Virgo compatibility match

Virgo Man Compatibility With Women From Other Zodiac Signs (In Pictures)

I love him and I want to marry him because I do believe good in people and he has changed alot as far as messing around with other females. I am a scorpio woman madly in love with a Virgo man, but although he says I am his needle in the haystack woman he has been looking for all his life, he decided to move to another state. Now we see each other when we can and correspond in between. Really wonder just exactly I mean to him. Ready to just walk away. I am a virgo women that has beed seeing a virgo man for over 2 years and it has been a long distance relationhsip, on christmas morning first thing he broke up with me and then 4 days later he called me acting like everything was fine and wanted me to come see him but since i have found out i am was oen of many different girlfriends hes had since we beed dating.

Sign Compatibility for Virgo Love Matches | LoveToKnow

I am a Scorpio woman about to marry my Virgo man: since day one we have had an intense love and emotional bond. He is my best friend and we have been together a little over 2 years. All of the above comments are true.

Self absorbed, selfish, womaniser, control freak and much much more. Because of my failed marriages I really thought it was me, so I tried to be more tolerant and change.

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I am a Virgo woman and I am in a relationship with a Taurus man. Is the compatibility a positive in case of marriage? February Aquarius man my mother is a Virgo and was married to a January Aqaurius man and it was the worst for her. He was an abusive womanizing jerk. Might be due to the way he treated her. At any rate I dated a Virgo and she was a sweety. Aquarius people if nothing else are very logical almost to a fault. Biggest problem I learned in our relationship is that a virgo and an Aquarius just love differently. To an Aquarius a Virgo is all heart and feelings which is all well and good but for us it never stops.

Virgo and Taurus

Theres no freedom in it and it feels stifling after a while. Its flip sides of the same coin. Our thoughts often supercede our feelings. Its hard to make it work. I married a Tartarus 21 years had 5 babies together!

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We have been together for 23 years, stronger than ever! I am a virgo woman. With him I had felt things I never knew I could and never knew I needed. He was a great balance of calmness just like me , observation noticed the details just like I did , and intense passion something I do not have as a virgo, but really do need. Till today I believe that we were true soul mates, but I had to leave extremely hard break-up due to his dark past which involved hardcore drugs. After our break-up, he began to self destruct with drugs….. When I was younger I had a virgo man in my life the I was obsessed with.

It was great to have so much in common, but after being with a man scorpio that can be extremely passionate, I understand that I could never be with a non passionate man again virgo. Now, a few years after my breakup with my scorpio man, I realize that the only men that can provoke emotion in me are passionate men. I am attracted to a leo man.

This leo man is the most passionate man I have ever encountered somewhat aggressively passionate, in every aspect of his essence. I highly dislike his arrogance and proud nature and need to be in-charge of every one in the group……but I feel a high sexual attraction towards him for the past 2 years. My scorpio man had enough similarities in views and other elements of life, in-order for me to feel as if we are a unit and to feel at home and as if we are a part of each other.

I believe that a really good relationship is like 2 perfectly fitting puzzle pieces; there needs to be strait edges that are perfectly alined with each other, and also there needs to be areas where they fill-in each others gaps missing areas. There are no perfect people, which means we all do have those gaps. When we choose people that are a copy and paste of ourselves, we aline the strait edges of the puzzle pieces but do not get to fill-in the missing areas, we feel safe but not truly as a whole.

When we choose someone who is very very different from us, we fill in some of the missing areas, but the strait edges do not aline, and although we feel new great feelings we never knew we were capable of feeling, we do not feel at home and as one unit. I am Virgo man got disappointed by Gemini woman.. Virgo man here I met a Virgo woman and she is like my soulmate. I have never met anyone so compatible. But I worry because what makes us so alike could separate us. Then I met an Aries woman online. I do everything I can to make him happy. He is getting better with the criticism and fussing but their does not have to be a argument everytime he does not agree but our views are mostly the same.

Virgo men need to stop being so controlling that shit is a headache and so argumentative. Libra are very easy to live with and to get alone with. It seems like you just got your heart broke by a Virgo man. Maybe just stay away from Virgo men and move right along???

Virgo love match: The most compatible star sign for Virgo to date and marry

I get it. They make much better friends. But still. Why devote your life to flaming Virgos on random websites? Go to a spa and focus on some self care and find you a lovely Libra, or something. My relationships with Virgo men always always always slowly morph into friendship. Plus our flaws are not balanced out by the other partner because we have the same flaws and strengths. Not a good idea imho. My best relationships have always been with Pisces men. I think the fact that they are the complete and total opposite of me balances me out.

You know, things like that. In all honesty, I think Moon signs are better for interpreting romantic compatibility.

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    Virgo Love and Compatibility Matcher

    I am a Libra woman married to a Virgo man now for 19 years together 25 years. My husband is beyond thoughtful and considerate. Yes, My Virgo can be fussy and critical. So most times I just listen. I almost laugh about it when it drives me crazy like when he looks over my shoulder while I am cooking.

    Virgo woman (Best men for Love)
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