levels, reduction of circulating triglyceride levels and improvement of blood pressure. The long-term effect of the combination of these changes is at present not known.

Based on associations between these metabolic parameters and risk of cardiovascular disease, further controlled studies on low-GI diet and metabolic disease are needed. Diabetes mellitus is a burgeoning global health epidemic, with an estimated million people living with diabetes in The number of adult diabetic patients in Singapore is expected to rise to 1 million in Despite advances made in the management of diabetes and improvements in healthcare accessibility and delivery, the rate and complications of diabetes myocardial infarction, stroke, kidney failure and lower limb amputation in Singapore have not decreased.

Gaps between guidelines and practice have been reported in several parts of the world. In this narrative review, we aimed to describe the control of diabetes in Singapore over the past 20 years. We reviewed studies describing, or trials intervening in, the glycaemic , blood pressure BP and low density lipoprotein cholesterol LDL-C control of adult diabetic patients in Singapore published over the past 20 years Studies selected from comprehensive electronic databases searches were reviewed by 4 reviewers 2 primary care physicians, 1 diabetologist and 1 public health epidemiologist.

We included 23 articles involving , subjects. There were 9 longitudinal, 12 cross-sectional and 2 case- control studies. BP ranged between Nine studies reported LDL-C between 2.

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Mirroring global patterns, the glycaemic , BP and LDL-C control in adult diabetic patients in Singapore do not appear to be treated to target in the majority of patients. Diabetes-specific emotional distress mediates the association between depressive symptoms and glycaemic control in Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. Linear regression was performed to examine the mediating effect of diabetes-distress.

Analyses showed that diabetes-distress mediated Addressing diabetes-specific emotional problems as part of depression treatment in diabetes patients may help improve glycaemic outcomes A controlled , randomized cross-over study. The health benefits of consuming a low glycaemic index GI diet to reduce the risk of type 2 Diabetes are well recognized. In recent years the GI values of various foods have been determined.

Explorations in the History of Machines and Mechanisms

Test meals included breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner. Our observations also confirm that a low GI diet promotes fat oxidation over carbohydrate oxidation when compared to a high GI diet. These observations provide public health support for the encouragement of healthier nutrition choices by consuming low GI foods. NCT Clinicaltrials. Sea buckthorn decreases and delays insulin response and improves glycaemic profile following a sucrose-containing berry meal. PURPOSE: Berries and mixed berry products exert acute effects on postprandial glycaemia and insulinemia, but very few berries have been studied, and primarily in normal weight subjects.

Sea buckthorn and strawberry are compositionally widely different berries and may likely produce different The effects of strawberry and sea buckthorn on postprandial glycaemia and insulinemia were examined in overweight or obese male subjects. Subjective appetite sensations and ad libitum intake were also examined. Eighteen subjects were studied in three 2-h meal tests followed by a subsequent ad libitum meal. Test meals contained added sucrose and either sea buckthorn, strawberry or no berries with added fructose control.

We investigated glycaemic control , pancreatic function and total fat mass before and after 8 weeks of low volume high intensity interval training HIIT on cycle ergometer in T2D patients and matched healthy control individuals.

Proceedings of HMM2012

HIIT a week over an 8 week period on a cycle ergometer. Participants underwent a 2-hour oral glucose tolerance test OGTT. Finally, a whole body dual X-ray absorptiometry DXA was performed.

Explorations in the History of Machines and Mechanisms | SpringerLink

After 8 weeks of training, the same measurements were performed. Conclusion: these results.

On a separate day, resting blood pressure measurement was conducted followed by an incremental maximal oxygen uptake VO2max cycle ergometer test. Bastelaar, K. Insulin monotherapy compared with the addition of oral glucose-lowering agents to insulin for people with type 2 diabetes already on insulin therapy and inadequate glycaemic control. A randomised control trial of low glycaemic index carbohydrate diet versus no dietary intervention in the prevention of recurrence of fetal macrosomia. Abstract Background Maternal weight and maternal weight gain during pregnancy exert a significant influence on infant birth weight and the incidence of macrosomia.

Fetal macrosomia is associated with an increase in both adverse obstetric and neonatal outcome, and also confers a future risk of childhood obesity. Studies have shown that a low glycaemic diet is associated with lower birth weights, however these studies have been small and not randomised 1 2. Fetal macrosomia recurs in a second pregnancy in one third of women, and maternal weight influences this recurrence risk 3. Secundigravid women whose first baby was macrosomic, defined as a birth weight greater than g will be recruited at their first antenatal visit.

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Patients will be randomised into two arms, a control arm which will receive no dietary intervention and a diet arm which will be commenced on a low glycaemic index diet. The primary outcome measure will be the mean birth weight centiles and ponderal indices in each group.

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