Ascendant in taurus compatibility

Traits Associated With Taurus Rising

You will seek comfort over risk. Therefore life is best approached as a series of steps to be taken one by one, with plenty of rest stops along the way. Once integrated, this will also show the area of life where a sense of stability and deeper meaning should be sought.

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You are likely to be fairly consistent in your views, and may be considered fixed in values — either around material needs possessions , or emotional concerns the things you hold dear. You may be set around ideas for the future and what you feel you need to do to get there.

On the one hand, this can make you reliable and focussed. On the other, it can mean you stubbornly resist anything that does not meet preconceived ideas.

These natives can almost become obsessive about bringing some form of beauty in their lives.

Resistance can be an issue. The famed Taurean stubbornness means you are unlikely to budge. You can hold on to a situation, state of mind, or object for far too long, just to prove a point. In this case, learning when to be constant and hold on to something versus when to let go is paramount. You need comfort and security but you also need to ensure you do not to become too rigid, with a one-track view of how life will unfold. Taurus Rising often gives a kind, graceful and gentle disposition. You are likely to be peace-loving, easygoing and therefore well-liked. Gardening, cooking, beauty, art, dance or music may appeal to you.

Taurus is a very aesthetic sign. You are naturally drawn to comfort, security and harmony wherever possible. You are also likely to be sensually-oriented and respond strongly to bodily impulses. This quality should be cultivated and refined. Enjoying your senses without becoming gluttonous is key. You may have a tendency to enjoy food, wine and relaxation, as well as sexual activity, whenever possible. Yet too much of a good thing is worse than none at all. Your ability to enjoy the good things in life will decrease if taken to excess. Ill health can ensue as a direct consequence of over indulgence.

As a lover, you may need lots of stimulation and activity, yet may not be good at instigating change. But their jealous feelings and possessiveness will present themselves no matter what, in this case twice as much. Taurus ascendant people are seen as passionate and enigmatic by their lover, who will often think that these natives only want to manipulate.

It sometimes may seem difficult for these people to find someone not because they think of themselves as unattractive, but because they doubt their own values. This type of attitude can drive many people crazy, so they have an advantage against their opponents. Venus rules over Libra and the Aries rising, but the difference between these gives Taurus rising power.

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Rarely unhappy and very expressive, Taurus ascendant natives have beautiful round faces and are very cheerful. They need peace, so they accept people with their faults and weaknesses. However, expect them to turn into raging bulls when crossed because their opposite sign, Scorpio, also influences them to be ruthless.

The fact that they keep anger in and release it all at once means they will last for a while being upset.

They have great talent with business and could even make great artists if they would practice their Venusian side by appreciating art more. Taurus rising like to be free when working, without anyone to interfere or supervise them. Able to charm anyone with their strength and calmness, they will attract people without needing to make a great effort.

Taurus rising have strong bodies with big torsos.

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They will probably gain weight because they simply love food. With a short neck and wide, square shoulders, they are easy to spot when angry because their nostrils begin to flare.

Learn the Easiest Way to Interpret a Taurus Rising Birth Chart

Wanting to see harmony in the mirror and the people surrounding them, they will care about their self-image and how their close ones look. These natives will fight for their own independence their entire lives, and the pleasure of enjoyment will never be taken away from them. To bring clarity to our skies, Certified Professional Consulting Astrologer Diana Brownstone weighs in to help us better understand the widely oversimplified discipline:.

Same with the moon, same with the planets. So when it comes to relationships, should we look to the planets to lead the way in a deterministic fashion? The answer, according to Brownstone, is yes. In examining romantic relationships, and compatibility, there are quite a few elements in play.

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Here, Brownstone shares her notes on what to look for and what they mean for you and your lover:. In regards to a relationship: Brownstone observes that there is a general compatibility between people who share complementary elements within their sun signs e. However, the moon signs, ascendants, and lunar nodes should also be considered. In regards to a relationship: Compatibility between the sun signs of two people is an indicator of basic affinity.

Your Descendant is Taurus

For instance, an Aries and a Sagittarius both bring a similar energy [fire] to the table: enthusiasm, intention, and action. For instance, you could have a Scorpio and a Leo, and there will be this tremendous passion because the differences in the signs are very appealing. Moon Sign: Determined by the position of where the moon was at the exact time you were born.

This sign governs your instinctive, inner needs.

Taurus Rising Significance
ascendant in taurus compatibility Ascendant in taurus compatibility
ascendant in taurus compatibility Ascendant in taurus compatibility
ascendant in taurus compatibility Ascendant in taurus compatibility
ascendant in taurus compatibility Ascendant in taurus compatibility
ascendant in taurus compatibility Ascendant in taurus compatibility

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