Virgo 2021 horoscope love march

Virgo, Your 2021 Horoscope Is All About Achieving Your Goals

2018 astrology for lovers : yearly, monthly, weekly

A lunar eclipse on Wednesday, May 26 in Sagittarius kicks things off, followed by a solar eclipse in Gemini on Thursday, June 10 , a lunar eclipse on Friday, November 19 in Taurus, and finally a solar eclipse on Saturday, December 4 in Sagittarius. Each of these can bring unexpected change, news, or sudden endings, so it's best to lay low and avoid the drama. Lucky planet Jupiter is in rebel Aquarius for most of the year, bestowing goodwill on those who advocate for change. The knowledgeable planet briefly leaves Aquarius and enters wise Pisces from Thursday, May 13 to Wednesday, July 28, before stationing there for a year beginning on Tuesday, December The brief visit to Pisces in the middle of the year will help point out which areas of your life need attention, so carve out time for meditation to keep your head clear.

Finally, starts to come to a close when the goddess of love , beauty, and abundance, Venus, goes retrograde in hardworking Capricorn on Sunday, December Remember, when any planet goes retrograde it gives us a chance to review and redo that area of our life that planet affects.

For some of us, this could cause a stagnant period of evaluation in our love lives, while others will see much-anticipated financial change. Astrology can't guarantee everything that happened in will be magically fixed in , but it can say that healing takes front and center stage. Read your sign's horoscope to see what areas of your life need extra attention. As the world starts to heal from the pains of , you need to let go of any habits that may have developed while isolating that no longer serve you.

This year brings opportunities for magnificent love, as long as you don't ruin it with an infamous Aries temper tantrum. Read your full horoscope here. Last year left you with plenty of time to think, Taurus, and wants you to act on your desires because you are worth it. This will likely manifest most obviously in your professional life, so don't be surprised if you leave one job for something bigger and better that fills your soul. Practice self-care and don't for a second forget your worth, or else you could risk missing out on an opportunity made for you.


After the economic chaos of , this year offers you opportunities to rebuild and grow professionally, but it won't be easy for you or anyone else, Gemini. The hard work and effort you put in last year will start to pay off, but you'll need to keep up some of the momentum. An eclipse in your sign brings a burst of unexpected news, further encouraging your personal growth that the new year brings.

You're an expert when it comes to taking care of other people, but asks you to let other people take care of you.

This may be hard to do, as it can be difficult to admit when you're vulnerable, but I pinkie promise that it's for your own health and happiness. You are ruled by the sun, Leo, so you were actually born to be in the spotlight. Social distancing was hard for everyone, but it's possible it affected your sign the most, leaving you to get creative. As the world starts to heal in , you'll feel like a lion trapped in a cage bursting to get out. When you do, you'll want to say yes to every date and every opportunity, but beware of short-term thinking, Leo.

Your mission is to practice patience and be discerning. As the healer of the zodiac, kept you busy, Virgo. When you weren't out there giving out masks and delivering meals you became an emotional net for friends and family, and it's likely you over-extended yourself. This year, it may be helpful to work through the trauma you've experienced, either by getting a therapist, meditating, or simply making more time for long walks.

Doing things that make you feel calm and balanced may just help you erect boundaries to bring in healthier relationships. As the sign of partnerships and balance, did a number on you. Not only was the world total chaos, but you had to primarily switch to flirting via sext, which while fun, is not the same as batting your eyelashes in real life. However, you still managed to get your fair share of attention. This year offers a chance at healthy, stable, and long-term love, you just need to keep your eyes and heart open.

The pains of may have brought out your dark side, Scorpio. That doesn't make you a supervillain but it does mean that you may have raised your stinger a few times to pick fights with those closest to you. But that's okay; if the last year has taught us anything, it's that life can be hard, and we all deserve a little more grace.

Now that you know how you react in some situations, do what you can to stop giving in to any overly aggressive tendencies.

Virgo 2021 Love Horoscope

Your friendships will benefit from keeping a cooler head. Last year was rough on everyone, Sagittarius, but you felt it super hard. As a fire sign who loves to be the life of the party, when parties were canceled, you may have wondered what the point of it all was — and given into doom-scrolling as a substitute. This year, you'll find purpose again.

Virgo Love Horoscope

You'll feel much better when you start listening and tending to your needs. Hello, dear Capricorn.

Pay attention, because you're going to like what you read. After the hellscape that was , this year puts your career and money center stage. In particular, you will benefit from leaning into what you love and whatever it is that brings you the most satisfaction. Control on anger.

Venus transit will make you talkative and curious this time.

More Horoscopes 2021 Signs

You will be very free-spirited and your love life will be full of fun. JULY: As Saturn is transiting through Capricorn you will look for emotional stability but you have to find in yourself only. You can end a restrictive relationship and start a new one. Your hobbies will be very restricted as you may find it very difficult to relax. Jupiter transit through Aquarius will bring you new ideas or job opportunities.

You have to be ready and move fast as things will change rapidly. Those who want to change jobs or companies will get the desired results. Good time for health matters. Mars transit for this month, you will feel secure in your love and relationship.

You will be emotionally honest. After mid Your confidence will be good. Mercury transit in Gemini will make you very creative and talkative. You want to do many things at once. Make the maximum use of this period. Rahu transit in Taurus will give you all the desire to achieve success.

At the start, venus transit will make you very sensitive and moody in love life, a good time for family. When Venus will move ahead you will be very demanding in love. Pride and ego will increase. You might feel restricted in your love life. The quality of your relationships will change and you may attract some Saturnians like people like old and mature.

You will find it very hard to relax. Jupiter transit in Aquarius will bring stability at work. You will start enjoying your work. Past issues and worries will reduce now. You will change your diet plans and your health will be improved. Mars transit will bring leadership quality back. You will be very regal this time. Excellent time for romance. Control anger. Rahu transit through Taurus will give you the desire to lavish things. Your romance and love life will be excellent.

Virgo 2021 Yearly Horoscope

Traveling is there. Mercury transit will make you a deep thinker. You will be mentally strong and emotional. After mid your speech will be very demanding and authoritative.

Virgo 2021 Yearly Horoscope Highlights

Venus transit this time will make you very creative this time. When Venus will move ahead you will be very critical and analytical. You will be a reserved and loyal partner. You will end your relationship and might start a new one.

virgo 2021 horoscope love march Virgo 2021 horoscope love march
virgo 2021 horoscope love march Virgo 2021 horoscope love march
virgo 2021 horoscope love march Virgo 2021 horoscope love march
virgo 2021 horoscope love march Virgo 2021 horoscope love march
virgo 2021 horoscope love march Virgo 2021 horoscope love march
virgo 2021 horoscope love march Virgo 2021 horoscope love march
virgo 2021 horoscope love march Virgo 2021 horoscope love march
virgo 2021 horoscope love march Virgo 2021 horoscope love march
Virgo 2021 horoscope love march

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