Libra horoscope february 16 birthday

Planetary Row

It is in their nature to seek perfection and the ideal of love is their final destination, but only if they are brave enough to reach high enough and never settle for less than what they know lives in their Soul. A person born on the 16th of January has many talents, and will turn to artistic expression at some point in life, at least holding onto a hobby that helps them express. As if they were born dancing and singing, they will enjoy doing so day in and day out, and their creative side can be manifested through all forms of art, from music to fashion. Their designs will make their home and homes of those around them prettier, and they will excel at jobs such as those of designers and artists.

The crystal those born on the 16th of February should consider is alunite, or also named Angel Wing. It is a stone that brings creative arts to life and helps them discover the talent that sleeps within, while at the same time giving them powerful grounding and not letting them wander off and getting lost. This is a stone of harmony that helps one to establish the state of balance between physical and emotional energies. We have finally come to one of those dates that makes a person born on it to truly appreciate art in all its forms of expression. Well-informed and creative themselves, it won't be easy to buy them a piece of art though, but it is always a good idea to create something for them yourself.

They love gifts and surprises and you shouldn't wait for their birthday to show affection. Small daily things that spark their feelings are desirable, and grandiose signals that scream of your affection needed on important dates. Their tender soul craves for much more attention than their words and actions might show at first. Creative, loving, thankful for the beauty of life, they can be quite inspiring for everyone around them, feeding them love and positive energy.

They have an eye for beautiful and artistic things, and tend to rely on their senses and instincts that are never wrong. Lost and distant from the rest of humankind, they can be too different to fit in anywhere and too shy to try to. Their Aquarian social skills could be damaged by emotional pain, a big breakup or a friendship gone sour.

Aquarius - traits, personality, dates, characteristics and astrological sign information. This means that you will have the cosmic encouragement to speak bravely and openly about your feelings this month, while maintaining tact and intimacy. Just a final heads up: Mercury retrograde starts on the 16th, so if your early forays into honest communication get a little muddled, hang in there, cowboy. It will pay off in the long run. In fact, do me a favor, put your paw on your screen and receive this virtual high five from me.

February 16 Zodiac Compatibility, Love Characteristics and Personality

Okay, now, moving on. The most important thing for you to focus on this month is keeping yourself nourished and happy while you continue on your journey of self-improvement…because things are about to get a little high energy. Venus moves into Aries on the 7th, which means that your already firey energy will be amplified, specifically in the realm of sex and intimacy. This general rule that I am offering you—focus on soothing that fire in your belly—will apply throughout all the different astrological influences going on this month.

Mars is going to enter workhorse Capricorn on the 16th, at the same time that Mercury goes retrograde. This means that you are going to be all jacked up on the fighter energy of Mars as you walk into that mind-numbing Wednesday logistics meeting, which will not end well if you are letting that energy run wild right as Mercury retrograde makes communication go all weird and icky. Take a deep breath and ride out this wave of intensity without making too many sudden moves.

It is a good time to take up some strenuous and distracting activity like training for a marathon or cleaning out all the weird hoarder drawers in your house. You got this lionheart. What I mean is that, when the lover planet Venus enters fiery Aries, you can expect some confrontations with intimate partners in big or small ways.

Let me give you a totally common example that does not apply to me at all. You might experience conflict in the form of a small blow-up over whether or not one should refrigerate eggs. It could also be a more challenging confrontation about things more serious and less egg-based.

  • February 16 Zodiac - Full Horoscope Personality.
  • February 16 Zodiac Sign - BDay Personality.
  • Sabian Symbol.
  • Your February Horoscope Is Here and It Knows Why January Kinda Sucked - Repeller.

Hang tough, buddy, because the stars are in constant motion and this too shall pass. Then, when Mercury goes retrograde on the 16th, you are likely to see more sticky situations from the past come up and demand your attention.

Fortunately, when the sun moves into Pisces at the end of the month, you should feel some weight start to lift. This will give you more space to start plotting your next moves. January was a tough one for Libras.

