Aquarius horoscope today january 8 2021

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Watch for over-indulgence. Be extra careful if lending or borrowing. Otherwise, this is a good period for bringing a fresh, positive, and confident attitude towards your own self-worth and value, and to your practical affairs, including work.

You could be more enthusiastic or optimistic about earning a living. A money problem may clear up. A major purchase or sale can figure strongly. This can be a time of a significant memento or financial benefit from a friend, a good possession, or a windfall related to a visionary or progressive approach.

You can be expanding your resources, developing your talents, and improving your money situation. It can be a time of a pleasant feeling of self-sufficiency. There can be powerful changes in how you view your money, resources, assets, personal belongings, and natural talents or earning power during this period.

There are always areas of life that require more simplicity. Tests may be part of the picture as you learn that life with only growth and expansion can run away with itself. This sector also rules how you initiate things — your first impulse for coping with day-to-day demands. There may be tests of sorts in these areas of life — as if the universe is checking that the foundations are strong.

Things built on weak foundations may very well crack under the pressure of these tests. Those that are strong will endure and strengthen. This influence only just got started last year. Saturn will transit this area of your chart until March This influence can be felt most strongly earlier or later in the cycle, depending on whether you were born earlier or later in the sign of Aquarius. This year, those born from approximately January February 2 and those who have an Ascendant of degrees of Aquarius are most directly affected. During this cycle, you are likely to be more cautious than you usually are and, at times, pessimistic.

The end result is a newfound identity and a realistic understanding of the self. In terms of career and projects, outward signs of progress may not be as forthcoming, yet the work that you do during this transit will lay a foundation for future success and progress! You can more successfully begin new and improved health regimens, diets, and the like, simply because it is a time when you look in the mirror and see yourself clearly instead of what you want to see. You can be serious during this phase, with more concern for your responsibilities and duties.

You are getting in touch with your inner strength, and this takes some time and adjustment. This is a grounding energy that gets you back in touch with reality. This is also a significant period for issues surrounding your personal identity and self-image. Try not to come across as a heavy during this period — not everyone is going through the same cycle at the same time as you.

However, others are seeing you as more responsible.

Aquarius Monthly Horoscope Predictions - january

Self-discipline comes more naturally as well. Instead, focus on making improvements and keep in mind the long-term. Short-sightedness now can get you into trouble. Impatience will not be rewarded. The last time Saturn transited Aquarius was from to early Also, you have Jupiter in your corner much of the year.

Areas of Contraction and Lessons in Simplicity

You may very much enjoy simplifying, structuring, and disciplining your life at this time. Your Aquarius Horoscope points to areas of your life that seem to speed up so that you can take some risks, innovate, and revolutionize. These areas include the following:. All year , family and home life can be unpredictable and unusual, but also inspiring and exciting. You may decide to move during this cycle, or you could now be in the position to move. Or, you might dramatically change your attitude towards your domestic life. Interestingly, for some, better living conditions or arrangements come through a more organized or routine existence at this time.

You seek ways to innovate and make positive changes on the home front. Your attitude towards the past and traditions is also transforming quite quickly. Old ties to your past may be severed, and at times this can be unsettling, but ideally, you are taking important steps towards carving out an identity that better suits and represents you. This influence continues until April In , Uranus clashes with Jupiter and Saturn in your sign, which can mean your personal goals and domestic life can be at odds with one another at times.

Your Aquarius Horoscope reveals areas of life in which change and transformation take place. Attitudes towards spirituality and the past continue to transform this year. This influence has been with you for many years and will stick around for many years to come! You are confronting deeply buried aspects of your psyche, as well as learning unusual things about the hidden side of your nature. With this knowledge, you are also learning to control it.

Facing your ghosts honestly is required of you now and in coming years. Self-improvement efforts can be tremendous.

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Eclipses this year continue to challenge you to express yourself more creatively and openly. Friendships, group associations, creativity, and romantic involvements are evolving in important ways. New group associations may be made, friendships can expand, and you are challenged to find a balance between your romantic life and your connections with friends, particularly around the eclipses in May, June, and December. Near the end of the year, a newer theme that will develop more fully in begins.

This one is about embracing your personal life, domestic world, family, and home pursuits. An intuition could guide you towards making more money from your career on the 13 th. Creativity is yours on the 23 rd. Gemini: An idea on how to make more money from your career is yours on the 1 st. Travel beckons on the 11 th. Cancer: Energy levels increase after the 13 th.

Daily Horoscope January 8, 2020: Know astrology predictions for Aquarius, Leo, Pisces, Capricorn

Friends as well as your significant other want to show you a good time on the 16 th. Leo: On the job creativity is yours on the 8 th. Watch out for impatience on the 26 th. Your significant other wants to show you a really good time on the 28 th. Virgo: Creativity is yours on the 1 st. Ideas about how to make your job more pleasant are yours on the 11 th.

Libra: If you are looking for love, you might find it on the 9 th. An intuition about how to bring more money into your life is yours on the 13 th. Scorpio: Ideas are abundant for you on the 4 th.

Write them down. You may be tempted to change your mind on the 14 th. Emotions may run high on the 28 th. Sagittarius: You have an abundance of ideas on the 11 th. Others like what you have to say on the 28 th. Children could cost you money on the 13 th. An idea on how to increase your income is yours on the 23 rd.

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aquarius horoscope today january 8 2021 Aquarius horoscope today january 8 2021
aquarius horoscope today january 8 2021 Aquarius horoscope today january 8 2021
aquarius horoscope today january 8 2021 Aquarius horoscope today january 8 2021
aquarius horoscope today january 8 2021 Aquarius horoscope today january 8 2021
aquarius horoscope today january 8 2021 Aquarius horoscope today january 8 2021

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