Horoscope february 23 cancer

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The world around you is changing and the only way to find your place in it is to change with it. Rise from your own ashes, wild one.

Your Horoscope This Week

Today you're being asked to embrace your softer side, Leo. Let empathy and compassion be your guiding lights down a new path. You seem to be surrounded by people who have only seen the logical, majestic lion. What will build a deeper connection is the benevolence you possess. Remember, we don't always have to tell people what to do.

In fact, they already know the best way forward. What you can however hold space for them to be seen and heard. What you're being asked to tap into is the first kind: the ability to deal with real world environments in a resourceful manner. Virgo , tap into your inner hustler instead of being weighed down by your circumstances.

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Remember, you don't have to do everything on your own. Delegating the right tasks to the right people is very much a part of your work description.

The cards are also talking about money magic. The results you desire are in their way to you now. Get into yin mode, Libra. Trust that the ideas you are seeking will come to you when you are replenishing your reserves. Connecting with your creative and spiritual side is another way to tap into your divine feminine. Give yourself the permission to paint your feelings onto a canvas or put pen to paper and allow the words to flow. We all have a destiny to fulfil.

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While some of us are fortunate enough to consciously create it, others walk their paths unknowingly. Scorpio , your connection with the divine has always been a special one. So, why are you doubting your inherent power now? The cards are reminding you that you are made of stars. Sagittarius , you are known for your perseverance; your ability to move forward even in the face of obstacles.

Count your victories like you count your blessings. What you are currently facing may seem challenging on the outside, but it is the Universe's way of reminding you of the jewels hidden deep within. In other words, you already possess the resources required to triumph over your circumstances.

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Carpe diem! Cosmic tip: You already possess the resources required to triumph over your circumstances. The Universe is always talking to us in signs and symbols. But the signs aren't always conveyed as words of wisdom from sacred texts. A song on the radio or a conversation you overheard at the bar could just be the affirmation your heart is looking for. The cards are urging you to take both the logical and the illogical into consideration. Things to consider when self-doubt gets the better of you: your instincts have never failed you.

Cosmic tip: Take both the logical and the illogical into consideration when making a decision.

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Respect is commanded, not demanded, Aquarius. You don't have to constantly flaunt your power or show them who is in charge here. The cards are suggesting you change the game a little. The best leaders know how to lead from the back equally well as the front. Analyse the situation before you decide on the role you will adopt. Words of encouragement will empower your team and get them to work towards the common goals in a harmonious manner.

This weekend, you're in the mood to take a big risk and reinvent yourself for the better. Trust that you will be rewarded for the courage and bravery that you are displaying at this moment. Your will to win is making the obstacles question themselves.

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Trust that the path is clearing itself right now and in this moment. Ready for the big win? Aries Horoscope Today: February 23, Cosmic tip: Spirituality and soulfulness. Taurus Horoscope Today: February 23, The more optimistic you are about the outcome of this shift, the more rewarding it will be. August September The Pisces New Moon lands in your 7th House of Relationships, paving the way to fresh partnerships and agreements. Any alliances or deals made now could be radically altered later, since Luna is conjunct Mercury Retrograde.

Extending the lease on a car, reaffirming marriage vows, or renewing a rental agreement are all good possibilities. Money can't buy you love. This is a wonderful time to refresh your daily habits and rededicate yourself to achieving wellness now that the New Moon is occurring in your 6th House of Work and Health. Mercury Retrograde is conjunct this Moon, prompting you to define your well-being in a different way.

Cancer Daily Horoscope February 23

By making it your mission to be happy regardless of your circumstances, your system will grow stronger and your vitality will increase. Still, your resolve to be content will be put to the test when a strained square occurs between passive Venus and entitled Jupiter today. Avoid taking your love interest for granted. Your desire for fun, happiness, and love gets a jolt today with the New Moon happening in your 5th House of Romance. However, your quest for a passionate relationship could be undermined by the difficult square between vain Venus and extreme Jupiter. Instead of expecting to be waited on hand and foot by your partner, strive for a union involving both give and take.

Together, you could build the fairy tale existence you've been dreaming of. You could have the opportunity for a fresh start in your home life with today's New Moon energizing your 4th House of Domesticity. Consider how you want your abode to look but keep an eye on your budget in the process. An antagonistic angle between greedy Venus and unrealistic Jupiter might prompt you to load up your credit card with lots of expenses. Instead of going on a shopping spree, see what you can do with inexpensive changes.

Small modifications could make a bigger splash than you realize.

Cancer weekly horoscope February 17 to 23, 2020

You can expect to experience mixed signals as today's New Moon in your 3rd House of Correspondence is joined by Mercury Retrograde in vague Pisces. Take every piece of news you hear with a grain of salt. Misunderstandings can also occur in the professional arena. Due to a difficult square between entitled Venus and overconfident Jupiter, it will be tempting to overstep your bounds. You might assume that an assistant will abandon their personal plans to help you this weekend.

Whatever you're working on may be important, but maintaining positive relationships with your colleagues is paramount. The New Moon is in your 2nd House of Money and Personal Values today, making this an ideal time to contemplate your financial goals. The key to attracting more money is to remember your worth. Reject all self-criticism and replace it with uplifting affirmations. Slowly but surely, you will see your bank balance grow. The New Moon hits close to home today, occurring in your 1st House of Self. This is the time to envision the future you desire. Whether you want a fabulous fortune, a passionate relationship, a new home, or robust health, you should imagine how it will feel to achieve this goal.

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