Lunar eclipse march 16 2021 astrology sagittarius

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Your mission to consider in the first half of December: Where would you like to make a fresh start? Use these two weeks building up to the Sagittarius solar eclipse on Monday, December 14, to contemplate that because ready or not, a new chapter is coming. Family pressure could kick in on Sunday, December 13, when Mercury in your independent first house squares off against guilt-tripping Neptune in your domestic zone. A Sagittarius total solar new moon eclipse electrifies your first house of self and personal initiatives, bringing on a major reinvention. Your entire life trajectory could get a reset, or you could feel a clear, strong sense of the direction you want to move in—possibly for the first time all year.

Eclipses bring events out of the blue, so this one hits the reset button hard! Look back to ways your life may have radically changed during that period. In our case as fellow Sagittarians, Ophi became a first-time mother during that eclipse series! A hardworking and burdensome year comes to an end as both Saturn and your ruling planet, Jupiter, wrap up long tours through Capricorn and your financial sector.

Did feel like nothing but work, work and more work? On the one hand, there are worse things than being productive and prosperous in the midst of a pandemic—and the busyness of these Capricorn transits may have helped you get through some tough times. But are you more than just a little exhausted, Sag? On Thursday, December 17, Saturn ends a frugal three-year trek through Capricorn, lifting its weight from your work and money house. A year of doing more while making less comes to an end whew! On the zodiac wheel, Aquarius is sextile degree angle of ease to your Sagittarius Sun, a friendly and gentle energy.

With your third house of communication and ideas activated, you could be recognized as a thought leader or visionary in your circle. Teaching, writing, podcasts, video—your medium AND your messages are manifold. Pick your platform and start sharing with the world. You already had a taste of Saturn in Aquarius from March 21 to July 1, , when the ringed taskmaster made a brief pitstop here.

From educational projects to dynamic-duo collaborations to getting your message onto a broader platform, this double-dip into the Aquarian seas could be a richly creative and expressive time for you!

Eclipses – 2000-2024

Known as the Great Conjunction , this extraordinary day could deliver a captive audience. Is it time to start the party…or not? After a long year of constant work and responsibility, you deserve this levity! But Monday also kicks off Capricorn season, as the Sun starts its month-long visit to Capricorn and your work and finance zone. Make time to work hard AND play hard—within pandemic precautions of course. Consciously get up and walk around after long work spells. Take conference calls by phone instead of on Zoom preferably on a walk to bust up the sedentary vibes.

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Sagittarius, you do your best thinking while in motion, especially outdoors. Get out of your chair and into the open air! Financial pressure could mount, causing you to snap. Or you may feel like the demands of an inflexible schedule are harshing your buzz. Being responsible is fine for you…up to a point. Watch for power trips and outsized egos as someone possibly you could attempt to pull rank.

Couples might fight about money or the future as you attempt to strike the right balance between excitement and security. Look back to August 13 and October 9 for clues of what could bubble up now. Buried feelings can come pouring out, taking you and another person by surprise. Jealousy, possessiveness and resentment could also surface.

Aries Monthly Horoscope

On the upside, a tender full moon in your sensual eighth house might also mark an erotic awakening. A simmering attraction could reach its consummation point. For couples, the Cancer full moon may bring a proposal, talks of taking a serious next step or possibly a split. Make sure everything feels favorable or else be willing to walk.

The way astrology views the coronavirus

The eighth house rules wealth and shared resources, so by merging superpowers with the right people, you could move into stronger and faster together. While it might not be possible to travel now or maybe only within limitations , you can still bring a spirit of adventure and expansion to the day. What risks will you take to make that happen? Where could you invest and see exponential returns? How can you do something out of the ordinary, ditch your comfort zone or even get out of city limits for a drive in the afternoon?

Find ways to safely expand your horizons so you can move into with the sense of awakened possibility that Sagittarians crave.

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Feeling hot, hot, hot…or not, not, not? Actually, Archer, it could be a bit of both in the first half of December.

2020 Great Conjunction ~ Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius ~ ASTROLOGY NUMEROLOGY NOW

Enjoy revving your engines for another few weeks because Mars will stick around until January 6, granting you one final month of smoldering mojo. Until January 9, Venus will spark you up as she makes her annual foxtrot through Sagittarius, and paired with Mars in Aries, these two fire signs are sure to ignite your libido. Lights, sounds, and smells have the effect of conjuring up happy memories, and the overall feeling is one of serenity and peace.

The sun is square Chiron at p. Before midnight, the sun in Capricorn creates a square to Chiron in Aries, creating anxieties around proving ourselves and measuring up. Yet we forget that although traditions solidify our place in the chain of our lineage, we individually act as unique links, and the function of a link is not only to connect but to bring our own design to the sequence.

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  7. The essence of tradition is not to emulate, but to honor our participation, which means leaving space to create new memories, to pass down some of our Self to the generations that come after us. As there is no way to preserve the past, we should not try to preserve its feeling, but to make our own magic from our daily engagement. All the aspects mentioned are calculated in Standard Pacific Time, for greater accuracy please adjust to your own location. Yesterday Today Tomorrow.

    lunar eclipse march 16 2021 astrology sagittarius Lunar eclipse march 16 2021 astrology sagittarius
    lunar eclipse march 16 2021 astrology sagittarius Lunar eclipse march 16 2021 astrology sagittarius
    lunar eclipse march 16 2021 astrology sagittarius Lunar eclipse march 16 2021 astrology sagittarius
    lunar eclipse march 16 2021 astrology sagittarius Lunar eclipse march 16 2021 astrology sagittarius
    lunar eclipse march 16 2021 astrology sagittarius Lunar eclipse march 16 2021 astrology sagittarius
    lunar eclipse march 16 2021 astrology sagittarius Lunar eclipse march 16 2021 astrology sagittarius

Related lunar eclipse march 16 2021 astrology sagittarius

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