Pisces horoscope characters

Pisces Zodiac Sign

The Pisces is an extremely kind and compassionate soul that has a hell of a lot of love to give to the world. The Pisces is an extremely positive spirit to be around and they have a way of bringing out the bring best in the people that they are with. They pick up on vibes and subtle clues that others often miss and they notice a hell of a lot more than many give them credit for.

For the Pisces, reality is often just not where the party is at. They love to be made to feel specia l and wanted but they also know how to sweep their partner off their feet too. Pisces are deeply emotional individuals who feel everything intensely… both good and bad.

That said, being a member of the fish fam says a lot about you. So, without further ado, check out these five key traits of Pisces zodiac signs—plus, how they can impact your life—according to Donna Page , a certified astrologer in Atlanta. Whatever it is, your noodle is on the case. While you're dreaming, why not check out the dream vacay for your zodiac sign in ?

You're basically an expert at calling out unnecessary steps when you see them like, why do you need to separate your lights and darks in the laundry when it all washes together just fine? Finding easier ways to tackle everyday tasks and make life that much simpler is your thing.

People know they can count on you to shed happy tears at their wedding, after all! You're often so focused on being there for everyone literally, everyone you care about that you can get stretched too thin on the emotional front sometimes.

Knowing when you need to take a beat and step back is crucial for your own well-being, mkay? You go all out on special occasions and are always down to celebrate relationship milestones, like the first time you Netflixed and chilled together. This is partly because they often feel misunderstood or that people don't take the time to understand them the way they take the time to understand others. Also, because Pisces are so trusting and generous, they can be taken advantage of, and it can be very difficult for them to get over being treated badly.

If they're hurt often enough, Pisces may begin to close themselves off as a method of self-protection. Pisces' feelings are already strong enough, and they don't need them toyed with by people who don't have their best interests at heart. What is it like to know a Pisces?

Best traits

Pisces are known for being loyal and deeply caring no matter what their relationship is with the other person. Here's how Pisces interact in romantic relationships, among family and friends, and at work. While Pisces are generally thought to be most romantically compatible with Capricorn, Cancer, Leo, and Taurus and least compatible with Gemini and Sagittarius , they can make a relationship work with almost anyone they care about. Pisces fall fast and hard, and from the beginning of a relationship they are thoughtful and devoted partners.

They prefer serious relationships and, when they meet the right person, will want to make things "official" early on. Pisces are true romantics and will go out of their way to think of thoughtful surprises and gifts to show how much they care. Because they are so attuned to the emotions of others, Pisces are incredibly caring partners and will do practically anything to make sure the person they love feels cared about and supported. While Pisces would never outwardly expect the same effort in return from their partner, they can feel hurt and rejected if they feel neglected over time.

Because they are so emotional, Pisces can also be difficult to have tough discussions with because they can easily be overwhelmed by their emotions and can hold onto perceived hurts for a long time.

Pisces Traits

Their devotion and need to please their partner can also come across as neediness at times and cause more independent types to feel smothered. Pisces are highly-valued by their friends and family. They're very family-oriented, and they will make family a priority throughout their life. They love family gatherings where many members get together and enjoy each other's company.

Best Romantic Matches for Pisces Females

Pisces are devoted friends as well, and with their natural listening and empathizing skills, they often act as the "therapist" of the group and offer help to any friend who needs it. However, because of their desire to go with the flow and their natural people-pleasing tendencies, the Pisces personality can often have difficulty asserting what they want in friendships, and they may find their caring nature taken advantage of by people who see them as pushovers.

With their idealistic and impressionable personalities, a Pisces personality may at first not seem to excel in the workplace. And it's true that they can sometimes get caught up in their own imaginations, pursuing wild ideas instead of sitting down to focus on the more mundane tasks that need to be completed. However, in the right circumstances, Pisces' natural creative abilities and their skill at working with others can allow them to shine at work.

They are often popular coworkers because of their easy-going nature and ability to get along with everyone.

Pisces: Dates, Traits, & More | land.xn----8sbal3cjanv.xn--p1ai

Pisces also often do well when working for themselves because they have more freedom over how to pursue their work and can give their creativity free reign. Some examples include:. If you're a Pisces, you'll first need to figure out which of the typical Pisces characteristics apply to you. No one has all the traits of their sign, so if you don't have one or more of those listed above, you don't need to worry about it! In general though, one of the biggest pieces of advice for Pisces is not to let people take advantage of you. You're naturally a caring person who will do almost anything for people close to you and, unfortunately, some people will try to take too much from you.

You can also end up neglecting your own needs while trying to make others happy.

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When you're about to do something kind for someone, pause and ask yourself if this is really in your best interest as well. Remember, your needs are important, too.

Taking a pause is good advice in general for Pisces. Because you feel so many emotions, they can sometimes get the better of you, especially in charged situations such as during an argument or at the beginning of a relationship. Taking a step back and regaining control over what you're feeling can help you handle intense moments better and, again, ensure you're making the best decisions for your happiness.

Talking to signs known for their level-headedness, such as Capricorns and Libras, can help you feel confident you're making the right decisions.

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