Pisces weekly horoscope from 5 february 2021

Weekly Horoscope

It might not be your style to start thinking about goals before the new year, but in , you are SO ready to do exactly that. And the stars support your mission! The winter solstice on December 21 is extraordinary this year as it also marks the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, an exact alignment that only happens every 20 years. You may be saying goodbye to one chapter of your life in order to make way for something that truly speaks to your soul. Be willing to release something that no longer serves you, so the stars can rewire your line to the divine with a high-speed connection.

Might as well get to work!

Decan 1 Pisces January 2021 Horoscope

With the holidays all but canceled, you may feel more grateful than Grinchy that Sagittarius season, your peak career month, is happening in December. The Sun is in Sagittarius and your goal-oriented, ambitious tenth house until Monday, December 21, joined by mental Mercury here from December 1 to Use your creativity, communication skills and social media outlets to get an advantageous leg up. But try to stay balanced when workaholic mode kicks in or your rebellious streak will make a showing.

The urge to escape your duties could hit hard on Sunday, December 13, when Mercury will square off against your ruler Neptune in Pisces. Give yourself a big timeout as a reward for your toils. Chill time is officially over, Pisces! The rest of the month will move at an active pace as the stars get busy all the way until the calendar turns. It all starts on Monday, December 14, when a total solar new moon eclipse lands in your tenth house of career and success. Is it time to step into a leadership role or pursue your true path? Ready or not, this game-changing eclipse could set the stage for a big transition.

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You may leave one professional position and move into another, get a smoking-hot new client or be offered a promotion with perks. This could unfold over the next six months, or it could happen abruptly and out of the blue.

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At eclipses, the number one rule is to expect the unexpected! This week, TWO planets—lucky Jupiter and structured Saturn—will both move into Aquarius and your twelfth house of healing, creativity and release for extended tours. On Thursday, December 17, structured Saturn ends a three-year term in Capricorn and moves into Aquarius, where it will remain until March 6, And in a rare convergence, this Saturday, December 19, expansive Jupiter also exits Capricorn and moves into Aquarius until December 28, Ever since December , the people on Team Pisces have been leveling up as mature and structured Saturn marched through Capricorn and your eleventh house of collaboration and technology.

Saturn transits can teach us tough lessons, but this one was relatively gentle—and vastly improved the integrity of your inner circle.

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Saturn came along and cleaned out your metaphorical tank, stocking your pond with folks who had true character. The eleventh house also rules collaborations, social justice and community, and while enthusiastic Jupiter visited Capricorn from December until this week, your inner activist was awakened.

You learned the power of working with a diverse and respectful crew. And going forward, your healing powers are about to be in high demand. As Jupiter and Saturn move into Aquarius and your mystical, closure-focused twelfth house Jupiter for the first time since , Saturn since , the next year of your life will be colored by its themes.

It just so happens that, as the twelfth sign of the zodiac, Pisces is the natural ruler of this zodiac zone. Being doubly blessed by structured Saturn and inspirational Jupiter in your home court could turn you into a heavy-hitter in an artistic, musical or healing field.

Pisces February Monthly Horoscope Predictions | land.xn----8sbal3cjanv.xn--p1ai

If you work in a nonprofit or around any social issues, you could rise to a leadership role. Where can you bring more love, art and compassion to the universe, Pisces? The twelfth house rules endings, and you may navigate some closure or forgiveness work.

As the veil between this plane and the supernatural lifts, you could get into hypnosis, mediumship or plugging into the divine however you choose. Mark your calendar for Monday, December 21, when Jupiter and Saturn unite at the closest point in their orbits since These two powerhouse planets only travel through the same zodiac sign simultaneously every 20 years.

Our loftiest ambitions can also become reality. Get ready for a huge portal to open, Pisces. Emotional and spiritual breakthroughs await! Right as the Great Conjunction ignites your restful, spiritual twelfth house, your social life picks up speed. Yup, last-minute Christmas shopping can be just as hectic online. Pace yourself between now and January 19 because you could be both wired and tired.

You need that Piscean solitude and dream time to keep yourself balanced. With angsty Mars in your money sector, you could feel the stress of pre-holiday deadlines or expenses.

And as manipulative Pluto in your group sector T-bones the red planet, the pressure to go in on a group cost, for example, could leave you seething. Why should YOU pay an equal share of something when others will benefit more? The workload on a team project could also be unfairly divided, and you could feel dumped on by your crew. While you might normally suck it up not that this is a good thing , the Mars-Pluto square could push you over the edge. Before you snap, try to work this out through dialogue.

If you really need to get things off your chest, your chance could arrive at the annual Cancer full moon this Tuesday, December You may not be able to get under any actual mistletoe, but with these moonbeams glowing your love zone, romantic confessions and outpourings abound.

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This is a day for celebration and fun, so find a way to get your holiday joy on safely. A surge of emotions could come bubbling up without warning, along with knee-jerk reactions from bursting into tears to exploding with rage. Indulging in excessive eating and drinking will only make this worse, so moderate your intake because your inner hedonist is ready to seize the reins.

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Aries : Marks the beginning of the year and the beginning of the natural Zodiac. It is the action of being. Impulsiveness, adventurous spirit, individualism. Taurus : It symbolizes the resources, the tools that we have, both at a material and immaterial level. It also implies how we gain value and security. Gemini : Represents mental learning. It is the openness in the plane of ideas, language, and communication. Cancer : The sentimental action. It implies a state of receptivity, nutrition, and protection. It is the security of being. Its essence is to express itself as it is.

Virgo : Mental learning. Analytical and discriminative, detailed, and critical signs. Represents purity as an index of separation of what is mixed. Libra : It is the action of thought and the most social sign. It is defined in and by relation to. It is the search for balance. It is like a mirror that reflects; it is learning through the other. Analytical, with a great capacity for concentration, transformation, and regeneration.

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pisces weekly horoscope from 5 february 2021 Pisces weekly horoscope from 5 february 2021
pisces weekly horoscope from 5 february 2021 Pisces weekly horoscope from 5 february 2021
pisces weekly horoscope from 5 february 2021 Pisces weekly horoscope from 5 february 2021
pisces weekly horoscope from 5 february 2021 Pisces weekly horoscope from 5 february 2021
pisces weekly horoscope from 5 february 2021 Pisces weekly horoscope from 5 february 2021

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