January 30 horoscope virgo

Virgo Daily Horoscope

The magic of thinking big can do wonders for your current professional situation. Those in the field of sales and marketing should start the process of getting into the good books of superiors by working smart. Those travelling long distances will find the journey comfortable. Those wanting to buy a specific piece of real estate will find their wish being fulfilled.

Virgo Daily Horoscope January 30 2020

You are likely to receive a positive feedback about something you had done on the social front. Putting all the eggs in one basket on the financial front will not be a good idea. Meditation and yoga can help reduce unnecessary stress troubling you. Love Focus : You are likely to take the first step on the romantic front and brighten up your love life. Adequate precautions will be needed for those on a long journey.


A disputed property bothering you is likely to move towards settlement now. Better understanding prevails on the marital front to make the relationship rock! You will manage to deal with a skin problem or allergy troubling you for long. There is a need to monitor your finances closely. Your tact and persuasiveness may prove a big strength on the professional front. Chances of owning a house of your own look bright for some. You are likely to find yourself in high spirits and raring to undertake anything and everything today! You will be able to easily overcome the hurdles faced on the professional front.

Financial scene is likely to stabilise once you review your investment options. There is no cause for unnecessarily worrying about your health. Your upbeat mood will keep others in a jovial mood too on the home front. There is no reason to refuse an offer for travelling abroad. You will be able to spare funds for the upkeep of a property. An urge to splurge may take you to your favourite shopping locales with friends in tow.

Physically, you are likely to feel at the top of the world. You may choose to take a break from work, just to pursue a passion. Be charitable in dealing with disciplinary problems. Your self-discipline on the diet front is likely to keep you fit and healthy.

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You will need to choose the investment schemes wisely to ensure profitable returns. You will succeed in making things on the work front move at your pace. There is a possibility of some differences cropping up with spouse or some other family member, but you will manage to tackle them well.


Love Focus : A compatible ideology and mind set will help you achieve a good understanding with lover. Follow more stories on Facebook and Twitter. Games New Search. Thank you for subscribing to our daily newsletter. As La Nina peaks, longer, harsher winter likely.

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Delegate to capable specialists instead of DIYing certain things, but make sure to keep your own skills fresh and up to date. Your well-being will be a central topic for the next spell, and the stars could issue strict orders to take your health, stress levels and sleep schedule seriously. A new job with health benefits could be on the horizon—make sure to negotiate anything that gives you that balance. These two powerhouse planets only travel through the same zodiac sign simultaneously every 20 years. This event, called the Great Conjunction , will see Jupiter and Saturn uniting at the exact same degree of Aquarius.

This could bring a huge breakthrough moment around work, wellness and clarity about your plans. But not so fast, Virgo! The winter solstice also arrives this Monday, and the Sun starts its monthlong visit to Capricorn and your festive, frisky fifth house. And why should you?

Take a break

Go gently into your cleaning and decluttering spree, your health and supplement kicks, your Total Life Makeover. Enjoy a few holiday treats before starting that day sugar detox. Moderation and a spirit of fun are a must for the next month. For clues, look back to August 13 and October 9 to see what kind of conflict could resurface now. With Mars in your playing-for-keeps eighth house, part of you wants to lock in a serious commitment.

But Pluto in your lusty and hedonistic fifth house craves excitement and novelty more than soul-stirring intimacy. As a result of this inner turbulence, you may unconsciously stir up drama for the sake of a dopamine rush or getting attention. While healthier tactics might not come with the same sexy high, you can at least avoid the excruciating lows. Ready to celebrate the end of this looooong year? Have an early NYE celebration. Get on a group call or chat with your BFFs or favorite mastermind pod and set intentions for the year.

Virgo: Your daily horoscope - December 25

A certain relationship might be in need of evolution. Meditation, some self-care and intention-setting?

Yes, please! Keeping your eyelids open until midnight could be your greatest feat. Set up a cozy cocoon and reflect. The twelfth house also rules endings and release, so reflect on which parts of you want to let go of plenty of material to choose from there! A little exhausted from the intensity, Virgo? The red planet will continue to heat up this erotic and emotional zone until January 6.

On the upside, you could feel sexy, magnetic and alive in your skin especially now that Mars has ended its two-month retrograde on November This is somewhat balanced out by Venus in Scorpio and your third house of communication until December At least you can talk things through and articulate all those roiling emotions. But conversations could take a turn for the circular, driving you both into analysis paralysis.

Virgo: Your daily horoscope - December 25

It might be better to hash this out with a trusted and neutral adviser first. The second half of the month is ideal for getting in touch with your feelings, which might be unavoidable around the December 14 total solar eclipse in Sagittarius and your fourth house of emotional foundations, home and family. The next day, Venus will sashay into this same realm, sticking around until January 9 and dialing up the feels. Words of love! This sweet embrace between the two most enchanting and romantic planets inspires you to gush about your feelings.

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january 30 horoscope virgo January 30 horoscope virgo
january 30 horoscope virgo January 30 horoscope virgo
january 30 horoscope virgo January 30 horoscope virgo
january 30 horoscope virgo January 30 horoscope virgo
january 30 horoscope virgo January 30 horoscope virgo

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