Figure symbolising the astrological sign sagittarius

Art Matters podcast: decoding astrology in art

On both sides, it is surrounded by a downpour of star-dust. The original statue of Eva realised by Jacob Ungerer in is at the city-hall of Hamburg. The bottom line is dark.

Astrology for inspiration

From out of it raises a reddish city skyline made with a photo of house facades in Buenos Aires. The mega-cities are places where many human souls are living under the pressure of modern material life. They meditate the North Pole in their head centre, the South Pole in their base centre, the equator in their solar plexus and the Himalayas in their heart.

They inwardly study the currents of magnetism that flow around the earth and use them to purify the centres along their spine and to free the thoughts from personal influences.

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Likewise, correspondences can also be established between the parts of the body and the planets, the sun signs or the planes of consciousness. When our orientation to a larger system is complete, the energies of our system are rearranged in accordance with the larger system.

Disorder is brought back to order; thereby, one radiates and remains magnetic. To depict these dimensions, I placed the silhouette of a human body over an image of the globe. I created the radiance of the inner centres by using photos of aquamarine gemstones and of a lotus. You see the lines of the magnetic field as the human and the planetary aura.

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The central axis of the spine is prolonged via the axis of the earth to a galactic axis. For visualising the seven planes of consciousness, I transformed and multiplied extracts from a NASA photo of the Sombrero galaxy. She is the unlimited light of consciousness that emerges from the background of existence as the pure virgin nature. Virgo represents this aspect of the Logos as Mother. From there, the creation emerges in four states. They are called the stages of utterance of the Creator.

The objectivity is the fourth state; three states of emanation of the Word are hidden in the subjectivity. The objective state is like the vocal sentence of our speech. Prior to that, there is the mental sentence coming from an idea, and prior to that the idea emerges from consciousness. The four states of the Word are illustrated by different circles. At the heart centre and in the background you see the Sri Yantra, a symbol of the Mother, which contains the wisdom of the goddess.

For the background colours I used the photo of a sunrise in the Nilagiris. The stars of the Pleiades constellation, the seven Mothers, are generated with the help of the Stellarium software. Hercules represents the aspirant becoming a disciple and realising himself as a soul.

Later on, he further ascends to realise the Universal Soul. The Labours of Hercules are a journey through the zodiac and the fifth labour corresponds to Leo. Hercules is asked to kill the Nemean lion. The lion represents our lower nature, the personality. Killing the lion means, overcoming our ego and realising our identity as a soul. The cave of the lion is the heart.

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We go inside and listen to the sound of respiration which is compared to the roar of the lion. By observing the pulsation we slowly get to the subtle pulsation; this is called "entering the cave within the cave". In a deep meditative state, when the respiration ceases, we meet the Higher Self. Only the original thought "I AM" exists; no other thought remains.

When there is no more identification with the personality, the "lion is killed". However, the Teacher tells Hercules that the lion needs to be overcome again and again; otherwise it will return. For Hercules fighting in the cave with the lion, I worked on a photo Wikimedia: Sailko of a Renaissance brooch. In the background there is the transformed initiate who has realised himself as a part of the Universal Soul.

The golden colour of the statue symbolises the etheric body of the initiate, where the divine light reflects from above. Moon is the Lord of Cancer and it is related to our mind. Like the Moon reflects the light of the Sun, our mind reflects the solar light of the internal Sun principle, the soul. Moon also reflects the light of the higher Moon called Soma in the Eastern scriptures.

Soma, the divine musician, presides over the cosmic mind; his rays are received by the Moon via Neptune. Moon stands for the female principle, the mother. It stimulates the fertilisation and the birth and growth of the fauna and flora on earth. Cats attract the magnetism of the Moon; therefore the Egyptians considered them as sacred. Artemis, the Greek goddess of the hunt and of the Moon, can be understood as a symbol of the mind and quick thoughts.

The face is surrounded on one side by a cat and on the other by orchids dotted with starry reflections. On the top you see moon light from beyond reflecting on the bluish globe of Neptune and coming down to the sphere of the Moon.

