March 24 2021 venus transit astrology

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Welcome the change and the change will welcome you back. Mars and Saturn take over in the second half of the month.

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In other words, its another full to the brim month. As is typical of the retrograde cycle, folks can make a reappearance. Mercury in Aquarius could re-stimulate or refresh something that has been forgotten, sidetracked, or left hanging. Usually the end of Mercury retrograde goes largely unnoticed, but it might not be the case this time thanks to the super full moon in Virgo on March 9. It can be a good couple of days to escape, enjoy a vacation, repair, regroup, to give in to the creative muses or to romance. Also, you could scoop a bargain, fill in a missing blank, catch up with something or someone, or find something that has gone missing.

The full moon could set you up for a saving grace opportunity. This transit is only a brief introduction. Saturn will return to Capricorn on July 1 to finish out the year. A new reality and new lifestyle are already in the works. Watch for Saturn in Aquarius to bring new people and circumstances into your life. The transit prompt you to reinvent the way you interface with people, the world in general and specifically with key individuals personal, social and professional. Consider this Saturn in Aquarius transit as a time to kick the tires and take a test drive.

Mars in Capricorn is working along a two-year completion track while simultaneously laying new ground with Jupiter March 20 the future bound planet, and Pluto March 22 , the agent of the soul and of deep and lasting change. You are likely to feel a sense of greater importance actual and karmic regarding the timeline, the wrap up and the ground-laying. You are correct. Mars enters Aquarius on March 30 and teams up with Saturn on March Mercury retrograde backs into Aquarius on March 4.

Expect to stay busy with work, school upgrades, healing or repairs. As is typical of the retrograde cycle, the timetable, plan, or expectation may be need adjustment. To the plus, Mercury retrograde in Aquarius could provide a fresh avenue or perspective or help you to find an alternative or creative solution. Accompanying Mercury on the sign switch to Aquarius on March 4, Venus treks into Taurus on this same day.

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For the next month, Venus helps you to make and gain the most out of the opportunities of the moment. Looking for a better paycheck? Prospects can be on the upswing. Keeping you looking good and sounding good, Venus enhances relationships personal, professional, social, romantic. It could be a great brainstorm, a sudden discovery, or something more. Try your luck!

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Watch for news, or for something exposing, revealing or exciting. Something could suddenly fall into place for you. A departure of significance is possible too it could be time for a vacation, or a goodbye. Both Venus and Mars transit earth signs this month.

They can help you to gain on yourself, and to feel more secure regarding your everyday dealings. To March 30, Mars transits Capricorn. It completes the past two-year personal growth cycle and launches the next two year build it better program. Venus makes the most of it with Jupiter on March 27 and Pluto on March Undertakings, enhancements, and investments are fruitful.

For the past two years, Saturn has been in transit through its home sign. Saturn leaves Capricorn for Aquarius on March 21 for a short visit. To July 1, Saturn will test drive the next phase of your journey. It will prompt new thinking patterns and introduce you to a new lifestyle norm. March 31 to May 13, Mars in Aquarius supports the Saturn agenda by speeding up the reality and the process. Watch also for a fresh insight or a fresh opportunity. On a search for an ultimate solution or better answer? Take it moment to moment, give your best to the moment and know that time will eventually reveal all.

Venus tenant Taurus from March 4 to April 3. Coinciding with the end of Mercury retrograde, watch for an opportunity to repair, correct, upgrade, fill in a gap, fine tune it, or heal. The Spring Equinox March 19 sets the next quarter of the year on go in some major way. The next few weeks hold momentous stars. Both conjunctions mark the end of a two-year cycle while also laying the foundation for the next two-year date with destiny. You can feel the Mars transit as an important or ripe moment in time.

It can be the start coming into your own in some substantial and cementing way. The Capricorn transits aim to age you like fine wine. Pluto has been at it for years, Jupiter and Saturn more recently. They put the concentration toward taking control and building it better. You are your own best authority.

It is time to recognize this fact, to legitimize yourself and what you need — firstly to yourself, and secondly, to family and the world around you.

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Saturn enters Aquarius on March 21 and Mars does so on March On March 31, Mars and Saturn meet. In so doing they also position you at a two-year completion and the start of the next two-year opportunity cycle. Mercury continues in retrograde through the super moon in Virgo on March 9. Mercury began the retrograde tour in Pisces, but it does not end there.

March 4 to March 15, Mercury revisits Aquarius. This backtrack can see you on an important review or regroup. The transit could keep you occupied with a specific home or family matter or added expenses, such as home renovations, electrical or mechanical repairs. The cycle can also boost social activity or client practice. To March 8 Venus is on a building track with Uranus. Watch for a big reveal — for something unexpected, perhaps sudden and surprising. The exceptional or iconic could come to pass. The Spring Equinox on March 19 begins a dynamic run of stars that will end the month and launch the next.

Venus also makes important contacts, to Neptune on March 22 sextile , Jupiter on March 27 trine and Pluto on March 28 trine. All three alignments are infusing more creative potential, merit, and significance to the experiential track. Mars treks into Aquarius on March 30 and teams up with Saturn on March Welcome to the new reality. You can feel it as a block removed, no holding back, or as a time is ripe moment.

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Venus builds to conjunction with Uranus on March 8 and Mercury ends retrograde in Uranus ruled Aquarius on the super full moon in Virgo on March 9. In other words, both transits are on a punch it up trajectory. Neptune is also an influencer conjunct the sun on March 8, opposing the full moon on March 9.

You will feel the fullest impact of the full moon if your birthday is on or near December 10 or 11 or the full moon makes a significant contact to your natal chart. Watch for something unexpected regarding work, necessary repairs or revisions, health, or your personal life. As best you can, protect your immune system, your loved ones, and your valuables. The inevitable could come to pass. It could be a time to let go, say goodbye, or to take on something necessary that you may have been avoiding.

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  • To the plus, it could be an opportunity to start a new job or training program, a health and healing modality, to dive into a creative project, start on a path of service, or to reclaim your relationship with the divine. Mercury ends retrograde on March 9, but it will continue in Aquarius through March Beyond a good time to travel or other spring break activities, Mars is setting a next phase of personal or professional reality into play in some major way. It is the culmination of the past two years and the start of a next build-it project.

    Saturn enters Aquarius on March 21 to stay until July 1. Saturn will revisit Capricorn from July 1 to December 16 to begin a two-year residency in Aquarius.

    Moon Tracks Astrology Calendars

    A new perspective on your reality and what it takes to be you will emerge during this transit. No matter how that happens, it is setting up a timely developmental track. In the works is a new lifestyle, career, field of study, or social network. The transit could see someone special enter or exit your life. Giving the start of the new Saturn cycle an acceleration kick, Mars enters Aquarius on March 30 and both join forces on March The first two days of the month could produce uncertainty but look to March 3 Super Tuesday in the USA to set wheels in motion in some well defined or break new ground way.

    March 4, Mercury revisits Aquarius to finish out the retrograde in this sign on March 9 a super full moon in Virgo. Mercury will continue in Aquarius to March Also, on March 4 Venus begins a four-week tour of Taurus. Neptune, the planet of potentials, is also a feature of the super full moon in Virgo. Expect Covid 19 and its fallout to dominate the news.

    Watch for this full moon to fill in a missing blank and get you much better clued in. Perhaps this missing key or necessary correction or repair represents a saving grace. Too, it can be a time to see a specialist or to take an important test. This full moon could also necessitate a major change in plans, or an important renegotiation or renewal. The second half of the month is sure to see you get something major off the ground.

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Related march 24 2021 venus transit astrology

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