Gemini weekly horoscope 19 march 2021 by michele knight

The Tea on Clairvoyance

And an opportunity close on its heels. Be ready to move with it, Sag. Total eclipses bring a blackout. And in your 12 th house of secrets, this is more like a black hole from which nothing is escaping. Your only guide will be your own intuition this week. So, please stay connected to it, Capricorn.

4 Ways to Channel Your Inner Clairvoyance

The eclipse occurs on the 14 th and you should always allow days either side when it comes to its effects. Your 12 th is also the house of your past. As well as the Sun in here we have Mercury, Venus from the 15 th and also Juno from the 19 th. Past commitments and promises — even stretching back to past lives, may come full circle or stem from This is due to Mercury opposing the North Node in your 6 th also on the 14 th.

Again, your inner wisdom is your guide. As could be a trusted professional or even a priest, therapist or psychic. For you, the biggest shift of the week or the month is the exit of ruler Saturn from your 1 st on the 17 th. Jupiter follows on the 19 th leaving Pluto the only slow-moving planet left in your sign. As in what you spend your time investing in and what you get back in return. Saturn says you need to remain true to your core beliefs around this.

While Jupiter hands you an opportunity to make more of what you have. It can big up your belief in yourself and all you have to offer. Which in turn, determines your value. In a nutshell: The hard going of the past few years is over now ruler Saturn moves out of your sign along with Jupiter. If anything, you should now see just how capable and valuable you are. And 12 years since Jupiter last paid you a visit. This is about you. Your brand, image, reputation, appearance, message, look, body, style.

Cancer 2021 Yearly Horoscope Highlights

You within the group, the people you know, organisations, networks, clubs, bands, associations, movements and friendships. Where you fit in. Your people but also your individuality too. Acceptance and shared experiences, history and your future is the sub-text here. The 14 th is about a journey that may have begun with a circle or group of people or even one particular friend back in as Mercury in your 11 th opposes the karmic North Node in your 5 th.

This is also the day when we have a total solar eclipse in here. So, you need to understand that the path from here on in with regards to a particular group or connection is no longer clear. Look closely at whether you and they are still aligned when it comes to ideas and attitudes. Your new cycle is about tolerance and openness. Those who stay on it or join it will co-create your future with you from this point on. You are about to start a new cycle which may involve a major makeover or re-launch. Wanting to get involved in something bigger that lights your fire for the new era may trigger this.

This is about the love of friends rather than romance. Ensure the outer you is your calling card now, Aquarius and gives the right message for the Now Age. In a nutshell: Shared friendships, goals and ideals feature. The Now Age begins this week as Saturn and Jupiter enter your sign. Who travels into the future with you co-creates it.

Guard your public and professional image and reputation this week, Pisces. Who has the ultimate authority in your life? The answer should be obvious at least.

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The only person we can control is ourselves and our own responses. Own it. How you are seen is all important now. As is keeping your word at least seeing as you have no guarantees around others. This week delivers a total eclipse in your 10 th as well as Mercury opposing the North Node in your 4 th. Old karma may come winging back from Or else you may be unaware of how you are coming across.

And perhaps not in the way you want. Try to defer major decisions if you can. You personally may be in the dark but in another sense you are exposed. People will eventually show their true colours now.

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The biggest shift occurs on the 17 th and 19 th when Saturn and then Jupiter arrive in your 12 th of hidden truths, the past and secrets. This is also about your spiritual and philosophical beliefs, soul healing, intuition and learning. And also, your soul or karmic group. This week marks the start of a big inner journey which will result in a massive change in your outer world. And that starts with protecting your reputation. In a nutshell: Care about how you come across this week. Your status and reputation are everything now so guard these closely.

Taurus Weekly Horoscope January 5 2021

Hidden truths and your beliefs feature. If you want to change the world — start within. That feeling of spinning your wheels has been with you since ruler Mars went backwards in your sign. This week however hands you back that much needed confidence and surety thanks to reignition from the Sun in your 9 th.

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You may be faced with a decision or situation which feels familiar. Someone or something from your past which turns full circle. The Sun also squares Neptune on the 9 th in its ruling 12 th. If you have been trying to literally escape something from your past — memories, situations, people, ways of thinking, this could show you the way forward.

Astrology Forecasts | Michele Knight

Or else simply illuminate how things actually were as opposed to how you were told or thought they were. That recycled feeling or pull towards something — even a place, is due to the North Node in your 3 rd. As if someone pushed the Recall button. Fate is calling as the Sun in your 9 th opposes the North Node in your 3 rd on the 11 th. Think back 19 years as this goes back that far. Or further still if you are old enough. In year bytes.

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