Gemini sign chinese astrology

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Each two-hour period one Shichen is given the name of one of the 12 Earthly Branches. By observing life characters of animals in different time periods, the Chinese people linked each Shichen with one of the twelve Chinese zodiac animals.

Chinese Zodiac: 12 Zodiac Animal Signs with Calculator, Years Chart

Other animals are lying down for a rest, while Horses are still standing. Chinese Zodiac plays an important role in Chinese folk culture. Each animal has symbolic meanings. The 12 animals are divided into six pairs. According to the research, all agreed that the reason why Chinese zodiac animals fixed to 12 ones is greatly related to the traditional Chinese astronomy and calendar. The ancient people observed the phases of the moon and found that there is times full moon in a year. So, they divided twelve months in a year and 12 two-hour periods in a day as they regard 12 as the number given under the will of Heaven.

Therefore, the twelve Earthly Branches and the twelve zodiac animals appeared afterwards. If you analyze these animals carefully, you can find that they can be divided into three categories: The first group is Chinese six domestic animals: horse, ox, goat, pig, dog and chicken. They are raised and trained for economic and other purposes playing important roles in Chinese agriculture. When the Chinese spring festival comes, people always wish their domestic animals thrive in the coming year. So, due to their importance, these six animals must be chosen in the 12 animals.

Astrological sign

They are tiger, rabbit, monkey, rat and snake. Among them, tiger and snake are feared, rat is detested, and rabbit and monkey are loved by the people. The last group includes one animal - dragon, the traditional mascot of Chinese people. It is the only fictitious animal in 12 ones. Chinese people think they are descendents of the dragon and have a special emotion with it.

It is a deified animal symbolizing auspicious, omnipotent ability and the loftiest power. So, dragon is indispensable. As an important part of the traditional Chinese Culture, the Chinese Zodiac culture has long been recognized, accepted, taken by consensus and penetrated into the daily lives of the Chinese people. Everyone, from the date of birth, has his unique animal sign accompanying him with the life long time. It is the birth symbol and mascot with different symbolic meanings for each one affecting their behaviors, characters and destiny.

People show their strong belief in fortune and luck through the animal signs. For example, when finding their mates, Chinese people hope to find the person with the animal sign that compatible with him best. Also the zodiac provides guidance on how people live their lives. For example, according to Chinese astrology, in different animal years, people under different signs should pay attention to different things in order to go smoothly in the year.

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All in all, the Chinese zodiac is an important component of China's ancient culture, reflecting the rich psychology of the Chinese people vividly. It does not only exist in China, but also other countries in the world. However, the signs in different countries are different. Check the following table to get zodiac equivalents in other counties to Chinese zodiac signs. Why No Cat in Chinese Zodiac? What's Your Lucky Number? Keep Reading 1. Previous Day.

Gemini (astrology)

January February March April May June July August September October November December Which Chinese zodiac signs are the richest? More Articles. People under different signs have unique characters and fortune. You can find out your animal signs quickly according to the zodiac years chart below and click the animal sign to view more information about the sign. Note: If your birthday falls during 21 January and February 20 in Gregorian date, you may belong to the zodiac sign of the last year.

Male Female.

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It's a mystery that which country created the zodiac first. According to the historical literature, the 12 animals in China used today including the animal selection and their orders were originated in the Han Dynasty BC — AD. The order of the animals is most explained with a folk-tale about how the animals were summoned to heaven by the Jade Emperor who ruled the heavens of China. There are many different versions of stories and folklores related to Chinese zodiac.

The most popular one is about the race between the animals. Legend said the Jade Emperor held a race and asked all the animals to participate. The first 12 could be given a place in the calendar. The pig got the last one because of stopping to eat. Based on the time of sun rise, the traditional Chinese people divided a day which has 24 hours into 12 segments. These segments with each having two hours are called Shichen.

Gemini personality traits and qualities

Each two-hour period one Shichen is given the name of one of the 12 Earthly Branches. By observing life characters of animals in different time periods, the Chinese people linked each Shichen with one of the twelve Chinese zodiac animals. Other animals are lying down for a rest, while Horses are still standing. Chinese Zodiac plays an important role in Chinese folk culture. Each animal has symbolic meanings.

The 12 animals are divided into six pairs.

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According to the research, all agreed that the reason why Chinese zodiac animals fixed to 12 ones is greatly related to the traditional Chinese astronomy and calendar. The ancient people observed the phases of the moon and found that there is times full moon in a year.

So, they divided twelve months in a year and 12 two-hour periods in a day as they regard 12 as the number given under the will of Heaven. Therefore, the twelve Earthly Branches and the twelve zodiac animals appeared afterwards. If you analyze these animals carefully, you can find that they can be divided into three categories: The first group is Chinese six domestic animals: horse, ox, goat, pig, dog and chicken. They are raised and trained for economic and other purposes playing important roles in Chinese agriculture. When the Chinese spring festival comes, people always wish their domestic animals thrive in the coming year.

So, due to their importance, these six animals must be chosen in the 12 animals. They are tiger, rabbit, monkey, rat and snake. Among them, tiger and snake are feared, rat is detested, and rabbit and monkey are loved by the people. The last group includes one animal - dragon, the traditional mascot of Chinese people.

It is the only fictitious animal in 12 ones. Chinese people think they are descendents of the dragon and have a special emotion with it. It is a deified animal symbolizing auspicious, omnipotent ability and the loftiest power.

Chinese Zodiac 12 Animals Symbols

So, dragon is indispensable.

gemini sign chinese astrology Gemini sign chinese astrology
gemini sign chinese astrology Gemini sign chinese astrology
gemini sign chinese astrology Gemini sign chinese astrology
gemini sign chinese astrology Gemini sign chinese astrology
gemini sign chinese astrology Gemini sign chinese astrology
gemini sign chinese astrology Gemini sign chinese astrology
gemini sign chinese astrology Gemini sign chinese astrology
gemini sign chinese astrology Gemini sign chinese astrology

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