March baby astrology

Lucky color

And the Oscar-nominated singer, actor and late-March baby, Lady Gaga, is known for raw, emotional performances on both stage and screen. Getty Images Vittorio Zunino Celotto. In a study that made connections between birth months and diseases, March babies along with those born in February and April were found to be less prone to developing neurological disorders than those born in other months.

People with March birthdays also tend to suffer less from respiratory conditions, while October babies are more prone to them.

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But examining these connections can help scientists see new complexities in the causes of certain diseases. March-born people are more prone to cardiovascular diseases than those born in any other month of the year. Just more reason to stay active and eat those heart-healthy meals. Many people let out a sigh of relief when March rolls around, as it marks the official start of spring — an end to the winter doldrums and a promise of long, warm days ahead.

Other markers of transition and spiritual renewal also occur in March, such as daylight savings time, and sometimes Easter and Passover.

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In particular, the spring equinox — the official beginning of spring on March 20 — is a time of great transformation, and many cultures even celebrate the rejuvenating powers of the equinox. This is when the day and night are of equal lengths, and after this date, the days start to feel longer and the nights grow shorter — a reason to rejoice, indeed.

Fun Facts About March Born Babies

Want to have a pilot in the family? Try timing the birth of your baby for the third month of the year. February babies, for example, tended to become artists or traffic cops, while many dentists seem to be born in December. People born in March tend toward creative fields … and airplane piloting. Yet other research has found that spring babies are actually at a greater risk of depression.

People born in certain months seem to have higher likelihoods of mental health conditions.

Their Birth Month Flower Is Cheery And Bright

For example, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder appear to be most common among those born in January. Those born under this water sign are said to be sensitive and empathetic, spiritual and artistic. As the twelfth sign of the zodiac , some say Pisces are old souls and highly receptive to the energies and emotions of others.

For March babies born later in the month, the astrological sign associated with those birthdays is Aries, a fire sign symbolized by the ram. This is perhaps when all those March-born CEOs and pilots have their birthdays, as people born under this sign are said to be strong leaders with great drive and charisma.

6 reasons March babies are special, according to science - Motherly

Ruled by the fierce planet Mars, Aries can be aggressive and competitive, but also courageous and trailblazing. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, so they may fancy themselves natural-born pioneers and leaders. The March baby might be naturally prone to night-owl tendencies, according to a study , which found that those born in the spring and summer tended to go to sleep later than their peers with autumn or winter birthdays.

The study hypothesized that spring and summer babies have internal clocks with longer days than those born in autumn or winter, which causes them to stay up later.

11 Mind Blowing Characteristics Of People Born In March

Sound like madness? It is! March Madness. The theory goes that many men schedule their vasectomy procedures in March so they can use the recuperation period as a way to indulge in several days of uninterrupted basketball-viewing. Another spike in vasectomies occurs in December as, by that time, many men have met their insurance deductibles and want the deed done before the end of the calendar year. One Kansas-based urologist, Ajay Nangia, suggested to USA Today that this all may be due to clever marketing on the part of urology offices, as many now run commercials and ads on social media, urging men to plan their vasectomies around March Madness.

Compared with people born in other months of the year, like November, those born in March and other springtime months are markedly less likely to be diagnosed with ADHD. These findings are largely based on studies out of New York and Sweden, so more widespread data still needs to be examined for it to be conclusive.

As with the CEO finding, this may be explained by the birth date cutoffs for starting school. Children with birthdays in October, November and December are often the younger kids in their class if they attend school with a Jan. Thus, there are more diagnoses of ADHD among these children.

March boasts the birthdays of legendary greats in a variety of fields. In the Roman calendar, the month of March was dedicated to Mars, the Roman god of war, and even up to this day, the month continues to have a connection to military action.

Here are 7 fun facts about your March baby:

Are you expecting a baby born in March? If so, this is a fabulous month to have a baby. March is the month which marks the end of winter and the start of spring. March is named for Mars, the Roman god of war. In ancient Rome, not only was March the beginning of spring, but also the start for many military campaigns.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

As such, Mars is a beginning not just in nature, but traditionally a beginning for great human endeavors. Great Britain and Russia and other countries traditionally began their old calendars in March, not January. March is definitely a time for beginnings. For the month of March, the traditional birthstones are aquamarine and bloodstone. Aquamarine is believed to be a soothing stone which can quell fears, protect, provide foresight, courage, and happiness. As a healing stone, it is said to be effective as a treatment for anxiety and in the Middle Ages it was thought to reduce the effect of poisons.

Bloodstone represents fortitude and strength and is believed to attract abundance and wealth. The flower for March is the daffodil, representing rebirth since it is one of the first flowers of spring. If your baby was born before March 20, their Greek zodiac sign is Pisces. Pisces is a water sign and a mutable sign meaning it is a sign of restlessness. Pisces are usually believed to be shy, romantic, aloof and sensitive.

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march baby astrology March baby astrology
march baby astrology March baby astrology
march baby astrology March baby astrology
march baby astrology March baby astrology
march baby astrology March baby astrology
March baby astrology

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