Scorpio zodiac compatibility scorpio

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When the share intimate moments, they feel secure enough to express emotions. The intensity in which two Scorpios love one another can turn obsessive. At first, their love grows daily, and it seems like they are living a fairy tale. But true to their nature, Scorpios demand to up the ante. They are always looking for more. Eventually, this duo hits a plateau.

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The Scorpio and Scorpio love affair will either make it or break it. It all depends on whether they will accept one another once all blinders fall away. The Scorpio and Scorpio relationship is one of sweet promise. Both Scorpios demand a partner who commits to the relationship. While demanding commitment, they might find fulfillment with another.

Because of their propensity for cheating, the trust in this pairing is always on shaky ground. Just thinking about straying will be enough to trigger difficulties. Scorpios are a possessive pairing. Despite the unethical double life Scorpios sometimes live, they still take care responsibilities.

Scorpio Compatibility: Overview

They go into the relationship with the best of intentions. If the spark fades, then they go outside the relationship for satisfaction. This couple will spend as much time as possible in the house they share. They prefer to keep the world outside.

Who Is Most Compatible With Scorpio?

It lets them keep their secrets. It also lets them protect their relationship from outside interference. This closeness seems wonderful at the beginning of the relationship. But, the absence of autonomy promises resentment and boredom down the road. A big fence between houses might spare the neighbors!

Scorpio Compatibility In Love, Sex & Relationships

They draw down the shades tight. Hopefully, the walls are soundproof too. When securing in a secret place all their own, two Scorpios go wild. This couple sheds their inhibitions as fast as their clothes! The downside to such lusty libidos is Scorpios are prone to having secret affairs. Even worse, they are not forgiving of such affairs if their partner cheats. The jealousy may arise over a real transgression or one perceived in error. A playful and flirty conversation with someone outside the relationship is bad news.

It is enough to set off sparks of fury! Scorpio lovers require a lot of patience and understanding from their partner. They rarely give the amount of patience they demand a partner gives to them. The sex between two Scorpios is heavenly. But, the animosity arising from intense jealousy can feel more like hell. Scorpio and Scorpio compatibility is exceptional if this duo plays fair.

They bond well on an intellectual level.

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Both parties find it easy to talk to one another, but they are still prone to secrecy. They need their secrecy to feel secure. No one understands that truth better than another Scorpio personality. Scorpios are on the moody side. When they are going through extreme mood swings, they understand what they need.

Scorpio and Scorpio Table of Contents

But, one Scorpio can serve as an anchor for another. But, problems will arise if they are both in a down mood at the same time. The depression they feel can turn into a vicious circle. It extends the mood swing beyond its normal period and their emotional suffering.

Scorpios find each other easy to relate to when they share their feelings with one another. They have a psychic connection. A glance from across the room or a certain way of smiling says everything they need to say. If this pairing ever mistrusts one another, all hell breaks loose. The communication between them will take one of two turns. They will either stop speaking to each other or torment each other.

The torture begins with hurtful words and sentiments. Since they know each other so well, they know what hurts the most. Arguments can be quiet or downright hellish. If the Scorpio and Scorpio relationship results in marriage, these two settle down. When they have kids, they always come first as do all their day-to-day responsibilities. Being exhausted from taking care of chores and kids limits the time they spend together. If no children are involved, this relationship might slip into the parent-child dynamic.

When this happens, one party is doing all the nurturing. The other ends up taking the nurturing partner for granted.

Scorpio's Best Matches

The only way out of this rut is for the two lovers to restore the balance. They must show affection and caring for one another again. If the cooldown lasts too long, one or both Scorpios are more likely to stray.

Ultimate Guide to Scorpio Compatibility: Every Sign, Rated

Two Scorpios communicate best through sexual relations. Even though they discuss emotions, they never share everything with one another. They hold back, in part, due to their nature, and because there is an everlasting level of mistrust. Scorpios have a great deal of difficulty trusting one another. Familiarity breeds contempt. At the same time, they really know nothing at all.

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scorpio zodiac compatibility scorpio Scorpio zodiac compatibility scorpio

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