February love tarot pisces

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Spiritually, the Pisces archetype teaches the principle of unity , of recognizing the divinity within you.

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Similarly, man has the ability to create — and to create consciously. It is this ability that points to the spiritual truth of Pisces, that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. It is by accepting responsibility for consciously creating that you connect most deeply with the creator. Needless to say, empathy and compassion are the cornerstones of the Pisces archetype.

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  4. The February new moon also highlights all of the things that bring us personal pleasure , creativity in all its forms — art, writing, our hobbies — anything, really, that brings us emotional satisfaction and a sense of fulfillment. This Pisces new moon is a playful one.

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    The Pisces full moon falls in decan 1, which is represented by the 8 of Cups. This is to be interpreted in conjunction with The Moon, which is associated with Pisces. The 8 of Cups represents a time when we realize that certain stories are no longer serving us. It is a call to let go of all those things and emotions and stories that only hold us back.

    It could also indicate a desire to set off on a journey to discover our own personal truth. The Moon rules our imagination , which can be both a wonderful and a terrible thing. The imagination is where we weave our beautiful dreams; the imagination is also fertile ground for our festering fears.

    Monthly RomanticScope for Pisces - land.xn----8sbal3cjanv.xn--p1ai

    This, then, speaks to the need to throw aside the habits and stories that hold us back. Often, these are self-created hurdles. We convince ourselves that we are not creative, without giving ourselves the tools, time and space to experiment with our creativity. We tell ourselves that we will allow ourselves some play time when the needs of everyone else have been taken care of first, not realizing that unless we set some boundaries for ourselves, demands will constantly be made on our time and energy. This is not to negate the lived experience of full-time care givers or parents with young children, who do demand a lot more attention in their younger years.

    This is simply a reminder that even caregivers and parents and people in other stressful or busy situations need some time to fill their own cup. It may be impossible to find a large block of free time; how about short blocks of minutes? You could spend that time on a mindful tea break, to quickly throw down a little paint or a quick sketch , or just to take a few deep breaths as you take in the night sky. Just scroll down to the page for the form to download the ebook.

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    This new moon would also be an excellent time to dig a little deeper for your own personal truth. To tap into the intuitive, dreamy nature of the Pisces moon and reflect on your journey so far, and on where you want to head next.

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    Viewed from a more secular lens, I see this symbol as one that highlights the strength of community; of industriousness and creativity; a call for us to do our little bit to help those who may be less fortunate than us. In , you will join something bigger than yourself, and make a big difference. It will incredibly powerful and empowering.

    You are a valuable citizen, use your power, Pisces. You love to be in love, and relationships are the centre of your world. You give your time, love, energy and resources freely and altruistically to those you care for.

    The Woke Way

    Temperance shows you might find yourself rebalancing a little here. A change of heart will help make you feel more grounded and secure about yourself and your closest bonds.

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    A post shared by Astrological Tea astrologicaltea. You are feeling bold, ambitious and confident about making changes here, and so you should. April, August and December are all times that you make some kind of move, maybe even location, which pays off well. You realise that change is the only constant in this life, and the more flexible and forward-facing you are, the better.

    Look for new news in work, and act on it. Follow up your hunches, broaden your horizons, apply for new roles. Things are changing, for the better, here. For your own personal tarot forecast, visit Kerry's TarotBella page. Like this article? Sign up to our newsletter to get more articles like this delivered straight to your inbox. Type keyword s to search.

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    february love tarot pisces February love tarot pisces
    february love tarot pisces February love tarot pisces

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