Virgo march 2021 astrology horoscope

Daily horoscope

Your energy levels are likely to go down affecting your work. You may feel restless and aggressive due to lack of sleep.

👑VIRGO - 2020/ 21 PREDICTIONS - APRIL 2020 - MARCH 2021

Be careful while driving, as chances of meeting an accident are high. Virgo Horoscope says that patients with high blood pressure, chronic diseases, and heart problems should consult the doctor regularly. Your children bad health might increase your tension and affect their studies, as well. Take out some time for rest from your hectic schedule. Eating healthy and doing yoga and meditation will surely improve your health.

Forecast forvirgos reveal that your health planet Uranus is in a long term mutual reception aspect with Neptune your love planet. Mutual reception means that each planet is in the other's sign and house. You are interested in the health of friends and lovers and take an active part in it and they are equally interested in your health. Astrology also says that the planet Neptune, which rules the feet, has been in your 6th House of Health for many years now.

This shows that keeping your feet healthy is important for overall health but now the importance of the feet gets magnified as your Health Planet, Uranus, now moves into Pisces, which rules the feet. Good health for you means a healthy spiritual life. Feeling disconnected from or not in the 'Grace' of the Higher Power can impact on health.

Yearly Horoscope 2021: Astrological Prediction for Virgo

In the years ahead, many of you are going to learn that there is really only one source of health and healing, the grace of the Higher Power. When healing is granted, almost any technique, pill or herb will work but if that healing isn't granted, there is no doctor, pill or potion that can help you. So if you feel under the weather, you must first search for your healing from within.

Many of you have been interested in spiritual healing techniques for many years. This trend is only going to intensify now.

Virgo Finance Forecast

It shows that good health for you also means a healthy love and social life, that love and social happiness are important for overall health, that you are as much concerned with the health of your lover and the health of the overall relationship as you are with your own health, that health problems are likely to have their origins in love and social problems.

Hence, if you feel under the weather, check out any social or love disharmony and work to rectify the problem there before running to a health professional. Prayer, meditation, speaking the word, laying on of hands, yoga and polarity therapies are all going to become very interesting now and you will get good results from these kinds of things.

Many of you are going to develop your own healing talents already considerable along these lines. Predictions reveals that those career-oriented, job holders need to remain focused on the task at hand and try to put up an improved performance. If you are eying a change, planets do not seem to be supportive on this count, as per Virgo Career Horoscope.

So, the mantra for this moment is: adhere to your present task, don't look for new or different things. You need to handle disruptions coming on your way. From around mid of April, progressive forces are to start working effectively. You will then have supportive time to exhibit your talent. In other words, your planets will support you in your efforts to express your talent.

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At the same time, you need to remain composed and try to do your best as per Virgo Career Horoscope You should not get upset or panicky till the time you are not getting the chance to express your creativity. In many situations, patience is required. So, it is required here as well. You need to wait for the times to change. Once the stars are in your favor, nobody can stop you from expressing yourself. So, it is just a matter of time, according to the Virgo Career Horoscope These predictions are a general perspective based on your Sun Sign.

There are possibilities of your working on an abroad project. Virgo Career Horoscope indicates that the transit of Mars from mid of May is to see you very much worked up.

Virgo Horoscope - Read All About Virgo Horoscope sign

You may then be in hurry to push things ahead. However, you should be very careful. As the saying goes, "Haste makes waste", so you should be deliberative before taking any step. Have patience on your side and have a kind of methodical approach to work upon. Last quarter of the year is to give an opportunity to have a better position. However, there is no way to evade hard work here. This is the period where you can get favorable results in your professional life.

You may get promotion if the same is pending. Hard work done in the past will give desired result this year and you may find growth in your professional status. Opponents and rivals will get defeated with the support of colleagues. Seniors may remain satisfied with your performance. Last two months of this year are not favorable and may create misunderstanding at workplace. This is a favorable period for businessmen and they may find their business growing and flourishing. The strategy and planning may prove to be productive. Negative results can be noticed during the months of November and December where opponents and rivals will be active to create obstructions.

Students will find this year to be favorable for educational purposes. They will achieve success due to the hard work and concentration. They may feel lack of interest in studies during last quarter of the year. Your cards are showing separation from your job for some time, but soon you will be back on the track.


Your hard work and determination will help you to shine at your work front. Your skills are likely to bring some wonderful opportunities to you, this year. You have to take advantage of these opportunities very well, so as your life can improve. Job change is also possible during this time.

You might face delays in getting expected results, but you should handle the situation with patience. Soon you will start getting results as you want and can continue working on your goals. Profits from new business and work related journeys are on your cards. Your hectic schedule might keep you away from your family. Those who are government employees are likely to get promotion. If you are involved in business of garments, iron and steel, import export and printing than you can expect huge gains.

Careerwise, this year is likely to give you full benefits. Students have to go through challenges, this year. Some educational hurdles might trouble you and affect your progress and concentration, badly. Spending more time with family and friends might become the reason of these problems. Your parents may feel bad with your low performance, but their support will always remain with you. Soon you will improve your performance with hard work and determination. As per Horoscope for Virgo, your teachers and parents are there to clear your doubts.

By mid of year, you will feel a new flow of energy in you that will increase your interest in skill enhancement and learning new things.

virgo march 2021 astrology horoscope Virgo march 2021 astrology horoscope
virgo march 2021 astrology horoscope Virgo march 2021 astrology horoscope
virgo march 2021 astrology horoscope Virgo march 2021 astrology horoscope
virgo march 2021 astrology horoscope Virgo march 2021 astrology horoscope
virgo march 2021 astrology horoscope Virgo march 2021 astrology horoscope
virgo march 2021 astrology horoscope Virgo march 2021 astrology horoscope
virgo march 2021 astrology horoscope Virgo march 2021 astrology horoscope
virgo march 2021 astrology horoscope Virgo march 2021 astrology horoscope
Virgo march 2021 astrology horoscope

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