Astrology basic info

Signs of the Zodiac: Symbols, Dates, Traits, and Planetary Rulers

Sometimes they seem to have trouble making decisions, but this is because they must consider all sides of a question first. They are always striving for perfection and balance, and love beauty and harmony around them. The most important thing for a Libra person is this idea of harmony. Libra people love to have people about them and to feel that they are appreciated.

12 Zodiac Signs: Dates, Traits, Meanings & More | land.xn----8sbal3cjanv.xn--p1ai

They usually get very interested in the opposite sex early in life, because they need love and companionship. Lots of Libra people are artistic and appreciate beautiful things. Sometimes they are talented at music or singing, and often dress well. But they may also be good at mathematics and science, because there is a clear, logical quality to the way they think. Usually Libra people are well liked because they are charming and easy to get along with. When a Libra person argues or behaves badly, it is usually because he feels that something is unfair. Libra is an air sign, like Gemini and Aquarius.

If you are a Libra, think about how good you feel when everything in your life seems to be harmonious and well-balanced, and when you have friends to go places or do things with. He can be dangerous, but he is never aggressive by himself and will only harm someone if he is disturbed. Astrologers think that the scorpion is a good symbol to represent those born under this sign because Scorpio people usually need plenty of time by themselves to think deeply about things they feel.

Scorpio people are sometimes very quiet, shy and sensitive and like to keep secrets. They can feel things very intensely. Scorpio people are also often very good at seeing the good and bad points in other people.

Astrology For Dummies Cheat Sheet

The most important thing for Scorpio is self-understanding. They are not afraid to try things other people are frightened of, if it will help them to learn more about themselves. At the same time, they do not like to be taken advantage of or injured, and many Scorpio people have a very strong sense of justice. This can make life difficult for Scorpio children if they think they are being unfairly punished. Scorpio children are often much wiser and more understanding than other children, so they should always be given reasons when they are told to do something.

Many Scorpio people are good at things which require deep thought and understanding, like psychology. Some of them become fine doctors and surgeons, because they are interested in the mysteries of life and like to heal. Scorpio is a water sign, like Cancer and Pisces.

If you are a Scorpio, your special gifts are your insight and sensitivity, and your strength of will, which can achieve anything in life. In the stories of mythology he is full of adventure and will gallop to the ends of the earth just for the joy of finding something new. In his hands he carries a bow and arrow. He shoots his arrow at some distant goal, gallops off in pursuit, and when he finds his arrow shoots it again, always keeping on the move.

Astrologers think the centaur is a good symbol for those born under this sign, because they generally love travelling, seeing new places and meeting new people. They are always ready for a new adventure and always ready to learn something new.

Understanding Your Compatibility with Other Astrology Signs

Sagittarius people need plenty of freedom, because they want to experience as much of life as they can. They are unhappy when tied down to a routine, and happiest when starting off on something new. Walking is a favourite Sagittarian pastime, and many excel at sports. Sagittarians also have restless, adventurous minds, and like to take up new studies.

Nature and significance

Many Sagittarians are keenly interested in philosophy and the world of ideas, and they also love to have a good time and are fun to be with. Sagittarius is a fire sign, like Aries and Leo. If you are a Sagittarius, you will probably find that as you grow older you want to travel.

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You should have a lively and inquiring mind, and will always be asking questions about everything. Above all, you should have great faith in yourself, and your special and unique gift is this ability to wish upon a lucky star and believe your dreams really will come true. He is sure-footed and never falls, and knows where he is going.

Earth's motion around the Sun, not as simple as I thought

Other animals cannot catch him because he simply climbs higher and looks out over the world from a safe and secure place on the mountain top. Astrologers think that the mountain goat is a good symbol for those born under the sign of Capricorn because they are the type of people who have a goal towards which they will work hard and long. Capricorn people usually have plenty of self-discipline and are successful in what they do. The most important thing to a Capricorn is achievement.

He will tend to take life seriously, and it is important for him to be good at something. He needs to feel that he has a skill, something he can do better than anyone else. Capricorn people are hard workers and many of them make excellent teachers, lawyers and statesmen. They are also quiet and diplomatic and know how to be subtle and tactful in their dealings with others. It may take a long time for you to get to know a Capricorn person, because he is often serious and shy by nature.

Capricorn is an earth sign, like Virgo and Taurus. If you are a Capricorn you will probably find that as you grow older it will be more and more important for you to achieve success in something and earn recognition for your abilities. Work is very important to you. Family life is equally important, and you may have a love of history and tradition. Your special and unique gift is your inner determination to succeed at what you want in life, and that means you probably will.

Star Sign Dates & Traits

Astrologers think this is a good symbol for people born under the sign of Aquarius, because they are generous in sharing their gifts with other people. Aquarians are often humanitarians. This means that they are interested in people and will feel concern for people as a group. They believe that everyone is their friend, whether they are black or white, rich or poor, beautiful or ugly. Aquarius is a friendly sign.

Many Aquarians have excellent minds. They are very clever at science and are especially interested in anything which can help people. They are often fascinated by gadgets and inventions, and some Aquarians become great inventors themselves. Others may support political movements concerned with questions of freedom and justice. Aquarius people, are often not very emotional, because they are more interested in exchanging ideas and helping others.

Aquarius is an air sign, like Gemini and Libra. And even if you consider yourself an astrology buff, there's a good bet you don't know it all. To that end, we've rounded up 50 crazy horoscope facts that are sure to be news to you—whether you're a certified expert or a mere daily reader. In a breakdown of all the presidents, Scorpio and Pisces birthdays pop up more often than any other sign. There have only been three Gemini presidents, making it the least common sign. Presidents Abroad. An analysis of data from the FBI found that Cancers are the most frequently arrested of all the zodiac signs, and their crimes are often more serious too.

The oldest horoscope that has yet been discovered was for April 29, , BC.

Zodiac Signs: All About The 12 Horoscope Signs

This is considered the beginning of astrology. Instead of astrological signs, in Japan, people attribute personality traits to blood type, so it's not uncommon for a someone getting to know you to ask you what your blood type is. Scorpios were also not wanted. The woman who posted the ad said it's because they have a tendency to be " feisty and critical.

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  • Australian car share service Go Get parsed through information on , of its users to determine that Leos are the most likely to get busted for speeding. According to the data , Leos are 40 percent more likely to get a ticket than Libras. Of all the astrological signs, Capricorns have the most accounts on made-for-adultery website Ashley Madison. They also reach out to more people. The sign is known for its determination. Data analysis by Vocativ found that more world leaders are Scorpios than any other sign, with 22 leaders.

    Scorpios are known for their independence and ambition. Earth wobbles on its axis in a phenomenon called "precession," which leads some people to claim your astrological chart might be incorrect. Most astrologers say not to worry about it, though. Although astrology was never embraced by Christianity, that didn't stop Pope Sixtus IV from becoming the first pope to draw and interpret a horoscope for himself in the 15th century. The zodiac was originally used as an agricultural calendar to help people track when to sow seeds and harvest crops by using the position of the constellations in the sky.

    A German astrologer named Fran Elsbeth Ebertin was given Hitler's astrological chart in , and she predicted his rise to power. An analysis of top athletes found that they had Aquarius as either their sun or moon sign 21 percent of the time. The next most frequently appearing sign was Cancer, at 12 percent.

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