Horoscope chart reading

How To Get Started Reading An Astrology Chart

The Synastry Reports can be used discover what is great and also what is challenging in your love life. Find out if you are meant for each other, it is easy to see what is positive and negative in your relationship. Find out your past life information using the Draconic Report. It uses the True Node to calculate where your birth planets are according to your soul report. Find out where your progressions are currently to the minute using this amazing free report. You can view your progressed chart and explanations for all your current progressed aspects and houses.

Free Natal Chart Reading

With these reports you can accurately find out when your next lunar and solar returns are. Using the date option you can also find reports for every Solar Return and Lunar Returns for any year! Complete astrological calendar for the next year retrograde phase dates for all planets include Mercury, Mars, Venus, Uranus, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto. Less likely but still possible are changes of signs with the Sun and other planets they may be on a cusp. Again, you can check the range of possible positions.

However, without a birth time, you cannot know the precise positions with any certainty.

Everything You Need to Know About Reading Your Birth Chart

Chart data is saved in a cookie in your browser. If you clear your cache, the data stored will be erased.

However, if you take note of the Profile number and PIN directly below your list of charts, you can log in to a profile with these numbers in order to retrieve the chart data. This is also useful for retrieving stored data on other devices. Please note that chart data is saved for convenience, but we cannot guarantee that it will be stored perpetually.

It's always wise to keep data anonymous by using an initial or pet name in the name field.

Typically, an astrologer looks for a few key things in the birth chart:

You are currently in the Free Reports section of the Cafe Astrology site. Go to Cafe Astrology Home. Learn more about Understanding the Birth Chart Report. What is Astrology? Read descriptions of each zodiac sign Looking for more? We also offer detailed Astrology reports - birth chart, compatibility, romance, future forecasts, and more Astrology reports. Double check your birth data with us for free by sending your complete birth information to reports cafeastrology. Cafe Astrology is not responsible for how this information is used.

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We look at the larger and smaller trends of your upcoming year; also past, present and future. I will give practical insight on how to plot your course through the year ahead using the cosmic techniques: Solar Return, Transits, Progressions and more. We also go through a month by month over-view of the year looking at themes and ideal areas to focus on. Discover the energetic signature between you and your partner.

What is the nature of your sacred contract?

Learn to better understand each other by seeing the cosmic blue print of you loved one and the relationship dynamic. Both partners birth information will be required. Choosing an ideal date is key for a joyous and lasting marriage. This however will be based on your individual and collaborative definitions of what marriage is. I will match the perfect chart to your vision as a couple.

Account Options

Individual birth information as well is necessary. This road-map will eternally provide insight as your child develops. We will also explore the astrological relationships the child may have to the surrounding family. Triple the success of your company by aligning your business with the natural cycles of our universe. Rebecca Gordon works with the astrological profile of the main players in your company, assess the strengths and weakness of the brand, and helps you to navigate your year ahead. Founders' birth information will be required. Your astrological chart is a map of your physical body as well as the psyche and soul.

From head to feet, your body is innately tied into the planets and stars and even composed from many of the same compounds. The unique dynamics of your star chart translate to the functional patterns of organs and the muscular-skeletal system.

Rebecca will translate this to emotions, psyche and spirit, while also including best health and nutrition practices specific to your birth chart. We look at the big trends of your upcoming year; also past, present and future. I give practical insight on how to plot your course through the year ahead using the cosmic techniques: Solar Return, Transits, Progressions and more. Everything has a birth date; from companies, to stores, to websites to TV shows, movies and songs.

How to Read Your Birth Chart - Astrology Analysis, Interpretation

That birth chart lives on throughout the life of your endeavor. To prepare, we schedule a 'meeting' to go over the goals of your company or endeavor, then I work on finding the top 3 choices of dates and times that match your desires of outcome.

We then 'meet' for one hour to choose the most ideal. You may use all three more or less if desired for different parts of the production. At a cross-roads in career or looking to find the path that is absolutely you? With an in-depth career chart analysis, we explore your astrological business signature and create a stellar-timed map for the year ahead. Ready to set foot on the soil that says YES to you all the way?

horoscope chart reading Horoscope chart reading
horoscope chart reading Horoscope chart reading
horoscope chart reading Horoscope chart reading
horoscope chart reading Horoscope chart reading
horoscope chart reading Horoscope chart reading
horoscope chart reading Horoscope chart reading

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