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Discover why. May June In my dream last night, bad guys wearing white hats constrained you in a canvas straitjacket, then further wrapped you up with heavy steel chain secured by three padlocks. They drove you to a weedy field behind an abandoned warehouse and left you there in the pitch dark.

But you were indomitable. By dawn, you had miraculously wriggled your way out of your confinement.


Then you walked back home, free and undaunted. No cage can hold you. No riddle can stump you. No tangle can confuse you. June July The next four weeks will be a favorable time to come all the way home. Here are nine prompts for how to accomplish that: 1. Nourish your roots.

Free Will Astrology

Strengthen your foundations. Meditate about where you truly belong. Upgrade the way you attend to your self-care. Honor your living traditions. Make a pilgrimage to the land where your ancestors lived. Deepen your intimacy with the earth. Be ingenious about expressing your tenderness. Reinvigorate your commitment to the influences that nurture and support you. July Aug. A sledgehammer or tweezers? Pruning shears or a sewing machine? A monkey wrench or a screwdriver?

You may need to change tools in mid-task — or even use several tools for the same task. I can envision at least one situation that would benefit from you alternating between a sledgehammer and tweezers. What accounts for my growing financial luck? I mean besides the fact that I have been steadily improving my skills as an oracle and writer? I suspect it may in part have to do with my determination to cultivate generosity. Would this strategy work for you? The coming weeks and months will be a good time to experiment.

If you do awaken and develop the potential talents that lie within you, they will heal you. I call this to your attention, Libra, because the coming months will be a highly favorable time to expedite the ripening of your talents. And it all starts NOW. To get started in this gritty yet lofty endeavor, try this: Decrease your connection with anything that tends to demean your spirit, shrink your lust for life, limit your freedom, ignore your soul, compromise your integrity, dishonor your reverence, inhibit your self-expressiveness, or alienate you from what you love.

Eat corn chips for breakfast, ice cream for lunch, and French fries for dinner — every day, if possible. And of course mistletoe is also an icon meant to encourage kissing. Because I suspect that you will regularly deal with potencies and energies that could potentially be either problematic or regenerative. At the center of the table is a white vase holding 18 long-stemmed red roses.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

All of that cash is yours, having been given to you no-strings-attached by an anonymous donor. Your imagination floods with fantasies about how different your life can become. Now, Sagittarius, I invite you to dream up at least three further wonderfully positive fantasies involving good financial luck. As crazy-making as your current challenges are, they are entertaining and growth-inducing.

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You may even have become a bit addicted to them. Please consider a retreat into an intense self-nurturing phase. Among its treasures is a barrel filled with liters of wine that was originally produced in According to legend, this ancient beverage has been tasted on just three occasions. Fortunately, the cosmic rhythms are now aligned in such a way as to help you free yourself from those despots and bullies. Where do I sign up for that? More than any other sign of the zodiac, you Rams want to be yourself, to inhabit your experience purely and completely—not see yourself from the perspective of outside observers.

Now is a good time to emphasize this specialty. A remake of the film appeared in During the intervening 25 years, the number of real lions living in nature declined dramatically. There are now just 20, Why am I telling you such bad news? I hope to inspire you to make a year when you will resist trends like this. Get started! Is there anyone to whom you should make atonement? Now is a favorable phase to initiate such actions.

In a related subject, would you benefit from forgiving a certain person whom you feel wronged you? Might there be healing for you in asking that person to make amends? The coming weeks will provide the best opportunity you have had in a long time to seek these changes. What that means is that million years from now, one day will last 25 hours. Think of how much more we humans will be able to get done with an extra hour every day! I suspect you may get a preview of this effect in the coming weeks, Leo.

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Not only that: You will also be extra appreciative of the monumental privilege of being alive. As a result, you will seem to have more of the precious luxury of time. Examples are giving birth to a baby or taking an arduous hike uphill through deep snow.

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  • The third variety is no fun at all. On countless other occasions, however, he made the right mistakes. The unexpected notes and tempo shifts he tried often resulted in music that pleased him. I hope that in the coming weeks you make a clear demarcation between wrong mistakes and right mistakes, dear Libra.

    The latter could help bring about just the transformations you need. According to my astrological analysis, you will receive all the inspiration and support you need as you strive to be at peace with exactly who you are. To your growing satisfaction, you will refrain from trying to flee from the gifts that have been given you, and you will instead accept the gifts just as they are.

    And it all starts now.

    Wednesday, December 16, 2020

    In the coming weeks, I encourage you Sagittarians to regard pictures of perfection with a similar disdain. To accomplish all the brisk innovations you have a mandate to generate, you must cultivate a deep respect for the messiness of creativity; you must understand that your dynamic imagination needs room to experiment with possibilities that may at first appear disorderly. I suggest you welcome them and allow them to teach you new secrets about your deep self and the mysterious nature of your life. First, she vowed she would only deal with difficulties that actually confronted her, not far-off or hypothetical problems.

    Second, she would allow herself to feel only those feelings that were needed to inspire her and make her take effective action. All other feelings were to be shed, including imaginary feelings—that is, those not rooted in any real, objective situation. You Pisceans are currently at the peak of your power and prowess. I bet he was experiencing a flood of creative ideas, pleasurable self-expressions, and loving breakthroughs.

    Free Will Astrology

    He was probably right to risk going a bit too far, because he was learning so much from surpassing his previous limitations and exploring the frontiers outside his comfort zone. Keep that in mind as a useful metaphor during the next ten months, Taurus. Your assignment is to grow bigger and taller and stronger than you ever have before—and know when you have reached a healthy level of being bigger and stronger and taller. I still remember that flavor with great fondness, however. And then today I found out about a kind of seaweed that researchers at Oregon State University say tastes like bacon and is healthier than kale.

    I bring this to your attention, Gemini, because I suspect that you, too, are primed to discover a fine new substitute—something to replace a pleasure or resource that is gone or taboo or impossible. What could it be? His physicians gave him a one in chance of recovery. They worked.

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