Astrological signs planets

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After a year I worked part time as a Graphic Designer and stepped down from my Creative Director position. I loved it, to be creative as an Artist and as a Designer. I looked at as my year to make the jump. If my work as an Artist balances out with my salary then I would quit in the Summer of And so here we are. I also am sharing a studio with my good friend, Naomi PQ , and I feel like my creative drive is just beginning. Anj: What do you love about painting? How do you feel when you're in a creative flow state?

Dev: Like every part of me is free. Free to express myself through the stroke of my hand. How all of it leads back to my heart.

Your REAL zodiac sign

These elements I use to paint have a mind of their own and how I need to respect the process. It centers me and reminds me that the process is just like the life we lead.

I know I still have so much more to learn but while I'm painting no matter how it's going, I'll embrace this moment. Anj: You reference your roots quite a bit in your work. Talk to me more about how your roots inspire your work. Dev: One of my earliest memories is of my Lolo Jose teaching me how to water mango saplings. He converted to Buddhism when my mother was young, so he viewed the world with love and kindness.

I didn't realize it then but watering those mango trees were life lessons.

We need to take the time to nurture, practice patience, and respect all living things. I still imagine him walking beside me often, carrying his teachings as I find my way in this world. Nature and the Sun drive my pieces. My abstract works are fragments of moments.

Like the sunset I grew up with when I was seven years old in the Philippines, like how I saw the water in Cebu when I dove in as a young adult, and like when I saw the redwoods with my children for the first time. I see earth in our skin and especially when I paint people.

How our mango trees grew and blossomed because the dark earth was rich with nutrients. I imagine the Sun piercing through these women I depict. I paint their love and bravery because their resilience cannot be contained. I want to celebrate all of it. Anj: Motherhood and your daughters are also central themes in your work.

How has motherhood changed your approach to creating artwork? Dev: Everything. I was still deep in my Design Career and I would paint at home.

How to Embody the Energy of All the Zodiac Signs

One day Quinn, who was 3 years old at the time introduced me at the park to a mom. That's really when I really owned it. I am more fearless because of my girls. I own my body, I thank people when they compliment me, and I am selective but fearless when I use my voice. I am more in tune how I speak about myself because of them. When I paint these women I want to celebrate them. I notice how I embrace myself is translated in my paintings. Anj: What advice can you give to parents who are trying to tap into their kiddos' innate creativity?

All About Astrology: Using the Planets for Insight

Dev: I don't have a lot of guidelines set up. I'll say "Let's draw the biggest fish we can draw" or "how many silly lines can we make" and I let them lead me. They ask me questions, show me things, and I sit there with my coffee watching their eyes wide with excitement. Watching them in their creative process is pure joy for me.

Those silly lines can turn into a dragon or waves and next thing we know, we're drawing a big beach scene. My advice would be that you can suggest something to start it off but be open to how they take it. It is such a beautiful window into their minds. Talk to us about his component of your creative expression. My friends told me about this Hip Hop Crew I should try out for, I was so scared because I've never taken a dance class in my life.

I got in and it was like having another family. We competed all over the East Coast, it was a blast! I found hipline when I started my first Design Job and needed an outlet.

Basics of Astrology

It was exactly what I needed and one of the owners asked if I was interested to teach. I've been teaching there since and am still going strong. It's a wonderful community of women. Now we're virtual and reaching clients all over. Anj: What does a typical [pandemic] day look like for you?

Planets and Their Meanings

Dev: I've been practicing being kinder to myself lately. Both me and my husband work full time and so having the girls at home is a challenge. Some days we are amazed by how smooth it went and then there are others where if the girls are clean and bellies are full, it's a total win. Now that we're on month 8 our rhythm before covid felt more chaotic to be honest.

And also as they will be and how they were. If you would like the full experience please enable an up to date version of Adobe Flash Player. Note: Some browsers e. By default we assume you are viewing this page using a mobile device and provide a lightweight app showing you the positions of the planets today and 30 days into the past and future.

However you can select to view the page using our desktop version which uses more CPU and has more features but is fiddly to use on a small screen. You can also watch a video of the planet positions using our yearly planetary alignment videos.

With our desktop app, you can rewind time to see the heavens at the time of your birth and discover for yourself which sign each planet was in and which were in retrograde. However, please be aware that although the positions of the planets shown are accurate, they are not to the second by second precision of the charts that astrologers normally use.

Most of the controls are reasonably obvious - especially if you play with them. The top slider allows you to control how time moves so you can speed forwards and backwards in time. Pressing the yellow button by the slider puts it into real time so the planets move as quickly on the screen as they are in space. So it's not to difficult to rewind time to the time of your birth to see the planets as they were. If you need to get the display back to show the planets as they are today and now, then press the yellow button next to the date time display at the top.

For full information on all the app controls, click here. The view above shows all the planets arranged around the Earth as if they were in located on a sphere with the earth in the centre - a geocentric view. This ensures all planets are shown in the correct zodiac sign. Planets glow as they go into retrograde. You may find that planets were on the cusp of retrograde at the time of your birth, in which case you may need to consult accurate charts to see exactly when retrograde phase started. Or indeed if the planet was in a stopped phase either side of retrograde.

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astrological signs planets Astrological signs planets
astrological signs planets Astrological signs planets
astrological signs planets Astrological signs planets
astrological signs planets Astrological signs planets
astrological signs planets Astrological signs planets
astrological signs planets Astrological signs planets
astrological signs planets Astrological signs planets
Astrological signs planets

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