February 16 Zodiac Sign

You were called by the cosmos to make some big moves toward your dreams, and that kind of forward motion is known to leave social chaos in its wake. If January asked you to make sacrifices and pursue your ideal self with intensity and ferocity, February asks you to slow down and pamper yourself in the most sensual ways you can think of. When Venus your ruling planet moves into Aries on the 7th, you might find yourself ready to take an assertive lead when it comes to your sensual pleasures.

Lean into this. Take all that fire that you have been feeling since January, let Aries amplify it, and then proceed calmly into the hedonistic delights of your choice. Oh and Libra, darling, that is not all! The full moon in Leo on the 9th will urge you to break out into the world and celebrate. So, basically I am suggesting a self-care bender. You will appreciate all this pampering when Mars enters work-horse Capricorn on the same day that Mercury goes retrograde. This means that the second half of the month could be very challenging in your career and social life again, ugh, sorry.

So make sure you spend the first part of the month getting your foot massage and eye-gaze on. Hey Scorpling, I truly have missed you specifically and terribly. See, the stars have led many scorplings to make major changes in their closest relationships and energetically shift their attention toward their wider community relationships.

This will likely be at odds with your characteristically intense communication style. Take this opportunity to practice having a lighter touch with yourself and others. To put it frankly, Scorpios are known to take themselves a tad seriously…which is the most annoying thing you can possibly say to someone who takes themselves too seriously. I am saying this for your own good and because the little spirits that inhabit celestial bodies that is how astrology works btw told me to tell you to practice thinking of your own intense emotional inner world as really not a huge deal.

If this sounds harsh, please forgive me. I just want to offer you the gift of realizing that this is all probably a simulation and your feelings are glitching lines of code and you get to stop suffering whenever you want. All this is very important as Venus moves into firechild Aries on the 7th. This will likely aggravate your passions, stir up your soup, heat up the old internal kettle.

The stars in your chart will basically be like a crowd of popular teenagers chanting, Fight! You have to calm your inner crowd of teenagers, because not only will they want to start a fight, they will also be horny as all get out.


Now, if the choice is between fisticuffs and doin it, I am always in favor of doin it, as are the small stargods. This means that it will be in your best interest to turn your energy toward quiet, diligent work and away from the battleground. Hey Sag!!

February 16 Birthday Horoscope | Cafe Astrology .com

Do you ever eat popcorn even though you are an adult and it is not made for our adult intestinal tracts, and then you get some sharp popcorn piece in your back molar and there is no tool in modern dentistry that can get this popcorn out of its hiding place? Luckily for you, Mars moves into Capricorn on the 16th, the same day that Mercury goes retrograde. This alignment will be challenging for many signs, but I think that it could actually be like a metaphorical golden toothpick for you! Mercury often causes past relationships to resurface and this influence can be meddlesome.

February 16 Birthday Horoscope 2020-2021

Hop to it, buckaroo! The beginning of the year is a hard time in general for many of us. The hangover of the holidays, the build-up of fresh starts, and the difficulty of living in the space between those two poles. It was a really strenuous time in your interpersonal relationships. Many of you felt like you were just consistently stepping in it. Mercury, the planet ruling communication, moves into flowy and chill Pisces.

Love Compatibility

This is basically the astrological equivalent of the first hints of spring. How should you capitalize on this, you ask? Preferring to keep active, you can be productive and resourceful. With a touch of the mad genius, you can have inspired and unique ideas. An exceptional thinker and good synthesizer of information, you enjoy learning and sharing your knowledge with others.

When you are preoccupied with your own thoughts, however, your mental focus can be elsewhere, and you may appear absent-minded. Although you can usually be quite detached, sometimes a tendency to hold on to disappointments or frustration may undermine your positive plans and goals. Releasing the past enables you to live more happily in the present. While you are between the ages of four and thirty-three, when your progressed Sun moves through Pisces, your emotional sensitivity increases, making you more imaginative, receptive, and emotionally aware of your social life.

libra horoscope february 16 birthday Libra horoscope february 16 birthday
libra horoscope february 16 birthday Libra horoscope february 16 birthday
libra horoscope february 16 birthday Libra horoscope february 16 birthday
libra horoscope february 16 birthday Libra horoscope february 16 birthday
libra horoscope february 16 birthday Libra horoscope february 16 birthday
libra horoscope february 16 birthday Libra horoscope february 16 birthday

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