2021 aries horoscope february 27

How is the Year 2021 Going to be?

As a pioneer and adventurer, you often pride yourself on going where no person has been before. But with a focus on team players, you might go even further when you affiliate yourself with a group, organisation or kindred spirits. With sobering Saturn facing off with Uranus and in a tight angle from February until July, it may be hard to adjust to new values.

What can bring relief and a fresh perspective is the movement of Jupiter into flowing Pisces for a brief spell from May 13th until July 29th. If you find yourself crystallising instead of transforming, then reach into this sublime energy and let go. Where romance is concerned you have great potential, and others can be drawn to you for many reasons. Ready to enjoy a leadership role? You may have the perfect credentials to be a manager and organiser, but this comes with the realisation that if you succeed, it will be because others have played their part too.

During you are ready to soar Taurus, yet also eager to take a deeper dive as you seek new experiences.

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There is so much you might want to accomplish, especially with Saturn and Jupiter in your career zone. You are ready to take on board new responsibilities and challenges, even if it means leaving your comfort zone. Others will be watching you though, so you will need to set the right example. You are not on your own though, as you will be attuned to the deeper current of life, so listen to your instincts and take note of your dreams as they may contain valuable guidance.

A relationship could be heading for a more committed walk, but be certain this is right for you. This is a year in which your values might change, and as a result your relationships may go through some shifts too. They will be there when needed, and this can be very comforting.

This year you can draw to yourself some fabulous career opportunities and promotions, and this will be a result of all your hard work. You may find yourself drawn to humanitarian causes and ideals.


Being involved in schemes and plans that can make the world a better place might be so important to you. In fact, it will change you as person as you resonate with new ideas and ideals. Yet Uranus is perfectly placed to allow this process to take place, if you can go with it. As Jupiter moves into your topmost sector from May 13th to July 29th, your job or career could become the arena where you truly shine.

Aries Horoscope Aries yearly horoscope predictions for love, marriage, career, kids

There are dynamic possibilities for love, but someone may feel they are being sacrificed for your career, or vice versa. It could be that this person needs a lot of attention, and with your freedom-loving nature you could find this a tad galling. There is potential for a relationship that is everything you could want, although you might not recognise it right away. A sound approach can give you a foundation to build on. Is this the year you take charge of your destiny, Cancer?

You could have a yearning for something that takes you out of the ordinary and propels you onto a healing and spiritual path that might make you whole in the process. New Year, new you, and your friendships could change as you do. Certain people may no longer chime with the values you are ready to adopt. New friends will show up who are on a different wavelength, and who you can more easily relate to. With attitudes being very fixed, any bad feeling can be dissipated by adopting a more accepting and compassionate approach to those who cannot or will not change.

Technology might play a big part in finding love, and a virtual relationship could run for some time before you meet in the flesh. Lovely Sun-Jupiter aspects between January 24th to 29th, June 22nd to 24th and October 14th to16th can be helpful for finances, with money-making opportunities showing up. You may be more experimental in your love life too, as Saturn your ruler moves into Aquarius.

Regarding your career, things may be quieter in this respect with Mars moving out of this zone after a six-month stay. You might feel you have stepped onto the right path at last. Good things are coming your way Leo as is unleashed. A powerful focus on your sector of relationships involves close partnerships, as well as other types of interaction, including networking, friendships and group activities.

By working alongside others you can accomplish so much more. However, new ideas and ideals that are absorbed from others could be a clash with your more traditional ambitions and plans, giving much food for thought. The people you liaise with might change you and your dreams, and goals may shift. This is also a year when you need to pace yourself, as sobering Saturn faces off with electric Uranus, which may be a tad exhausting. Find a way to balance activities so you have plenty of chance to rest. This involves taking a break from too much screen time as well. While finances look to be fairly stable this year, you will get a boost when Jupiter moves into your sector of shared assets between May 13th and July 29th.

A wise investment of your money could bring a positive return. Avoid taking too much of a risk though, as this might backfire. In terms of your career, this can be a time of dynamic change in the way you work and what you work at. You could jump tracks more than once as you experiment with what brings you greatest satisfaction.

Aries Monthly Horoscope

Welcome to Virgo, and to a year that has so much promise. With a major emphasis on your lifestyle zone and a fascination with techniques, strategies, lists and routines, this is an excellent opportunity to get your life in order so you can accomplish your brightest goals. The snag may be in getting stuck in routines that have passed their usefulness. If something has always worked you might be against doing anything differently. But taking that leap of faith could mean the difference between doing well or simply ticking over. Career-wise this can be a positive year, with opportunities for some exciting jobs showing up, and these could take you into new territory.

It seems that your skills and abilities may be very much in demand, but will perhaps be used in a different setting to what you are used to.

Horoscope Today: Look out Acharya Indu Prakash's astrological predictions for February 27.

Finances seem fairly steady, and you can be content to let things tick over or to invest any extra money in your home or property. Be careful though, as not all deals may be as good as you think. Take care to read the small print. Your love life looks set to sparkle, particularly between May 13th and July 29th, and next year can be even better in this regard.

As gets underway, your sector of leisure and creativity is busy. The cosmos is encouraging you to indulge your love of certain activities as a way to refuel and rediscover your passion. You need a chance to kick back and enjoy life, especially after an intense couple of years. In a long-term partnership?

This year, you look set to go far with a new business idea or other opportunity. But to do so, you need to clear the decks first. Is there a situation that is holding you back from being the success you deserve? When you can pinpoint it and do something about it, new springs of energy will be revealed. Your motivation and willingness to try new things could return. When it comes to finances, Pluto in your home and family sector suggests you may be making money from your home or property, or perhaps working from home on a more permanent basis.

Decan 1 Aries January 2021 Horoscope

Ready to showcase your creative skills to the world? You may have abilities that have so far remained dormant. This year encourages you to be more forward about what you can do. Overcome your doubts and there could be sparkling developments on the cards for you. Get ready for an exciting , Scorpio. With sobering Saturn and jovial Jupiter in your domestic zone making key angles, home and family life can be an opportunity for expansion, as well as a chance to plan and sort out any ongoing issues.

Tact and discretion might be needed, and some degree of flexibility. If neither of you are willing to budge, then you will get nowhere.

2021 aries horoscope february 27 2021 aries horoscope february 27
2021 aries horoscope february 27 2021 aries horoscope february 27
2021 aries horoscope february 27 2021 aries horoscope february 27
2021 aries horoscope february 27 2021 aries horoscope february 27
2021 aries horoscope february 27 2021 aries horoscope february 27
2021 aries horoscope february 27 2021 aries horoscope february 27
2021 aries horoscope february 27 2021 aries horoscope february 27
2021 aries horoscope february 27 2021 aries horoscope february 27

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