January 15 birthday horoscope profile

Love and Compatibility for January 15 Zodiac

Meanwhile, what do you find here? First you find it the basic characteristics of people born on January Then you will find a list of strengths and defects that correspond to the zodiacal signs and weaknesses to which the people born under this sign belong. Sometimes who is born cusp, ie between one day and another and especially when there is a zodiac sign, does not know exactly under what zodiac sign was born and then after the table you can choose your exact day and understand what sign of the western zodiac you belong to.

What is the zodiac sign of January 15?

Also, after the merits and defects, you can discover your guardian angel which generally protects you in life, a guardian angel with special features, and finally some names of famous characters born the same day. You can of course also choose another day to discover and read the characteristics of the people born in another day and month of birth. Personality: Usually people born on the fifteenth day of January are extremely strong but not physically rather mentally and their great inner strength allows them to be quick in making experiences from situations and especially from mistakes made in the past.

They do not like injustice and indeed love to fight against all forms of prejudice and oppression. A fundamental characteristic of these individuals is that it is hardly possible to tease them because once they have understood the trap, they are no longer scammable, reaffirming the concept expressed before and that is that they learn very quickly from mistakes. A particular defect of these people concerns the sex but not only it, also the food. In fact many of these people love the pleasures of the senses and can often be lost inside them until they can no longer remain without them and therefore have to be very careful and not fall victim to these very dangerous physical conditions for their physical health as well as for their mental health.

Saturn rules their sky but not only this planet can be important in their life and in fact even Venus, the planet of love, during its positive and negative transits can make their life extremely wonderful or extremely complex. The influence of this planet accentuates sexual pleasures but also gives a lot of charisma and a strong emotion and need to demonstrate to the world all the emotions that are felt within the soul.

When this emotionality does not find outlets then it can turn into frustrations and difficulties in interpersonal relationships and therefore in communication with family members, work colleagues as well as friends and sentimental partners, thus ruining different collaborations and relationships. Merits: capable of analysing, introspective, strong willlessness, stacanovistic in work, able to live in solitude, faithful, loving sciences and maths, ironic, humorous, want to arrive, reliable person, remarkable intimate passion.

Defects: detached from reality, cold in love, stubborn, sluggish in learning, neglected in aesthetic and health, rancorous, cracking, accruing goods overly. Those born on any day of January are Those born on any day of February are Those born on any day of March are Those born on any day of April are Those born on any day of May are Those born on any day of June are Those born on any day of July are Those born on any day of August are Those born on any day of September are Positive traits: Ingenious and practical, these natives have a lot of energy but also know when to be all calm and composed.

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Capricorn people are usually shy and controlled but they also have an aspiring and hard working nature. Those born under this sign are also cautious when it comes to serious things and humorous and entertaining when their spending time with their friends and family. Negative traits: One of the things Capricorn needs to learn is to stop being so naive and trusting, not everyone has the best motives. Those born on this day are overly circumspect, strict and pessimistic.

They hardly embrace transformation and adventure. They always seem to have this fixed and skeptical behavior whenever they deal with something fun, risky or simply new. Lovers born on January 15 are reliable and romantic. They are attracted to energetic people who can be as dependable as they are.


When they decide to commit they do it for a lifetime. They are attracted to intelligent and trustworthy persons whom can offer the same degree of reliability as them. You can conquer the heart of Capricorn by being an honest and supportive partner. An emotional lover prone to disappointment in impulsive love affairs but to whom real love comes growing from strong friendships.

They will realize that their early misfortune in love comes from their need to know the person likely to stay beside them. Although they are not usually a passionate lover their loyalty and honesty compensate.

January 15 Zodiac is Capricorn - Full Horoscope Personality

They will lead a great inner home happiness governed by domestic responsibility and good judgment. They are most compatible with those born on the 1st, 6th, 9th, 10th, 15th, 18th, 19th, 24th and 27th. January 15 Zodiac people seem to be most attracted to the other earth signs: Taurus and Virgo as they tend to share the same vision of life. In love, Capricorn is in a permanent search for a charming and sensible partner they can motivate and protect and the most suitable to offer them this is the native born under Cancer. The lover in Capricorn is said to be least compatible with Sagittarius.

As for the rest of partnerships between the other star signs and Capricorn, you know what they say, stars predispose but people dispose. This hue denotes conventional, natural and reservation. The zodiac color should be used in items of clothing or objects in the house. People having brown as sign color are either very determined or easily retreat at the first sign that something doesn't go as planned.

The native in Capricorn prefers brown as he sure knows how to respect rules and stay inside the reliable safety zone. The energizing Garnet is the representative Capricorn birthstone for those born under the January Garnet symbolizes faithfulness and awareness. The zodiac birthstone could be used in accessories and jewelry items.

This is said to bring constancy and balance in the life of the wearer. It is also thought to wave of nightmares and fears.

January 15 Birthday Horoscope

This gemstone is derived from granatum, that means seed. Africa, Sri Lanka and India are places where Garnets can be found. Another birthstone considered beneficial for Capricorn natives is Sapphire.

Born on January 15 - Birthday - #aboutyourbirthday - Sample

It symbolizes sincerity and constancy. Carnation is the flower of preference for Capricorn natives, especially those born under the January Carnation suggests romance and passion. This zodiac flower is advised to be used for gifts and decorations. Carnation relates to the power and persistence emanated by an ambitious personality. You can enjoy this flower during summer time.

Silver is the metal of preference for Capricorn natives, especially those born under the January Silver is a metal that suggests sparkles and mystery. This zodiac metal should be used in bracelets and other accessories. This precious metal is said to sooth and orients the wearer towards introspection and self development. Silver is also malleable and precious and can only bring good spirit to anyone wearing it. The personality of those born on January 15 can be described as trustworthy and loyal and are often appreciated for these qualities.

Being drawn to the rich and successful only makes their love life the more interesting and the heights their family can attend, even higher. When it comes to money, they believe strongly this can be attained through exemplary results so they are after them. Their health is generally good but since Capricorn is said to rule the bones and joints of the body, they are inclined to suffer from injuries related to this areas. Which of the four do you think those born January 15 on have the most? Answer the following poll and see what other's think:.

This decan is under the supervision of the planet Mercury. Those born in this period are dependable and kind just like a true Capricorn and communicative spirits just as Mercury makes them be. This period is said to temper the characteristics of the Capricorn zodiac sign.

BORN ON JANUARY 15 HOROSCOPE AND CHARACTERISTICS - Discover the characteristics of your birthday

Being born on the 15th day of the month suggests pragmatism, responsibility and a lot of talent and devotion. The numerology for January 15 is 6. This number reveals responsibility, affection and a domestic approach to life.

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  6. Those Capricorn associated with the number 6 enjoy spending time with families and building a safe environment for those they love. January is the first month of the year, bringing the novelty and expectation of a New Year starting. Those born in January are attentive and clever. January 15 Zodiac people are ambitious and meticulous.

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