Solar eclipse astrology january 2021

Astrological Significance of the Eclipses

This one is the second eclipse along this sign axis. Full Moons and Lunar Eclipses bring issues in our lives to fulfillment. Our emotions are heightened, and there is often some sort of drama involved with the house, sign, and any contacted planets activated by the Full Moon. This Lunar Eclipse gives us a cosmic push to make needed changes in our lives. The areas of life activated by the eclipse may see dramatic turns, after which the path is clear to move forward. Note that whatever happens at this time is nothing truly new. The issues have been brewing inside of us, and emotions have been building.

Something comes to light at the time of the Lunar Eclipse, and if we get in touch with our emotions, we can get a better idea of what needs to change, or what needs to go. This Lunar Eclipse in Gemini heightens our awareness of flaws in the structures of our lives, particularly in our communications and transportation systems. Decisions made now are emotionally-driven. However, these new feelings and revelations are emotional ones, as there is a sense of emotions bursting forth into our consciousness.

Of course, we might want to exercise some care while doing so, knowing that what is coming out of us is new and not particularly rational as yet. This is a time to work on clearing up past patterns that have been holding us back from personal fulfillment, particularly those that are communication-centered or that revolve around our attitudes, expressions, gestures, studies, and mobility. We become aware of where we have been overdoing our attachment to beliefs and opinions. Full Moons are always good for magnifying pre-existing problems so that we can see where to bring back balance.

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Our larger work should be on reaching a fair balance. Enlightenment now provides us with a golden opportunity to explore our emotional needs, which can ultimately lead to positive actions and decisions. With the Gemini-Sagittarius axis involved, this Lunar Eclipse presses us to look more closely at the needs, lacks, and wants in our lives concerning the balance between Gemini-ruled and Sagittarius ruled areas of life. Sagittarius symbolizes the quest for meaning and ideas that expand upon the here and now. Gemini recognizes the need to improve and perfect its immediate environment or neighborhood, while Sagittarius stimulates us to venture beyond.

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Neglecting either end of the axis will backfire. Ideally, we find a balance between the energies, and this is what the Lunar Eclipse invites us to do. This eclipse is about communication, attitude, and our sense of adventure. Something has been building inside of us, and now is the time when the energy of the cosmos fairly demands that we let it out.

A sudden awareness of a lack in our lives provides us with a golden opportunity to explore our emotional needs within the context of the house polarity where the eclipse occurs in our natal charts. Relationships may be challenged, broken, or strengthened dramatically at this time. Our discovery is emotionally charged and dramatic. Epiphanies are likely to lead to propel us into affirmative action, although there can be some level of chaos initially. On November 28, , a Lunar Eclipse fell in Gemini at almost the same degree as the one occurring in It might be helpful to think back to issues in your life that were in effect around this time to get an idea of how this Lunar Eclipse affects you.

Others at a similar degree occurred on November 29, , and November 29, You can also look back in a general sense to eclipse sets occurring along the same Gemini-Sagittarius axis as the current one in effect from June to December This can help give more information gleaned by looking to the past to understand themes in the present and future. The last time we had a set of Gemini-Sagittarius eclipses was from December to May Before that, a set occurred from December to November , and another from December to May These are also periods of your past, if applicable, that may have had similar themes to this current eclipse set.

Of course, even if they occurred at similar degrees, the other planets were represented differently, so the issues will not be identical, but specific themes can re-emerge. The following lists the set of eclipses falling along the Gemini-Sagittarius axis in this set only there were other eclipses between these since they overlap — the full chronological list of eclipses is at the end of this page :. This lunation occurs at 8 degrees and 38 minutes of Gemini, affecting people with personal planets and points at approximately 4 to 14 degrees of the Mutable signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces most significantly.

A crisis of sorts which can be a crisis of consciousness or sudden awareness of a lack in our lives provides us with a golden opportunity to explore our emotional needs within the context of the house polarity where the eclipse occurs in our natal charts. Epiphanies are likely at this time as we become acutely aware of our lack. This understanding can propel us into affirmative action. If this Lunar eclipse forms a conjunction aligns with a planet in your chart, you may feel its intensity more than others.

The desire —or necessity— to turn over a new leaf is strong.

Eclipse Charts | Cafe Astrology .com

A significant other or the public can play a large role in the events of your life now. In major aspect to the Moon , a Lunar Eclipse can trigger major changes in your living situation and personal life, including personal relationships. Circumstances that significantly change your daily routine and domestic world can arise. Finding a balance between autonomy and dependence is what this eclipse is about for you. Your emotions are on your sleeve right now.

It is a good time to put your needs first, but doing so with respect for others will take you further. There may be some drama involving a significant other. A Lunar Eclipse in the second house , you may get a cosmic push to make necessary financial changes in your life. Your comfort zones matter, and now is the time to take care of your own needs without eclipsing the needs of others. A financial settlement, the beginning or end of a particular debt, and other such scenarios can be part of the picture now.


A Lunar Eclipse in the third house , there may be some sort of drama surrounding communication, modes of transportation, schooling, mobility, neighbors, or siblings. Daily routines can change dramatically. There may be a major event in the life of a sibling. There could be a publishing offer or you might be in a position to promote yourself.

Travel or education plans may come to fruition. You might gain an entirely different perspective on a matter. A Lunar Eclipse in the fourth house , domestic conditions are illuminated.

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  8. House repairs, family dramas, and other such issues need serious attention. The demands of your personal life are now paramount. Striking a balance between energy spent on work and energy spent on domestic matters is essential now. Balanced attention to your public and personal lives is what you need to focus on.

    A major career project can come to fruition or completion.

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    A Lunar Eclipse in the fifth house , a romantic affair may be tested. The demands of your larger goals in life may have been eclipsing your pleasure-seeking activities. Some might have a child. A new creative project might begin now. A Lunar Eclipse in the sixth , there could be changes necessary in your job or health routines. You can use this surge of emotional energy to make positive changes to your routines.

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    Do something to improve your work conditions if they are annoying you. Get going on your exercise or nutrition program that you know you have to do in order to feel more balanced. A work project or a job itself can begin or end now. A physical or mental health issue might come to light. A Lunar Eclipse in the seventh house , partnerships may be tested, but there is nothing to fear if the relationship is strong.

    The seventh house represents an important one-to-one relationship—a marriage partner, significant other, business partner, or an adversary. You might suddenly find yourself with more social opportunities, or you might acquire many new clients. It may be time to settle some of your debts, financial or otherwise.

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    solar eclipse astrology january 2021 Solar eclipse astrology january 2021
    solar eclipse astrology january 2021 Solar eclipse astrology january 2021
    solar eclipse astrology january 2021 Solar eclipse astrology january 2021
    solar eclipse astrology january 2021 Solar eclipse astrology january 2021
    solar eclipse astrology january 2021 Solar eclipse astrology january 2021
    solar eclipse astrology january 2021 Solar eclipse astrology january 2021

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