Horoscope meanings leo

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The constellation of stars bearing the name of Leo with more than seventy stars visible to the naked eye is situated in the Northern Hemisphere, close to the Great Bear constellation. The largest star is know as Regulus and has been used for navigation at sea in the past. Leo is a so-called fixed astrological sign. Similarly, people of this sign often have fixed ideas and goals, and if they believe them to be right and true, they do not yield to opposite arguments or pressure.

Leo as masculine sign has been assigned to the Sun, and indeed, that is the most fiery of all signs. When the Sun, which is the ruler of the house of Leo is in occupation, the heat produced looks like that of a raging lion, and hence the origin of its name. In ancient Greek mythology the Sun was embodied by Apollo. With the zodiac sign of Leo we also relate the story of Hercules and the Nemean lion. The killing of the Nemean lion was the first of the 12 labors of Hercules. The lion was a fearsome beast that terrorized the land of Nemea, Greece. Hercules found it difficult to kill the lion whose skin was impervious to metal, stone and wood.

Sun in Leo: Characteristics and Meaning - Stars Like You Astrology

Hercules had to use his bare hands, strangling the animal and removing its skin to wear it afterward as a cloak. Fighting the lion is a metaphor of the creative process that the sign of Leo has to face head on. Note how Hercules went to fight the lion bare-handed. He only had himself. Likewise, the zodiac sign of Leo is destined to work on and perfect the art of self-expression.

This sign has unbounded enthusiasm and often believes to have a special mission in life.

Meaning of the Zodiac Sign Leo

Leo tends to be very persistent in the following of its goal, regardless of the time, cost, possible inconveniences or amount of personal sacrifice. People born in this sign are capable of formulating ideas quickly and can adapt well known fact and ideas giving them new purpose and meanings. Having a sharp mind, they can surprise their listeners by the apparent mastery over the subject of discussion.

They possess a keen appreciation of art and are very fond of beautiful and harmonious surroundings.


Leo is capable to consider things from a real, practical standpoint, which leads to scorning trivial or minor actions. Leo personalities are of bright disposition, sympathetic and generous , vivacious and joyously unrestrained, with a pleasant character free from envy or malice.

From time to time, they are inclined to quick flashes of temper, but they are never resentful and they can often win their enemies into apparent friendliness. These vigorous personalities can be make money with ease, but they are not really prone to saving them. Instead, they might spend their money on extravagance and luxurious life. They often will fight for their family and friends, and will be loyal to the last. They work hard on their relationships and never take family for granted. They are often very caring and chivalrous, and at the first sign of trouble, they are there to help someone in need.

The Leo zodiac sign is filled with a deep moral sentiment - they believe in doing what is right. However, because of their pride, they often have trouble accepting help. Although they are typically very creative, they don't like to get involved with details, and find people who do work with detail quite boring.

Their talent for expressing themselves often comes out in everything that they do. A black and white list of zodiac sign characteristics formatted for printers. Includes keywords, planetary rulers, symbols, elements and modalities. Those born under the Leo zodiac sign are driven by their egos, and do not do well when that ego is damaged.

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Their pride can often get them into a lot of trouble. This can happen when they are not in control of a situation. The love of being in charge and the driving their social groups can lead them to seem smothering to friends and family. This can also lead to them being left alone and ignored, which is just about the worst thing that can happen to a Leo. They are often quite easily hurt and do not deal with their insecurities well. Some Leos can be downright fragile when it comes to their pride, meaning they do not react well to criticism.

When they feel snubbed they can start to childishly demand attention. Deep down inside, though their pride will never let them admit it, many Leos search for the approval of others. It helps them feel important and loved. Leo people can come across to other signs as being very arrogant and selfish, distancing them from those that they consider a waste of their time.

An insecure Leo can sometimes be found showing off, desiring to prove that they are what they want to be perceived as. Get the Claves Astrologicae, a card astrology oracle deck. Use the zodiac, the planets, the houses and the phases of the moon to guide you. Love is the most important thing in a Leo person's life. They always need to feel appreciated and loved, and if they do, they return that love generously.

They love all the theatrical aspects of love and courtship, the showy dates, grandiose gestures, the romantic and expensive dinners all being ways they show both their love and their pride. They make for passionate partners and bring the fires of excitement to all their love affairs.

If they are ignored or left to feel unappreciated, they will feel very hurt. Breakups and divorce are not just painful emotional losses, but also serious blows to their ego. The deep emotional impact a breakup can case a Leo is therefore twofold - they take it as a personal failure above all. Most Leos will do everything they can to avoid that outcome. Their great sense of pride can also mean that they have a problem with admitting when they are wrong. On the other hand, when their partners have wronged them, they forgive quite easily, so long as the apology is sincere. They are not the type to hold grudges, and fall sometimes much too easily to flattery.

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Leo generally are accepting of everyone around them, and cultivate strong and long-lasting relationships. Much like the lion, people who share the Leo zodiac sign love a sense of community. They are very protective of their family and friends, and do not take real or perceived threats well. Any kind of family rifts affect them deeply, as their highest priority is often to keep the family close, strong, and healthy.

People who fall under this sign will have long lasting relationships with their family and friends, meaning that they rarely fall out of step with people, or lose relationships. When it comes to careers, a Leo will usually choose jobs that have a high pay grade. They like their luxury and material things, so money is something that will be at the forefront of their minds.

This works well enough, because they love to be the leader - meaning they often do well being the top boss and owning their own businesses. They can often have some trouble when they first start off in a job and have to deal with upper management and taking orders from others.

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