Stubborn astrological signs


Until then, slow and steady wins the Taurus race. This sign encourages us to break our work into simple steps then take daily action. Taurus is the sign of the builder, helping us create concrete results for our diligent efforts. Under the influence of a Taurus planetary transit, we roll up our sleeves and get the job done. On the flipside, Taurus energy can also be overindulgent, stubborn, lazy, vain, tightfisted and too cautious.

The other two earth signs are Virgo and Capricorn. Under the influence of a Taurus planetary cycle, we all become more grounded and easygoing, taking the proper steps necessary to ascertain our goals through diligent effort and output.

The 5 Most Stubborn Zodiac Signs Revealed

Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, luxury, and beauty. Who knew this charming goddess came from such violent origins? That is sensual Taurus in a nutshell.

  1. spiritnow horoscopes today leo.
  2. Western Astrology Chart;
  3. These Are The 3 Most Stubborn Zodiac Signs.
  4. More From Thought Catalog;
  5. 4 Stubborn Zodiac Signs Who Struggle To Compromise In Relationships.

These signs fall in the middle of every season. Fixed signs can take the enthusiastic ideas that cardinal signs spark, and craft them into something real. And, as it goes with astrology, this is all thanks to the characteristics associated with each sign. These folks tend to be steadfast, strong, passionate, and particularly skilled when it comes to making and sticking with decisions — all of which is a beautiful thing.

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Stubbornness is one of those traits that can be positive, in some instances, like when it comes to making decisions. There are a few signs that, once they've made up their minds, will stick to their guns no matter what.

But stubbornness can also get some people into trouble. The sign that might stick to their decision to go after a new job, for example, may be the same sign that stays in an unhealthy relationship, simply because they made a commitment. This is far more likely to happen with fixed signs. That's why it's always important for these signs to take a step back, analyze whether or not their decision is serving them, and make changes when necessary. Here are the three most stubborn signs , as well as what they can do find more balance , according to astrologers.

Since the symbol for Taurus is the bull — one of the most stubborn, steadfast animals — it makes sense why they're often one of the more stubborn signs.

Taurus (April 20 to May 20): About This Zodiac Sign

And all of that is great, when used in a positive way. It's only if Taurus' stubborn nature begins holding them back that they may want to make a change. As Lang says, "This tendency can be a blessing, a true gift of the Taurus personalty, because they will not give up on a relationship or job when times are tough. There are ways to find balance, though, if Taurus is feeling stuck. Leo is a highly passionate sign, and one that likes to stick to their decisions.

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stubborn astrological signs Stubborn astrological signs
stubborn astrological signs Stubborn astrological signs
stubborn astrological signs Stubborn astrological signs
stubborn astrological signs Stubborn astrological signs
stubborn astrological signs Stubborn astrological signs
stubborn astrological signs Stubborn astrological signs
stubborn astrological signs Stubborn astrological signs

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