Tarot horoscope monthly

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You'll be ready to probe the depths and start a major inquiry to uncover a mystery or begin a new financial venture that requires savvy planning. You may also pursue a new level of intimacy with your partner based on a newfound willingness to be vulnerable and trust more. Expect news that leaves you emotionally charged. It could go either way. You're going to feel as if you've finally woken up from a long winter's nap. Mars, your ruling planet, has been retrograde in your sign since September 9.

♌️ LEO January 2021 🐙 Your flexibility is put to the test, but your I.Q. \u0026 creativity shine through!

This has felt like being in a boxing ring with your hands tied behind your back. You want to fight but you can't. Not being able to do what you want, push ahead, and pursue your desires might have deflated you considerably. This was meant to be a time to recalibrate everything connected to your sense of self and how you go after what defines you as a person. Mars turns direct on November 13 and you'll finally begin to feel in your power again, both physically and sexually. In terms of love, a New Moon in your 8th House of Intimacy on November 15 will be followed by Venus entering the same area of your chart November You can be sure that a deep physical and emotional connection is on the horizon.

Allowing yourself to surrender to this person and trust them will only deepen the bond. Key themes for Aries: courage, identity, energy, ambition, frustration, sex, intimacy, trust. Aries: How will this powerful Astrology unfold for you this month? Your love life becomes a major theme in November and you'll finally start to feel like you're getting somewhere with your mate or love interest. Mercury turns direct on November 3 and then re-enters your partnership sector on November 10, allowing you to clarify any misunderstandings you might have had in romantic matters. Additionally, a Scorpio New Moon November 15 is all about a fresh start in partnership.

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With Venus also entering the relationship sector of your chart on November 21, you'll have the added support needed for a truly joyful and deeply intense connection with someone, whether you're coupled or single. With all this Scorpio energy it will be complicated, but that suits you just fine. You're not interested in boring or superficial connections anyway.

A Lunar Eclipse lands in your earned income sector on November This eclipse could bring a source of income to an end for you. Even if it doesn't, it will bring striking awareness into your consciousness about what talents and abilities you need to focus on in order to market yourself most effectively and what you need to let go of. Are you wasting one of your talents or misusing them?

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  • This is the time to regroup. Key themes for Taurus: commitment, partnership, marriage, love, intimacy, money, financial loss, financial changes.

    Taurus: How will this powerful Astrology unfold for you this month? If you've been feeling as if you're never going to regain the drive you once had to pursue your greatest aspirations, then take heart: this month will bring a welcome change. Mars, the planet of action, turns direct on November 13 after having been retrograde since September 9. For you, this is all about once again feeling like you can and want to move forward with your most vital goals.

    The universe is pressing the "GO! A major opportunity is likely to come your way this month connected to work. If you're looking for a new job or to secure a freelance assignment, aim to take action after the New Moon in Scorpio on November With Venus moving into your work sector on November 21, you might find yourself earning more money with this job.

    A Lunar Eclipse in your sign on November 30 is all about letting go of what no longer serves you. This could be an emotional time and you might be letting go of a relationship in your life. If that's the case, it needed to happen. This person was only weighing you down. Key themes for Gemini: goals, dreams, work, money, office harmony, transformation, becoming emotional.

    Gemini: How will this powerful Astrology unfold for you this month? If you are at your wits end with the blocks and frustration connected to your career, then this month you'll finally breathe a sigh of relief. Mars, the ruler of your 10th House of Professional Matters, will turn direct on November This will be monumental over the coming weeks -- and until the end of the year -- in terms of career progress.

    The second half of the month is definitely your time to start making advances. You've re-evaluated your priorities and goals and you're ready to begin a new chapter. Start that business, apply for the promotion, and have that conversation with your boss that will take every ounce of your courage to initiate. You're unstoppable! Your love life is also extremely promising this month. A Scorpio New Moon on November 15 in your true love sector combined with Venus entering the same part of your chart on November 21 suggests delicious possibilities for romance.

    If single, you can easily meet someone who excites you because of his or her sexy, mysterious vibe.

    Monthly Tarot

    If attached, then you and your lover will enjoy seductive date nights and will be ready to push the envelope in the bedroom. Key themes for Cancer: career boom, professional growth, new path, children, dating, sex, taboo, romantic entanglement. Cancer: How will this powerful Astrology unfold for you this month? A frustrating stall or delay in an educational pursuit or a legal matter will begin to move forward after November You might have been sure that you wouldn't prevail and that this situation was over your head and impossible for you to navigate. However, just when you're ready to give up, you'll see that the lag time was actually quite important.

    It allowed you to realize whether or not pursuing this really matters to you after all. If it does, you're now ready to go full force. Domestic matters will be a strong focus in November as well. A New Moon on November 15 coupled with Venus moving into your home and family sector on November 21 can signal a move or happy fresh start in your family life. There might also be money coming to you from someone in your clan or a home decorating project that is finally ready to commence.

    As for love, it may seem like a quiet month but don't worry -- next month has the potential to change your life. Stay tuned!

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    Key themes for Leo: judgement, licensing, certification, legal matters, education, family, home, real estate, home design. Leo: How will this powerful Astrology unfold for you this month? If you've been experiencing any frustrations or even problems in the sex department, then this month you might have a breakthrough. After November 13, it's possible that you'll discover a health problem that has been contributing to or directly causing a low sex drive, an infertility problem, or a sexual dysfunction.

    Fortunately, you'll be able to fix it. Mars, the planet ruling libido, has been retrograde in your 8th House of Intimacy and Deep Trauma. If you endured any type of sexual trauma in your past, it's also possible that as Mars turns direct on November 13,, you'll be able to conquer the pain associated with this experience and release it once and for all.

    In other news, a career development is possible by the end of the month.

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    A Lunar Eclipse will light up the top of your chart on November This signals an emotional time in professional matters, as well as a turning point. If you're ready for a career change, then this could be when you finally decide you're ready. If you are already on a fulfilling career path, a reward or honor is possible for you. Key themes for Virgo: sex, love, abuse, trauma, healing, fertility, getting a promotion, retirement, being awarded.

    Virgo: How will this powerful Astrology unfold for you this month? Your love and relationship world will finally start to feel like it's gaining some traction again. Plus, you will have your Monthly and Annual Horoscope to view an overall picture of what awaits you further down the road. Interested in reading Horoscopes for other zodiac signs? You can quickly and easily access any of the 12 signs from within the app. Daily Outlook Looking for a quick summary of some key issues in your life? With our simple 5 star system, you get individual ratings for Money, Energy, Love and Mood.

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    Your daily forecast tells you which zodiac sign you are being drawn towards. You can also check the compatibility ratings for any two signs. Tarot Card Readings Looking for insight into a particular question or issue in your life? Tarot Cards can help explain your current situation and anticipate future events. In this app you get a free daily Three-Card Tarot Reading with detailed interpretations for each card. Reviews Review policy and info. This update also includes performance updates and bug fixes.

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