By date of birth 28 january numerology

Personality Traits of People Born on the 28th Day of the Month

Children will be drawn to you even if they are not you own and if you are denied children or are separated from them, you will feel the loss grievously. You must understand this can lead to illness unless monitored. You need love and affection like other people need air, food and water.

But while you have a magnetic personality you sometimes frighten people away. Your choice of partner is likely to be influenced by his or her achievements or social position. We are all drawn to people for variously reasons but there will be problems if you are not proud of your partner or if you do not respect them so be aware of this. You are very sincere in your feelings and expect the same in return. The areas of your body you need to take care of are your right eye, the gall bladder, spine and blood circulation. In work and career you should have better than average opportunities for success, providing you recognise them.

As you make yourself financially secure and find more time on your hands, consider spending your time and other resources either helping disadvantaged children, the environment or animals. If you do this you will be amazed at the rewards which may come your way without any expectation on your part. If you were born on the 10 th , 19 th or 28 th of any month please see the additional information contained in your power number which you can find in this section.

January 28 Zodiac

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January 28th, , Tuesday | 13 Must Know Facts

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Those born on 1st, 10th, 19th, 28th

The Uranus name comes from the owner of the skies in Greek mythology. Element: Air. This element represents dynamic and innovation and is considered to influence intelligent and creative people connected to January 28 zodiac. Air makes things heat up in association with fire, evaporates water and feels suffocated in combination with earth. Lucky day: Tuesday. This day is under the governing of Mars and symbolizes presentation and direction. It also identifies with the amicable nature of Aquarius natives. People born on January 28 are intellectual individuals with great humanitarian spirits.

Just like a true Aquarius, they possess a revolutionary and people oriented approach to life and they also appear to be very attractive and charming to everyone they meet.

Numerology Date Calculator

They enjoy having everything organized around them and having a good company. They dislike routine and having to deal with selfish and self absorbed people. Those born under this sign like to spend time with mind like people and exchange ideas on various topics. Positive traits: Original and oriented towards novelty, these natives seek for creative and humanitarian endeavors.

  1. January 28 Zodiac – Complete Birthday Personality and Horoscope | ZSH.
  2. 28 january horoscope libra or libra.
  3. Numerology Date Calculator | Cafe Astrology .com.
  4. march 7 cancer birthday horoscope.

They are sociable but also elegant and display a dignified look. They make charming companions but are also fairly straight forward and often say exactly what they think. They have strong traditional principles in some regards that they try to abide by in life. Negative traits: One of the things Aquarius needs to learn is to sometimes shut up and listen to advice other people give them because they aren't actually the all knowing beings they believe they are and they could use the help of others sometimes, be it just a good word.

Numerology : the number 1 personality (if you're born on the 1, 10, 19 or 28)

Those born on this day are easily distracted and even easier to irritate. They sometimes act quite eccentrically and other times they lack any common sense logic. They also tend to dwell in the past and focus on their faults and weaknesses. Lovers born on January 28 are extremely attractive and versatile.

They like to discover new persons and they seem to center all their life on a person but then suddenly they get bored and slip away. They are attracted to lively and imaginative persons who can keep up with their lifestyle. You can conquer the heart of Aquarius if you know how to reveal your personality step by step so you always keep them guessing and wanting more.

You also need to come to an understanding with their love of freedom and eccentricities. They believe in love at first sight and don't need much time to get attached to someone. They are persons of extremes in love and sometimes this attitude will have them prone to disappointment. They are used to intensely live every aspect of their life and their relationships are no exception.

They are likely to fall in love at a young age as they are attractive and positive persons. Concerning their family life they will marry when they are completely ready and they will probably be cool parents if they choose to have a one big family. They are most compatible with those born on the 4th, 6th, 8th, 13th, 15th, 17th, 22nd, 24th, 26th, and 31st. January 28 Zodiac people are very attached to the other two air signs: Gemini and Libra as they tend to share the same vision of life.

Uncover the secrets behind your birthday

In life, Aquarius is in a constant search for someone who can understand their adventurous and visionary nature and the one to offer them this is another native in Aquarius. The lover in Aquarius is thought to be least compatible with Scorpio. As for the rest of compatibilities between the other star signs and Aquarius, you know what they say, stars predispose but people dispose.

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  • January 28 Birthday Horoscope | Cafe Astrology .com.
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  • This unconventional watery combination stimulates a great creativity flow, but also sooths the visionary native in Aquarius. The birthstone for Aquarius zodiac is the irresistible Amethyst. This stone is said to bring clarity of mind and the ability to express feelings to Aquarius. Amethyst also symbolizes stability, balance and inner strength. Orchid suggests the elegance and grace of an individual. In ancient Greek, this flower was thought to determine the gender of an unborn child. Being one of the rarest metals on Earth it is associated with exclusivity and prestige.

    Platinum is also a symbol for wealth and inner strength. Those born on January 28 can be described as rejuvenating, full of positive emotion and quite witty. These natives try to bring a smile upon everyone's face. In love and regarding family they are honest and sincere, maybe at times too cruel and direct and they tend to take things as they are, without any rose tinted glasses on.

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