Grand fixed cross astrology

Astrological Configurations

The figure is seen as a source of extreme tension whereby various aspects of the personality represented by the planets are working at cross purposes that serve to nullify each other. On the other hand, the stability inherent in the Grand Cross usually indicates a willingness to overcome the obstacles faced and is therefore an opportunity to tackle difficult themes and to grow and master them.

However, if the stability becomes stubbornness there is a danger of missing the right moment to move on, or resolving a situation by using inappropriate force.

The Mutable Grand Cross from the Perspective of Evolutionary Astrology

People with many squares in their horoscope, if they work hard enough at overcoming the conflicts thus involved, are said to be able to achieve remarkable personal growth and self-fulfillment. When one of the planets forming the Grand Cross is triggered by a transiting planet then all the other planets in the figure are also affected - either by conjunction , square or opposition.

This makes this aspect figure especially powerful. For this reason it is important to be consciously aware of its inherent qualities to avoid the danger of taking excessive action. From Astrodienst Astrowiki. Jump to: navigation , search. Category : Aspect Figure. Navigation menu Personal tools Log in editors only. Namespaces Page Discussion. Views Read View history. Delusions, illusions, and fantasies are symbolized in the Pisces archetype.

Idealization and even fanaticism can occur in this archetype because of a projection of ultimate meaning; this is why it is so important to filter information and ideas instead of taking in it in as a whole square to Gemini and polarity to Virgo. A culmination, or completion, of an entire evolutionary cycle is symbolized. Any external area of life that represents ultimate meaning will be dissolved or brought to completion.

Commonly, an increasing sense of emptiness and meaninglessness is experienced.

Aspect Patterns

Anything external that we have given too much meaning to will lead a progressive state of disillusionment. In a negative expression, a variety of behavior that is linked with the need to escape can manifest. Even though disillusionment is painful, it does lead to a re-alignment with actual reality Virgo polarity point to Pisces.

Taking the above discussed archetypes of the mutable grand cross into mind, we can then solidify these core concepts through the use of a simple illustration. If, for example, in a natal chart an individual has Pluto in the ninth house, a South Node in the twelfth house, and North Node in the sixth house, what core correlations, or core dynamics, could we determine from this natal signature? Pluto in the ninth house correlates to a core desire to penetrate to the "bottom line" of the Soul's personal truth.

Any aspect of the Soul that is not inwardly honest and not in alignment with natural laws will come under the evolutionary pressure of Pluto. The Soul will experience a metamorphosis of any beliefs that have become rigid and outdated; Pluto's polarity point of the third house will necessitate an exposure to the diversity of viewpoints and ideas of others. This experience serves to induce an expansion of limited beliefs, and an awareness of the subjective nature of the personal truth and beliefs within the Soul.

The South Node in the twelfth house reflects a susceptibility to the beliefs and teachings in the environment. The Soul may have unconsciously osmosed the belief system of the early childhood environment. The Soul may have become suffocated or overwhelmed by the teachings of others. The situation may have been created in which the individual fell prey to fictitious teachings and teachers; these teachings and beliefs may have been given ultimate meaning South Node in the twelfth house. The experience of disillusionment will manifest at some point within the life. Disillusionment serves to promote the awareness of natural laws and truths verses false teachings and illusions.

The North Node in the sixth house correlates with the need for discernment and self-improvement.

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The Soul will naturally begin to analyze the deficiencies in the belief structure in order to affect improvement. In this case, an exposure to the diversity of view points, ideas in the environment Pluto's polarity point in the third house will manifest to induce this evolutionary change. Intellectual and philosophical confrontation may occur in order to enforce these necessary evolutionary intentions.

An essential humility will take hold, and the Soul will have developed the capacity to discern what information is true and what information is false North Node in the sixth house.

Fixed grand cross

These inner adjustments will lead to a progressively positive response from others to the teachings Pluto in the ninth house that the Soul may wish to impart. X OOPS! Please wait while we add the items to your shopping cart Search Results.

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Beginner Astrology: Cosmic/Grand Cross

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