March 24 lunar eclipse astrology

Moon Phases for Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand in 2020

Thank you.

Eclipses: Tables | Cafe Astrology .com

Women circles secret and open all around the country are using your musings. I want you to know you are Heard. Tandra says:. Thank you! Jennifer McCardle says:.

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After walking about 13 NYC blocks today I had to retreat to the smallest patch of grass to deal with all of the horrible energies I had picked up and sort through the horrific pain I felt. A man yelled at me to get off the grass and so I moved towards the 3 police vehicles and offered him a chance go speak to them about it, meanwhile every part of my body ached with pain as I once again sat down on the grass and touched my hands to mother eARTh.

Have lived in NYC and been yelled at several times doing anything from wearing high heels in the snow to not ordering my coffee fast enough! Jennifer, I live in paradise…on a remote island beside the sea with eagles and whales and deer as companions but have also gone through intense emotional angst this last week. Even amidst incredible beauty there is pain.

We are all in it together.

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May the earth kiss your feet wherever you go precious soul. Sarah says:.

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Thank you so much to all of you for taking your time to write and share this knowledge with all of us! Each insert pin points all that has been happening. My mind has been bubbling for some time and it seems to be out of my body. Thank U for the info. Amy says:. I can not thank you enough for the poignant reminders that resonate to the core.

Eclipses: Tables

This eclipse is potent medicine, and how each perspective unfolds is chocked full of synchronicities of my mind and spirit, feeling the gravitational pull on my heart strings by drudging up primal wounds from inner child guards…all the while intuitive knowing that the painful feelings are the medicine necessary to heal and set free.

And find our purer self And may we play with the colourful blessing to have more enriching and joyful life.. Happy Holi to all. This past week has been intense, like a storm in a storm…and now I want to sleep peacefully. This is just what i needed to hear. Thank you so much. Wow how this hits home. Having a hard time figuring out how to go about changing that energy dynamic with one particular person.

Thank you for the support through words meant for all. MyMantra says:. Lisa says:. The Cosmos is giving us an opportunity to face the truth about ourselves. Fear will always be prowling at the door. Will we be good enough? Will we be able to support ourselves? Face those questions with a big resounding YES! Why not? Carolyn Lygo says:. Thank you for the fine explanation of this intense eclipse. What a wonderful and insightful web sight. Can you add my name to your list? This is great! I am a libra, unsure of herself, but with great ideas.

Universe sent me a huge dream last night on how I should start, finally! Now is my plan for action. Helps so much I get it, where I need to go. Surprisingly, I need to take comedy classes.


My sun and Saturn are in the 8th house. I am also a fierce healer, but I have such a sarcastic wit and quiet confidence to me Aquarius rising, sag moon, scorpio mercury. Thank you for this info. Thanks for this info! I really needed confirmation. Even though my dream was so clear last niggt! A stage and an audience! How exciting! Your page has touched me thank you.

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I hope and pray that this lunar eclipse has lead to my conception. I have my moon in libra and have recently got involved in a relationship with a friend of 5 years. We made love on the night of the lunar eclipse, that morning I felt ovulation pains. I have also had major upheavals in almost all relationships. Hi Lisa. The effect will be similar to Sun sextile Saturn transit. In my chart venus turns SD after turning Rx 24 days after my birth Pr sun entered Libra one year ago.

Hi GG. Always concentrate on transits and moon phases to your natal chart and include precession correction for best accuracy. So you are 24 years old? The Venus progressing direct is very important in opening up and for growth in love life, also self love. It can take a few years to fully kick in. I am a Bernie supporter… Love your site. Hi Syed, read Sagittarius decan 3 horoscope. Hi Jamie, my natal Pluto is 2degree libra and sun is 4degree libra.

What can I expect..

The Astrological Significance of Eclipses

I started a big love around Sep lunar eclipse.

march 24 lunar eclipse astrology March 24 lunar eclipse astrology
march 24 lunar eclipse astrology March 24 lunar eclipse astrology
march 24 lunar eclipse astrology March 24 lunar eclipse astrology
march 24 lunar eclipse astrology March 24 lunar eclipse astrology
march 24 lunar eclipse astrology March 24 lunar eclipse astrology

Related march 24 lunar eclipse astrology

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