Weekly horoscope february 14

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This is one of those times. If you state any less than the full facts, certain unscrupulous individuals will turn your words against you. While, at the time, this avoided problems, now those statements could be troublesome. Deal with these, and the sooner, the better. What seems impractical if not unrealistic could, when you learn more and circumstances have shifted, turn out to be fantastic. The real issue is the huge gap between your views and what others think.

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Be prepared to stand your ground. Exciting as certain plans are, the big picture remains unclear. Knowing that, regard what you discuss and plan now as tentative, if not a trial run. By no means are you secretive about your ideas. But, actually, you assume they recognise the way you express yourself when, in fact, they may not always receive the message as you anticipate. The solution? Discuss those feelings, how much you care, and the extent of those feelings.

Weekly Horoscope February 8 – February 14 | Metropolis Magazine

Sticking to an idea or plan you believe in may be a virtue. The more inquisitive your attitude, the better. Use the same strategy. Sidestep the issue until their mood improves. Have you been plagued by impossible dilemmas? On Monday the communication planet Mercury goes retrograde.

While many moan about the resulting increase in errors, often the resulting discussions lead to unexpected, and surprisingly informative, insights. That will be especially the case this time around. Time with those you care about is always precious.

Yet recently, events in your life and a range of demands have robbed you of those treasured moments. However, that means time for those cherished individuals must be your top priority.

The time has come to raise, and discuss these, as frankly as possible, and the sooner, the better. But you still have certain blind spots. These may be reassuring. By no means are you secretive. Despite the many discussions currently taking place, the less you say, the better. While this may mean analysing elements of your life will take longer and be more complex, what you learn will justify the patience required.

Being an Aries, even the idea of having to review plans that you worked hard to organise is irritating. Actually this is in your best interests. Changes are inevitable. But before you rethink arrangements, you need to update both facts and your priorities. Only now are you beginning to realise the degree to which somebody who you regarded as being nothing more than friendly was actually manipulating you, and for their own purposes. Ironically, the misunderstandings triggered by the retrograde Mercury could do the trick.

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The time has come to tackle certain tedious but increasingly crucial details. This is especially important now, in a period of not only change but in breakthroughs. While, back then, that was the best possible strategy, the time has come to put the facts right. Regard this as clarifying the matter in question, nothing more. The trick is to gather your facts, then state your case with conviction.

The rest will be easy. Somebody has a talent for getting you to make commitments that seem uncomplicated but which, as time passes, become increasingly demanding.

Daily horoscope

Do so now. It will be far easier than you expect. In a few days, the Sun moves into the idealistic sign Pisces and into one of the most inquisitive portions of your chart. Within a short time they could. Long ago you learnt that while, often, disputes are best dealt with immediately, some should just be ignored. If you allow them to slip into the background, gradually everybody forgets about them. That is the case now, and in a range of matters.

Your Horoscope for the Week of February 14

Try it. Within a surprisingly short time, the mood will shift and so will your role in making decisions. That caution is no surprise. The sooner you update your facts, the better. The people or situations involved have taken you in new directions. Struggling to make a plan once is bad enough. Keep at it. The odds are good that, over the coming days, unanticipated events will force you, and everybody else, to take an suprising but worthwhile approach.

While, recently, you were able to sidestep dramas, several provocative issues need to be discussed, and soon. Waste no time devising a tactful approach. Instead, discuss this with others involved with this individual. That is, turn their affection for dramas into one involving the two of you. Their reaction will amaze, and amuse, you. That being the case, ignore pressure from others to take swift action and instead, begin asking some serious questions.

The focus in your birthday chart is achieving a balance between being uncompromisingly honest, if not forthright, with being discreet. The real trick is developing the skill of knowing when to take which approach and, if being direct, how much to say. You can manage them any time by clicking on the notification icon. This section is about Living in UAE and essential information you cannot live without. By clicking below to sign up, you're agreeing to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

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