Ascendant, Descendant, MC and IC (the Angles)

The Moon again fuses with the head of Artemis. It is also called Father-Mother, the interplay of the male-female God. Ardhanari is usually depicted with the right side being the male Shiva and the left side being his consort Shakti, his energy. In astrology, the male-female God is called the soli-lunar principle, the light and its reflection.

It is associated with Gemini, where the unity is bifurcated into two. In our body, the left eye is associated with the Mother, the lunar principle and the Ida Nadi subtle nerve ; the right eye is associated with the Father, the solar principle and the Pingala Nadi; whereas the Son is the Sushumna and the Ajna centre or the third eye. For the face of Ardhanari, I fused photos of a Durga statue and of the central face of a Dattatreya statue, symbolizing Vishnu.

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At the right eye, I created the aureole of the radiant sun, at the left side the crescent moon surrounded by a field of dark blue. The seven centres are again contained in the region between the throat centre and a point just above the Ajna-centre called the birthplace of Indra. There are seven other centres above the neck, the area governed by Taurus. On the solar-cosmic level, these centres are related to the seven stars of the constellation of Pleiades.

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The secretions of the glands in that region of the body are called the spiritual foods with which Pleiades feeds the disciple. They establish a link between the seven stars of the Great Bear and the seven centres above the neck of the disciple. To visualise these relations I created a subtle form of the head as two oval fields of light. I created the macrocosmic centres of the Pleiades and of the Great Bear connected with rays of light to the head, where you can see the microcosmic counterparts. The seven centres above the neck are symbolised by seven stars linked with rainbow colours to the head.

With the help of a photo of a lingam I created the symbolic representation of the different layers of consciousness and placed them below the flute and above a peacock feather, symbol of Lord Krishna, which forms the background. They saw the manifestation of a new creation as coming out of a Golden Egg and permeating the different dimensions of space.

They visualised the beginning of a new cycle with the story of how the head of the proud Daksha was cut and replaced by the head of a ram, the symbol of Aries, the power of stepping forth and penetrating. They further took the horse as a symbol for the life force and they saw Aries as the head of the horse.

The sunrays, the transmitter of life force, are called horses and the seven rays are seen as seven horses drawing the chariot of the sun. The sunrays are understood as permeating space, being at the same time present in the Sun, on Earth and in between. The image slowly developed while meditating on these symbols and qualities for several days. I took the ram head from the photo of a fountain in the old city of Berne. I placed it into a circle of twelve suns and created a sphere with the seven spectral colours on a starry background of space.

In the middle of the circle I placed an egg-shaped form out of which light permeates — a symbol for the Primordial Deep, Aditi, the Mother, which gives birth to the devas, beginning with the Sun-god. At the lower part of the image I created a fiery sphere around the Sun and I placed seven white horseheads and I added to their heads flames in the colours of the seven rays. The stories of smaller and bigger deluges correspond to the monthly cycles of new moon and full moon or the ending and beginning of the solar year.

The Wisdom Teachings explain that the Earth, the solar system and also the universe go through such cycles. There are periodical dissolutions called Pralayas. I visualised the cycle by a circle with a central point, symbol of the Sun. At the same time the central point is also like a Sun from where a stream comes forth.

The water of the flood is partly submerging the circle. To this transition point the Great Fish has drawn the boat with the Manus, the seeds of the new creation. The depiction of the Manus was created based on an old Mahabharata illustration of Ramanarayanadatta Astri. This is illustrated by the symbol of the Aquarian pot.

figure symbolising the astrological sign sagittarius Figure symbolising the astrological sign sagittarius
figure symbolising the astrological sign sagittarius Figure symbolising the astrological sign sagittarius
figure symbolising the astrological sign sagittarius Figure symbolising the astrological sign sagittarius
figure symbolising the astrological sign sagittarius Figure symbolising the astrological sign sagittarius
figure symbolising the astrological sign sagittarius Figure symbolising the astrological sign sagittarius
figure symbolising the astrological sign sagittarius Figure symbolising the astrological sign sagittarius
figure symbolising the astrological sign sagittarius Figure symbolising the astrological sign sagittarius
figure symbolising the astrological sign sagittarius Figure symbolising the astrological sign sagittarius

Related figure symbolising the astrological sign sagittarius

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